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mcplot pyqtgraph

Peter Willendrup edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

This plotter has been built to display simulation data in a convenient and fast way for mcstas/mxtrace users. Based on PyQt4, it can plot large data sets much faster than matplotlib, and almost as fast as the old perl/PGPLOT mcplot.

Help Menu: Press F1 og h to display it. You have a number of options including log-scale, png and svg file dump, cycle color map for 2d plots, toggle the statistics data legend, and more.

Mouse navigation: Mouse-click to enter into a subplot, and right-click to go back.

Scan sweep plotting: When displaying a simulation scan sweep, ctr-click/meta-click on one of the overview graphs to view the individual monitor sweep steps side by side. This will display the data of that specific monitor chronologically as a function of your scan sweep variable. The two image below are an example of this.

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