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Neumorphism Pannel (Working on deving...)

Start Project

# install in root Dir
# build component lib
cd packages/neumorphism-pannel
yarn build
# build preview
cd neumorphism-preview
yarn build
# start preview
cd neumorphism-preview
yarn dev

Packages Dependency

  • if you want to use 'neumorphism-style-builder'
yarn add neumorphism-style-builder
  • if you want to use 'neumorphism-pannel'
yarn add neumorphism-style-builder neumorphism-pannel
  • if you want to use 'neumorphism-materialui-theme'
yarn add neumorphism-style-builder neumorphism-materialui-theme
  • 'neumorphism-style-builder' is the base dependency

Git Rules

  • [1] -- Branch Rule (branchnamelint.json)

    • branch name: prefixes/featureName
      • Example: feature/cleancode
  • [2] -- Commit Rule (commitlint.config.js)

    • commit command: git commit -m "prefixes: message"
      • Example: git commit -m "feat: clean code"


Enviroment Needs

  • Vite >=v3.0.0 and Node >=v16

Project Skill Stack

  • React 18
  • Typescript 4
  • Tailwind CSS
  • components lib tool: rollup
  • Vite 3: include .env
  • Lint: eslint
  • git hooks: husky
  • git branch checker: branch-name-lint
  • git commit formatter: commitlint
  • Unit test: Vitest 3 + VitestUI + @vitest/coverage-c8 + @testing-library/react + @testing-library/jest-dom
  • CI&CD:

why use lint-stage

  • It will just check file that is edited this time in lint-stage hooks.

Preview (By vercel CI&CD)

Leran Command Example

# must init lerna
npx lerna@latest init
# add dependency
npx lerna add terser --scope=neumorphism-preview --dev
# add local dependency (insert neumorphism-pannel to neumorphism-preview)
npx lerna add neumorphism-pannel --scope=neumorphism-preview

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