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mkltfs - Format a tape in the drive to LTFS format


mkltfs -d name [ -f ]  [ -s id ]  [ -n name ]  [ -r rules ]  [ -w ]  [ -q ]  [ -t ]  [ -V ]  [ -h ]  [ -p ]


mkltfs is a program to format a media for use with the IBM Spectrum Archive.


    These  programs  follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('-'). A
    summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

    -d, --device=name
           Tape device name (required). On Linux, name is like '/dev/IBMtape0', on OSX, name is like '0'

    -f, --force
           Force to format medium

    -s, --tape-serial=id
           Tape serial number (6 alphanumeric ASCII characters)

    -n, --volume-name=name
           Tape volume name (empty by default)

    -r, --rules=rules
           Rules for choosing files to write to the index partition.  The syntax of the rule argument is:




           A file is written to the index partition if it is no larger than the given size AND  matches  at  least
           one  of the name patterns (if specified). The size argument accepts K, M, and G suffixes. Name patterns
           might contain the special characters '?' (match any single character) and '*' (match zero or more char‐

           Disallow mount-time data placement policy changes

    -w, --wipe
           Restore the LTFS medium to an unpartitioned medium (format to a legacy scratch medium)

    -q, --quiet
           Suppress progress information and general messages

    -t, --trace
           Enable function call tracing

           Enable diagnostic output to stderr and syslog

    -V, --version
           Version information

    -h, --help
           Show help information

    -p, --advanced-help
           Full help, including advanced options

              /home/piste/ltfs05-sde/bin/mkltfs --device=/dev/IBMtape0 --rules="size=100K"
              /home/piste/ltfs05-sde/bin/mkltfs --device=/dev/IBMtape0 --rules="size=1M/name=*.jpg"
              /home/piste/ltfs05-sde/bin/mkltfs --device=/dev/IBMtape0 --rules="size=1M/name=*.jpg:*.png"


The options described here is experimental functions.

These  programs  follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('-'). A
summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-i, --config=name
       Use the specified configuration file (default: )

-e, --backend=name
       Use the specified tape device backend (default: )

       Use the specified key manager interface backend (default: none)

-b, --blocksize=num
       Set the LTFS record size (default: 524288)

-c, --no-compression
       Disable compression on the volume

-k, --keep-capacity
       Keep the tape medium's total capacity proportion

-x, --fulltrace
       Enable full function call tracing (slow)

       Unformat the medium and erase any data on the tape by overwriting special data pattern.  This operation
       takes over 3 hours. Once you start, you cannot interrupt it.


ltfs(8), ltfsck(8), tape-backend(4), kmi-backend(4), ltfs.conf(5).