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This repository contains solutions to various coding challenges from CodeWars implemented in JavaScript. CodeWars is a platform where developers can improve their programming skills by solving programming puzzles called "kata".


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JavaScript Collection of solved tasks from the codewars site

There will be examples of solutions, I do not recommend using the offered code to solve your tasks. I want to warn you that if you try to use the answers shown, you are likely to be blocked by the site. The repository was created primarily as a collection of examples for possible study, and help newcomers.

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8 Kyu

  • Heads and Legs | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function animals(heads, legs){
      for(var i = 0; i <= heads; i++){
        if( (i * 4 + (heads- i) * 2) == legs){
          return [heads- i,i];
      return 'No solutions';

  • Hello, Name or World! | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const hello = name => return `Hello, ${name ? + name?.slice(1).toLowerCase() : 'World'}!`

  • A Strange Trip to the Market | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const isLockNessMonster = s => s.includes('tree fiddy') || s.includes('3.50') || s.includes('three fifty')

  • Add new item (collections are passed by reference) | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const addExtra = listOfNumbers => [...listOfNumbers,'cock']

  • Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const remove = string => string.replace(/!/g, '') + '!'

  • Exclamation marks series #2: Remove all exclamation marks from the end of sentence | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const remove = s => s.replace(/!+$/, '');

  • Grasshopper - Variable Assignment Debug | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    var a = "dev"
    var b = "Lab"
    var name = a + b

  • Return Two Highest Values in List | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const twoHighest = arr => [ Set(arr)].sort((a,b) => a-b).slice(-2).reverse()

  • How old will I be in 2099? | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const calculateAge = (m, n) => {
      if(m == n) return 'You were born this very year!';
      const year = Math.abs(m-n) == 1 ? 'year' : 'years';
      if(m < n) return "You are "+(n-m)+' '+year+' old.';
      if(m > n) return "You will be born in "+(-n+m)+' '+year+'.';

  • Ensure question | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const ensureQuestion = s => s.endsWith('?') ? s : s + '?'

  • Total pressure calculation | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function solution(M1, M2, m1, m2, V, T) {
    		M1 = m1 * 0.001/M1;
        M2 = m2 * 0.001/M2;
        T = T + 273.15;
    	  const R = 0.082;
    	  return (((M1 + M2) * R * T) / V) * 1000;

  • Enumerable Magic #1 - True for All? | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const all = ( arr, fun ) => arr.every(fun)

  • Parse float | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const parseF = s =>  isNaN(parseFloat(s)) ? null : parseFloat(s)

  • SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const arrayMadness = (a, b) => a.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x**2, 0) > b.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x**3, 0) 

  • easy logs | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const logs = (x , a, b) =>  (Math.log(a*b) / Math.log(x))

  • Classy Classes | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    class Person {
      constructor(name, age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
      get info() {
        return `${}s age is ${this.age}`;

  • Pole Vault Starting Marks | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const startingMark = bodyHeight => +(bodyHeight * 3.9354 + 3.4681).toFixed(2);

  • Training JS #6: Basic data types--Boolean and conditional statements if..else | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const trueOrFalse =(val) => Boolean(val).toString()

  • Fuel Calculator: Total Cost | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function fuelPrice(litres, pricePerLiter) {
      var discount = Math.min(Math.floor(litres/2) * 0.05, 0.25);
      var price = litres * (pricePerLiter - discount);
      return Math.round(price*100) / 100;

  • Days in the year | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const yearDays = year => `${year} has 36${6 - !!(year % 400 && !(year % 100) || year % 4)} days`;

  • Arguments to Binary addition | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const arr2bin = arr => arr.filter(x => typeof x == 'number').reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0).toString(2);

  • Training JS #34: methods of Math---pow() sqrt() and cbrt() | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function cutCube(volume,n){
      return !(Math.cbrt(n) % 1) && !(Math.cbrt(volume / n) % 1);

  • Training JS #17: Methods of String object--indexOf(), lastIndexOf() and search() | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const firstToLast = (str,c) => (str.indexOf(c) < 0) ? -1 : str.lastIndexOf(c) - str.indexOf(c)

  • Implement Array.prototype.filter() | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    Array.prototype.filter = function (func) {
      const result = []
      this.forEach(el => func(el) ? result.push(el) : null)      
      return result

  • Job Matching #1 | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function match(candidate, job) {
        if(!candidate.minSalary || !job.maxSalary) throw "Error!!";
        return (candidate.minSalary * 0.9) <= job.maxSalary;

  • Lexical this | 8 kyu | ⬆️UP

     var Person = function(){
        var person = {
          _name: "Leroy",
          _friends: [],
        return person;

7 Kyu

  • ASCII letters from Number | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function convert(number){
      const arr = []
      for(let i = 0; i < number.length; i+=2){
      return arr.join('')

  • Find the next perfect square! | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function findNextSquare(sq) {
      return Math.sqrt(sq)%1? -1 : Math.pow(Math.sqrt(sq)+1,2);

  • Ones and Zeros | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const binaryArrayToNumber = arr => {
      return parseInt(arr.join(""), 2)

  • Sum of the first nth term of Series | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function SeriesSum(n) {
      var sum = 0;
      for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        sum += 1 / (3 * i + 1);
      return sum.toFixed(2);

  • Sort array by string length | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

     let sortByLength = arr => arr.sort((a,b) => a.length - b.length);

  • Find the middle element | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

     const gimme = function (arr) {
        return arr.indexOf([...arr].sort((x, y) => x > y)[1]);

  • Round up to the next multiple of 5 | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

     function roundToNext5(n){
        return Math.ceil(n/5)*5;

  • Simple Fun #176: Reverse Letter | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

     function reverseLetter(str) {
        return str.replace(/[^a-z]/gi,'').split('').reverse().join('')  

  • Summing a number's digits | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function sumDigits(number) {
      return `${Math.abs(number)}`.split('').reduce((acc,el) => acc + +el,0)

  • Check the exam | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function checkExam(array1, array2) {
      let result = 0;
      for(let i in array1){
        if(array2[i] === '') continue;
        array1[i] === array2[i] ? result+=4 : result-=1;
      return Math.max(result,0)

  • Fix string case | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function solve(s){
        return s.match(/[a-z]/g).length >= s.length / 2 ? s.toLowerCase() : s.toUpperCase()

  • Triangular Treasure | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    function triangular( n ) {
      return n > 0 ? n * (n + 1) / 2 : 0;

  • Most digits | 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const findLongest = l => l.reduce((a, b) => (`${b}`.length > `${a}`.length) ? b : a);

  • Reverse a Number 7 kyu | ⬆️UP

    const reverseNumber = n => (n > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.abs(n).toString().split('').reverse().join('')

  • Minimize Sum Of Array (Array Series #1) | ⬆️UP

    function minSum(arr) {
      const l = arr.length;
      const sorted = arr.sort((a, b) => b - a);
      const max = sorted.slice(0, l/2);
      const min = sorted.slice(l/2, l).reverse();
      return max.reduce((sum, el, i) => sum + el * min[i], 0);

  • Moves in squared strings (I) | ⬆️UP

    const vertMirror = s => => [...s].reverse().join(''));
    const horMirror = s => s.reverse();
    const oper = (fct, s) => fct(s.split("\n")).join("\n");

  • All unique | ⬆️UP

    let hasUniqueChars = (str) => new Set(str).size === str.length;

  • Palindrome chain length | ⬆️UP

    const palindromeChainLength = n => {
      let count = 0;
      while(+[...`${n}`].reverse().join('') !== n){
        n+= +[...`${n}`].reverse().join('')
      return count

  • Speed Control | ⬆️UP

    const gps = (s, x) => {
      if (x.length<=1) {
        return 0;
      let output = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < x.length-1; i++) { 
      return Math.max(...output);

  • Coding Meetup #2 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Greet developers | ⬆️UP

     const greetDevelopers = list => => ({, greeting: `Hi ${dev.firstName}, what do you like the most about ${dev.language}?`}));

  • Halving Sum | ⬆️UP

     const halvingSum = n => n > 1 ? n + halvingSum(n / 2 | 0) : n

  • max diff - easy | ⬆️UP

     function maxDiff(list) {
       return list.length ? Math.max(...list) - Math.min(...list) : 0;

  • Over The Road | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     function maxDiff(list) {
       return list.length ? Math.max(...list) - Math.min(...list) : 0;

  • Simple beads count | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     function countRedBeads(n) {
       return n < 2 ? 0 : 2 * n - 2;

  • Boiled Eggs | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function cookingTime(eggs) {
      return 5 * Math.ceil(eggs / 8);

  • Simple remove duplicates | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     function solve(arr){
       return arr.filter((val,i) => arr.lastIndexOf(val) == i);

  • Find the nth Digit of a Number | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    var findDigit = function(num, nth){
      if(nth <= 0) return -1
      num = `${Math.abs(num)}`
      return num.length >= nth ? - nth) : 0

  • esreveR | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     reverse = function(array) {
       return, i) => array[array.length - 1 - i]);

  • Sum of array singles | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     function repeats(arr){
       return arr.reduce((acc,el) => arr.indexOf(el) === arr.lastIndexOf(el) ? acc+=el : acc,0)

  • Gauß needs help! (Sums of a lot of numbers). | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

     function f(n){
       if(typeof n !== 'number' || !Number.isInteger(n) || n <= 0) return false
       return ((1 + n)*n)/2

  • Alphabetical Addition | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function addLetters(...letters) {
      const alpha = 'zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy';
      const sum = letters.reduce((sum, letter) => sum + alpha.indexOf(letter), 0) % 26;
      return alpha[sum];

  • Filter the number | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const FilterString = value => +value.replace(/\D/g, '');

  • Simple Fun #74: Growing Plant | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function growingPlant(upSpeed, downSpeed, desiredHeight) {
      let count = 0, height = 0;
        if(height >= desiredHeight) return count;

  • Coloured Triangles | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function triangle(row) {
      let result = ''
      if(row.length == 1) result = row;
      for(let i = 0; i < row.length - 1; i++){
        if(row[i] === row[i+1]) result+= row[i]
        else result+= 'RGB'.replace(row[i],'').replace(row[i+1],'')
      if(row.length > 1) return triangle(result)
      else return result

  • Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2) | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function strong(n) {
      return [1,2,145,40585].includes(n) ? 'STRONG!!!!' : 'Not Strong !!'

  • Help the Fruit Guy | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function removeRotten(arr){
      return arr ?>x.replace('rotten', '').toLowerCase()) : [] ;

  • Currying functions: multiply all elements in an array | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const multiplyAll = arr => n => => n * x);

  • Alternate case | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function alternateCase(s) {
      return [...s].map(el => el === el.toLowerCase() ? el.toUpperCase() : el.toLowerCase()).join('')

  • Basic Calculator | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function calculate(num1, operation, num2) {
      var ops = {
        '+': function(x, y) { return x + y; },
        '-': function(x, y) { return x - y; },
        '*': function(x, y) { return x * y; },
        '/': function(x, y) { return y === 0 ? null : x / y; }
      return (ops[operation] || function() { return null; })(num1, num2);

  • Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3) | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function disariumNumber(n){
      return [...`${n}`].reduce((acc,el,i) => acc+=el**(i+1),0) === n ? 'Disarium !!' : 'Not !!'

  • Building blocks | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    class Block{
        [this.width, this.length, this.height] = data;
      getWidth() {
        return this.width;
      getLength() {
        return this.length;
      getHeight() {
        return this.height;
      getVolume() {
        return this.width * this.length * this.height;
      getSurfaceArea () {
        return 2 * (this.width * this.length + this.width * this.height + this.length * this.height);

  • SevenAte9 | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function sevenAte9(str){
      return str.replace(/79(?=7)/g, '7');

  • Difference Of Squares | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function differenceOfSquares(n){
      const arr = Array.from({length:n}, (_,i) => i+1)
      return arr.reduce((acc,el) => acc+el,0)**2 - arr.reduce((acc,el) => acc+=el**2,0)

  • Digital cypher | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function encode(str,  n){
      return  [...str].map((el,i) => (el.charCodeAt() - 96) + +`${n}`.at(i%`${n}`.length))

  • Return the closest number multiple of 10 | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const closestMultiple10 = num => Math.round(num / 10) * 10;

  • Substituting Variables Into Strings: Padded Numbers | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function solution(value){
      return "Value is " + ("00000" + value).slice(-5);

  • The old switcheroo | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function vowel2index(str) {
       return str.replace(/[aeiou]/ig, (m, i) => i + 1);

  • Word values | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function wordValue(a) {
    	return,i) => el.replace(/ /g, '').split('').reduce((acc,letter) => acc+letter.charCodeAt() - 96,0) * (i+1))

  • Convert a linked list to a string | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function stringify(list) {
    	return list === null ? "null" : `${} -> ${stringify(}`; 

  • ToLeetSpeak | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const toLeetSpeak = s => s.replace(/[ABCEGHILOSTZ]/g, c => D[c]);   

  • Split In Parts | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    var splitInParts = function(s, partLength){
      let result = []
      for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i+=partLength){
      return result.join(' ')

  • Valid Spacing | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function validSpacing(s) {
      return s.trim() == s && !s.includes("  ");

  • Count all the sheep on farm in the heights of New Zealand | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const lostSheep = (f,s,n) => n - [...f,...s].reduce((a,b) => a + b,0)

  • Insert dashes | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function insertDash(num) {
      let result = ''
      num = `${num}`
      for(let i = 0; i < num.length; i++){
        if(num[i]&1 && num[i+1]&1) result+=`${num[i]}-`
        else result+=num[i]
      return result

  • Band name generator | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function bandNameGenerator(str) {
      return !== ? `The ${ + str.slice(1)}` : `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) + str.slice(1)}`

  • Arithmetic progression | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function arithmeticSequenceElements(a, r, n) {
      return Array.from({length: n}, (_, i) => a + r * i).join(', ');

  • Stanton measure | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function stantonMeasure(arr) {
      const count = n => arr.filter(x => x === n).length;
      return count(count(1));

  • Length and two values. | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function alternate(n, firstValue, secondValue){
      return Array.from({length:n}, (_,i) => i&1 ?  secondValue : firstValue)

  • makeBackronym | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    var makeBackronym = function(string){
      return [...string].map(el => dict[el.toUpperCase()]).join(' ');

  • Frequency sequence | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function freqSeq(str, sep) {
      return [...str].map(el => str.replace(new RegExp(`[^${el}]`,'g'),'').length).join(sep)

  • Find Duplicates | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const duplicates = arr => [ Set(arr.filter((el, i) => i !== arr.indexOf(el)))];

  • TV Remote | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    const tvRemote = function(word) {
      let keys = 'abcde123fghij456klmno789pqrst.@0uvwxyz_/';
      let pos = [ 0, 0 ];
      let res = 0;
      for (let char of word) {
        let i = keys.indexOf(char);
        let dest  = [ i / 8 | 0, i % 8 ];
        res += Math.abs(dest[0] - pos[0]) + Math.abs(dest[1] - pos[1]) + 1;
        pos = dest;
      return res;

  • Delta Bits | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function convertBits(a, b){
      var x = a ^ b, count = 0;
      do { count += x & 1 } while (x >>= 1);
      return count;

6 Kyu

  • Random Sequence Generator | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function Randomizer(min, max) {
      for (this.num = []; min <= max; min++) this.num.push(min)
      for (var i = 10; i--;) this.num.sort(function() { return Math.random() - 0.5 })
    } = function() {
      if (!this.num.length) throw new Error('No more numbers')
    	return this.num.pop()
    Randomizer.prototype.sequence = function(size) {
      if (size > this.num.length || !this.num.length) throw new Error('Too many numbers')
    	return this.num.splice(0, size || Infinity);
    function Randomizer(min, max) {
      this.numbers = [...'0'.repeat(max-min+1)].map((_, i) => min + i);
      this.numbers.sort((a, b) => Math.random() - 0.5);
    } = function() {
      if (this.numbers.length === 0) throw new Error('No more numbers');
      return this.numbers.pop();
    Randomizer.prototype.sequence = function(size = this.numbers.length) {
      if (size > this.numbers.length) throw new Error('Too many numbers');
      return this.numbers.splice(0, size);

  • Arc Length | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    function distance([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) {
        return Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);
    function linspace(start, stop, length) {
        const step = (stop - start) / (length - 1);
        return Array.from({length: length}, (_, i) => start + step * i);
    function arcLen(fn, range, intervals = 200) {
        const coords = linspace(...range, intervals).map(fn);
        const lengths = Array.from({length: intervals - 1}, (_, i) => distance(coords[i], coords[i + 1]));
        return parseFloat(lengths.reduce((a, b) => a + b).toFixed(2));
    function arcLen(fn, [b, e]) {
      const n = 100000;
      let res = 0;
      for (let i = 0, pp; i < n; i++) {
        const p = fn(b * i / n + e * (n - i) / n);
        if (i != 0)
          res += Math.hypot(p[0] - pp[0], p[1] - pp[1]);
        pp = p;
      return res;

  • Quantum Bogosort | 🌐Source | ⬆️UP

    Array.prototype.qbsort = function() {
      this.some((_,i,a) => i && a[i]<a[i-1] ) && QSC.destroyUniverse();

5 Kyu

4 Kyu

3 Kyu

2 Kyu

1 Kyu


This repository contains solutions to various coding challenges from CodeWars implemented in JavaScript. CodeWars is a platform where developers can improve their programming skills by solving programming puzzles called "kata".




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