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E-kirjasto Data API

E-kirjasto Data API is for content providers to view reservation data and history for their collection, made with FastAPI.

E-kirjasto Data Api requires access to E-kirjasto Circulation Manager's Postgres and OpenSearch. Api Tokens are stored in Circulation's database.


Install Python (^3.11) and Poetry (^1.8) if you don't have them already.

Install dependencies with:

poetry install

Run application locally

You'll need Circulation's Postgres and OpenSearch running and to be accessible for the ekirjasto-data-api app.

Create .env file from the example file .env.example.

Start the application with:

poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload

The web UI / documentation is available at http://localhost:8000/docs

Running tests

Use VSCode's Testing tab (or similar) or run tests on command line with:

poetry run pytest


Use locally installed Black to autoformat code.

You can also run Black from the command line:

poetry run black .