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A Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata, including:

  • tasks for cloning, updating, and indexing OpenGeoMetadata metadata
  • library for converting metadata between standards


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'geo_combine'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install geo_combine


Converting metadata

Converting metadata into GeoBlacklight JSON

GeoCombine provides several classes representing different metadata standards that implement the #to_geoblacklight method for generating records in the GeoBlacklight JSON format:

GeoCombine::Iso19139 # ISO 19139 XML
GeoCombine::OGP # OpenGeoPortal JSON
GeoCombine::Fgdc # FGDC XML
GeoCombine::EsriOpenData # Esri Open Data Portal JSON
GeoCombine::CkanMetadata # CKAN JSON

An example for converting an ISO 19139 XML record:

# Create a new ISO19139 object
> iso_metadata ='./tmp/opengeometadata/edu.stanford.purl/bb/338/jh/0716/iso19139.xml')

# Convert to GeoBlacklight's metadata format
> iso_metadata.to_geoblacklight

# Output it as JSON instead of a Ruby hash
> iso_metadata.to_geoblacklight.to_json

Some formats also support conversion into HTML for display in a web browser:

# Create a new ISO19139 object
> iso_metadata ='./tmp/opengeometadata/edu.stanford.purl/bb/338/jh/0716/iso19139.xml')

# Convert ISO to HTML
> iso_metadata.to_html

Migrating metadata

You can use the GeoCombine::Migrators to migrate metadata from one schema to another.

Currently, the only migrator is GeoCombine::Migrators::V1AardvarkMigrator which migrates from the GeoBlacklight v1 schema to the Aardvark schema

# Load a record in geoblacklight v1 schema
record = JSON.parse('.spec/fixtures/docs/full_geoblacklight.json'))

# Migrate it to Aardvark schema record).run

Some fields cannot be migrated automatically. To handle the migration of collection names to IDs when migrating from v1 to Aardvark, you can provide a mapping of collection names to IDs to the migrator:

# You can store this mapping as a JSON or CSV file and load it into a hash
id_map = {
  'My Collection 1' => 'institution:my-collection-1',
  'My Collection 2' => 'institution:my-collection-2'
} record, collection_id_map: id_map).run

Downloading metadata from OpenGeoMetadata


Some of the tools and scripts in this gem use Ruby's Logger class to print information to $stderr. By default, the log level is set to Logger::INFO. For more verbose information, you can set the LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG:

$ LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG bundle exec rake geocombine:clone

Clone OpenGeoMetadata repositories locally

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:clone

Will clone all edu.*, org.*, and uk.* OpenGeoMetadata repositories into ./tmp/opengeometadata. Location of the OpenGeoMetadata repositories can be configured using the OGM_PATH environment variable.

$ OGM_PATH='my/custom/location' bundle exec rake geocombine:clone

You can also specify a single repository:

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:clone[edu.stanford.purl]

Note: If you are using zsh, you will need to use escape characters in front of the brackets:

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:clone\[edu.stanford.purl\]

Update local OpenGeoMetadata repositories

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:pull

Runs git pull origin master on all cloned repositories in ./tmp/opengeometadata (or custom path with configured environment variable OGM_PATH).

You can also specify a single repository:

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:pull[edu.stanford.purl]

Note: If you are using zsh, you will need to use escape characters in front of the brackets:

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:pull\[edu.stanford.purl\]

Index GeoBlacklight documents

To index into Solr, GeoCombine requires a Solr instance that is running the GeoBlacklight schema:

$ bundle exec rake geocombine:index

If Blacklight is installed in the ruby environment and a solr index is configured, the rake task will use the solr index configured in the Blacklight application (this is the case when invoking GeoCombine from your GeoBlacklight installation). If Blacklight is unavailable, the rake task will try to find a Solr instance running at http://localhost:8983/solr/blacklight-core.

You can also set a the Solr instance URL using SOLR_URL:

$ SOLR_URL= bundle exec rake geocombine:index

By default, GeoCombine will index only records using the Aardvark metadata format. If you instead want to index records using an older format (e.g. because your GeoBlacklight instance is version 3 or older), you can set the SCHEMA_VERSION environment variable:

# Only index schema version 1.0 records
$ SCHEMA_VERSION=1.0 bundle exec rake geocombine:index

Harvesting and indexing documents from GeoBlacklight sites

GeoCombine provides a Harvester class and rake task to harvest and index content from GeoBlacklight sites (or any site that follows the Blacklight API format). Given that the configurations can change from consumer to consumer and site to site, the class provides a relatively simple configuration API. This can be configured in an initializer, a wrapping rake task, or any other ruby context where the rake task our class would be invoked.

bundle exec rake geocombine:geoblacklight_harvester:index[YOUR_CONFIGURED_SITE_KEY]

Harvester configuration

Only the sites themselves are required to be configured but there are various configuration options that can (optionally) be supplied to modify the harvester's behavior.

GeoCombine::GeoBlacklightHarvester.configure do
    commit_within: '10000',
    crawl_delay: 1, # All sites
    debug: true,
    SITE1: {
      crawl_delay: 2, # SITE1 only
      host: '',
      params: {
        f: {
          dct_provenance_s: ['Institution']
    SITE2: {
      host: '',
      params: {
        q: '*'
Crawl Delays (default: none)

Crawl delays can be configured (in seconds) either globally for all sites or on a per-site basis. This will cause a delay for that number of seconds between each search results page (note that Blacklight 7 necessitates a lot of requests per results page and this only causes the delay per page of results)

Solr's commitWithin (default: 5000 milliseconds)

Solr's commitWithin option can be configured (in milliseconds) by passing a value under the commit_within key.

Transforming Documents

You may need to transform documents that are harvested for various purposes (removing fields, adding fields, omitting a document all together, etc). You can configure some ruby code (a proc) that will take the document in, transform it, and return the transformed document. By default the indexer will remove the score, timestamp, and _version_ fields from the documents harvested. If you provide your own transformer, you'll likely want to remove these fields in addition to the other transformations you provide.

GeoCombine::GeoBlacklightIndexer.document_transformer = -> (document) do
  # Removes "bogus_field" from the content we're harvesting
  # in addition to some other solr fields we don't want
  %w[_version_ score timestamp bogus_field].each do |field|



To run the tests, use:

$ bundle exec rake spec


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request