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Pipeline for automatic processing and quality control of mass spectrometry data


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A pipeline for the automatic initial processing and quality control of mass spectrometry data.

Pipeline overview

This pipeline is a best-practice pipeline for the automated analysis of mass spectrometry proteomics data. It currently supports automated analysis of data-dependent acquisition (DDA) data with label-free quantification. An extension by different wokflows (DIA, isotope labeling) is planned in the future. The pipeline is mainly a wrapper for the excellent tools fragpipe and MSstats, with additional modules that supply and check the required input files, and generate reports. The pipeline is built using snakemake and processes MS data using the following steps:

  1. Prepare workflow file (python script)
  2. check user-supplied sample sheet (python script)
  3. Fetch protein database from NCBI or use user-supplied fasta file (python, NCBI Datasets)
  4. Generate decoy proteins (DecoyPyrat)
  5. Import raw files, search protein database (fragpipe)
  6. Align feature maps using IonQuant (fragpipe)
  7. Import quantified features, infer and quantify proteins (R MSstats)
  8. Compare different biological conditions, export results (R MSstats)
  9. Generate HTML report with embedded QC plots (R markdown)
  10. Generate PDF report from HTML weasyprint
  11. Send out report by email (python script)
  12. Clean up temporary files after pipeline execution (bash script)

If you want to contribute, report issues, or suggest features, please get in touch on github.



Step 1: Install snakemake with conda, mamba, micromamba (or any another conda flavor). This step generates a new conda environment called snakemake-ms-proteomics, which will be used for all further installations.

conda create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake-ms-proteomics snakemake

Step 2: Activate conda environment with snakemake

source /path/to/conda/bin/activate
conda activate snakemake-ms-proteomics

Alternatively, install snakemake using pip:

pip install snakemake

Or install snakemake globally from linux archives:

sudo apt install snakemake


Fragpipe is not available on conda or other package archives. It needs to installed as a standalone, executable package.

Step 1: Download the latest fragpipe release from github

  • download to desired destination
  • unzip archive
  • on linux, test fragpipe by running in terminal:
cd fragpipe/bin

This will start the GUI (graphical user interface). To finish the installation, continue with the following steps.

Step 2: Configure Fragpipe

  • in the Config tab, download/update the required modules (MSFragger, IonQuant, Philosopher, EasyPQP)
  • some of these require the user to approve the academic license agreement
  • if automatic download from GUI fails, install e.g. philospopher manually
  • download philospopher *.deb package from github and run:
sudo dpkg -i path/to/*.deb

Additional tools

Important note:

All other dependencies for the pipeline are automatically pulled as conda environments by snakemake, when running the pipeline with the --use-conda parameter (recommended).

In case the pipeline should be executed without conda, the following packages need to be installed.

Step 1: In order to work with Thermo *.raw files, mono needs to be installed.

sudo apt install mono-devel

Step 2: Set up python packages.

Set the python environment in the Fragpipe config tab to your installed python version in order to fulfill all dependencies. If the Fragpipe GUI config tab shows complaints about missing python packages, install these packages into the specified python environment (pandas, numpy, cython):

conda install -c conda-forge <pandas/numpy/cython>

Step 3: Install DecoyPyrat from bioconda. This small tool can be used to generate superior decoy proteins from proteome *.fasta files.

conda install -c bioconda decoypyrat

Step 4: Install NCBI datasets command line tool from conda-forge.

conda install -c conda-forge ncbi-datasets-cli

Step 5: Install Weasyprint to convert HTML reports to PDF.

conda install -c conda-forge weasyprint

Step 6: Install a fresh R environment with a set of custom packages instead of the default system-wide one.

conda install -c conda-forge r-essentials

Then open an R session and install packages from within R like this:

# CRAN packages
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "ggrepel", "scales", "dendextend", "ggpubr", "BiocManager"))

# Bioconductor packages

Running the pipeline

Input data

The pipeline requires the following input files:

  1. mass spectrometry data, such as Thermo *.raw or *.mzML files
  2. an (organism) database in *.fasta format OR a NCBI Refseq ID. Decoys (rev_ prefix) will be added if necessary
  3. a sample sheet in tab-separated format (aka manifest file)
  4. a workflow file, the pipeline definition for fragpipe

The samplesheet file has the following structure with four mandatory columns and no header (example file: test/input/samplesheet/samplesheet.tsv).

  • sample: names/paths to raw files
  • condition: experimental group, treatments
  • replicate: replicate number, consecutively numbered. Repeating numbers (e.g. 1,2,1,2) will be treated as paired samples!
  • type: the type of MS data, will be used to determine the workflow
  • control: reference condition for testing differential abudandance
sample condition replicate type control
sample_1 condition_1 1 DDA condition_1
sample_2 condition_1 2 DDA condition_1
sample_3 condition_2 3 DDA condition_1
sample_4 condition_2 4 DDA condition_1

For manual execution of the pipeline in fragpipe GUI, open the desired manifest and workflow files and set the correct paths to input files, database, and the python environment (see Installation --> Fragpipe).


To run the pipeline from command line, change the working directory.

cd /path/to/snakemake-ms-proteomics

The top level folder snakemake-ms-proteomics contains the snakefile, which defines the snakemake rules that detail the different rules for execution of the pipeline.

By default, snakemake treats the first rule as the target rule if not another rule is passed as command line argument. Therefore, the first rule defines the desired output files.

A config file, config.yml, is passed to snakemake which contains global or module-specific options. The global options are the paths to the input files (samplesheet, workflow, *.fasta database), and the output folder. For the test data included in this repository they should work out of the box on linux systems (Note that raw files are currently missing). The only option that needs to be adjusted manually is the location of the fragpipe binary (module options --> fragpipe --> path).

Before running the entire pipeline, we can perform a dry run using:

snakemake --configfile 'config/config.yml' --dry-run

To run the complete pipeline with test files, execute the following command. The definition of the number of compute cores is mandatory.

snakemake --configfile 'config/config.yml' --cores 10 --use-conda

To supply options that override the defaults, run the pipeline like this:

snakemake --cores 10 --use-conda \
  --configfile 'config/config.yml' \
  --config \
  samplesheet='test/input/config/samplesheet.fp-manifest' \
  database='test/input/database/database.fasta' \
  workflow='workflows/LFQ-MBR.workflow' \


This table lists all mandatory parameters to the pipeline (data and executable paths).

parameter type details example
samplesheet *.tsv tab-separated file test/input/config/samplesheet.tsv
database *.fasta OR refseq ID plain text test/input/database/database.fasta, GCF_000009045.1
workflow *.workflow OR string a fragpipe workflow workflows/LFQ-MBR.workflow, from_samplesheet
output path valid directory test/output/

This table lists all module-specific, optional parameters and their default values, as included in the config.yml file.

module parameter default details
decoypyrat cleavage_sites KR amino acids residues used for decoy peptide generation
decoy_prefix rev decoy prefix appended to proteins names
fragpipe path path/to/fragpipe/bin path to fragpipe executable
msstats logTrans 2 base for log fold change transformation
normalization equalizeMedians normalization strategy for feature intensity, see MSstats manual
featureSubset all which features to use for quantification
summaryMethod TMP how to calculate protein from feature intensity
MBimpute True Imputes missing values with Accelerated failure time model
report html True Generate HTLM report
pdf True Generate PDF report
email send False whether reports should send out by email
port 0 default port for email server
smtp_server smtp server address
smtp_user user smtp server user name
smtp_pw password smtp server user password
from sender's email address
to [""] receiver's email address(es), a list
subject "Results MS proteomics pipeline" subject line for email

Some notes on missing value imputation in the pipeline:

  • missing value imputation happens at different stages
  • first, the default strategy for fragpipe is to use "match between runs", i.e. non-identified features in the MS1 spectra are cross-compared with other runs of the same experiment where MS2 identification is available
  • this reduces the number of missing feature quantifications
  • this strategy is based on actual quantification data
  • second, MSstats imputes two kinds of missing values where absolutely no feature quantification is available
  • missing values at random: removed during summarization
  • missing values due to low abundance: imputed at the feature level via accelerated failure time model
  • missing value treatment can be controlled through MSstats parameters MBimpute and others
  • see MSstats manual for more information


The pipeline generates the following output from its modules:

  • samplesheet.tsv: Samplesheet after checking file paths and options
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • workflow.txt: Configuration file for fragpipe, determined from samplesheet.
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • database.fasta: The downloaded or user-supplied .fasta file. In the latter case, the file is identical to the input.
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • decoy_database.fasta: Original .fasta file supplemented with randomized protein sequences.
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • [sample_name]/: Directory containing sample specific output files for each run
  • combined_ion.tsv: Quantification of ion intensity per peptide
  • combined_modified_peptide.tsv: Quantification of peptide modifications
  • combined_peptide.tsv: Quantification of peptides/features
  • combined_protein.tsv: Quantification of proteins from petide, inferred by fragpipe
  • MSstats.csv: Qunatification of petides/features, output from fragpipe served in MSstats friendly format
  • other files such as logs, file lists, etc.
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • comparison_result.csv: Main table with results about the comparison between different experimental conditions
  • feature_level_data.csv: Feature-level quantification data processed by MSstats
  • model_qc.csv: Table with data about the fitted quantification models from MSstats
  • protein_level_data.csv: Protein-level quantification data processed by MSstats
  • uniprot.csv: Optionally downloaded table with protein annotation from Uniprot
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • report.html: Report with figures and tables
  • report.pdf: Report with figures and tables in PDF format. Converted from HTML
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • log.txt: Log file for this module
  • log.txt: Log file for this module



  • Essential tools are linked in the top section of this document
  • The core of this pipeline are the two external packages fragpipe and MSstats

fragpipe references:

  1. Kong, A. T., Leprevost, F. V., Avtonomov, D. M., Mellacheruvu, D., & Nesvizhskii, A. I. (2017). MSFragger: ultrafast and comprehensive peptide identification in mass spectrometry–based proteomics. Nature Methods, 14(5), 513-520.
  2. da Veiga Leprevost, F., Haynes, S. E., Avtonomov, D. M., Chang, H. Y., Shanmugam, A. K., Mellacheruvu, D., Kong, A. T., & Nesvizhskii, A. I. (2020). Philosopher: a versatile toolkit for shotgun proteomics data analysis. Nature Methods, 17(9), 869-870.
  3. Yu, F., Haynes, S. E., & Nesvizhskii, A. I. (2021). IonQuant enables accurate and sensitive label-free quantification with FDR-controlled match-between-runs. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 20.

MSstats references:

  1. Choi M (2014). MSstats: an R package for statistical analysis of quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments. Bioinformatics, 30.


Pipeline for automatic processing and quality control of mass spectrometry data








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