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1. Pandatech.AuditTrail

Pandatech.AuditTrail is a tool meticulously crafted to gather vital entity data from the change tracker post DbContext SaveChanges operation.

1.1 Features

Audits necessary entities for logging or preserving modified property data. Offers a convenient fluent configuration to specify tracked entities with ease.

1.2 Getting Started

Install the package via NuGet Package Manager or use the following command:

Install-Package Pandatech.AuditTrail

1.3 Usage

  • Implement IAuditTrailConsumer interface.
  • Add AddAuditTrail services by providing IAuditTrailConsumer implementation.
  • Create a rules derived from EntityRule.

1.3.1. Implement IAuditTrailConsumer Example:

Implement the IAuditTrailConsumer interface. To be able to retrive modified entities data after save operation.

public class AuditTrailConsumer<TPermission>() : IAuditTrailConsumer<TPermission>
   public async Task ConsumeAsync(IEnumerable<AuditTrailDataBeforeSave<TPermission>> auditData, 
        DbContextEventData? eventData, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        // Handle tracked entites here.

1.3.2. Add Services Example:

builder.Services.AddAuditTrail<PermissionType?, AuditTrailConsumer<PermissionType?>>(typeof(Registration).Assembly);

services.AddDbContextPool<SomeDbContext>((sp, options) =>

1.3.3 Create rule example:

Create a rule derived from EntityRule.

public class UserRule : EntityRule<UserEntity, PermissionType?>
   public UserRule(ISomeService someService)

      RuleFor(s => s.PasswordHash).Ignore();
      RuleFor(s => s.Status).ChangeName("UserStatus");

1.3.4 Create Custom Rule Example:

You can create your own rules and modify properties as needed.

public class ChangeNamePropertyRule<TEntity, TProperty> : PropertyRule<TEntity, TProperty>
    private readonly string _changeName;

    public override NameValue ExecuteRule(string name, object value)
        return new NameValue(_changeName, value);

    public ChangeNamePropertyRule(string name)
        _changeName = name;

public static class RuleExtensions
    public static IRuleBulder<T, TPermission, TProperty?> ChangeName<T, TPermission, TProperty>(this IRuleBulder<T, TPermission, TProperty> ruleBuilder, string name)
        where T : class
        var rule = new ChangeNamePropertyRule<T, TProperty?>(name);
        return ruleBuilder.SetRule(rule!)!;

1.4 Limitations

  • In case of composite keys only first key will be selected as entityId.

1.5. Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to propose changes or report bugs.

1.6 License

Pandatech.AuditTrail is licensed under the MIT License.


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