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ads.cmd               List alternate data streams.
apm.cmd               Arbitrary precision math.
BatteryGraphic.cmd    Displays a bar representing remaining battery capacity.
body.cmd              Print the portion of a file which begins and ends with the specified text.
CompareProcesses.cmd  Show CPU times of subroutines or scripts.
cpuLoadChart.cmd      Shows a graphic color chart of CPU load.
cpuLoadGraphic.cmd    Shows a bar representing CPU load.
DecodeUID.cmd         Decode a UID.
deZero.cmd            A subroutine which removes leading zeroes from a number.
draw.cmd              Draw color ASCII art files.
ed.cmd                An EDLIN style text editor. [REPAIRED]
FileAge.cmd           Lists files with an age matching the given criteria.
Filetime.cmd          Calculates the 64-bit integer NTFS filetime of the file.
FormatNumber.cmd      A subroutine which formats numbers with commas.
getVolumeRoot.cmd     Find the mount point of a volume by name.
hed.cmd               An EDLIN style hex editor.
hex.cmd               Prints a hex dump of a file or stream.
hiddenArguments.cmd   Hide arguments in subroutine label.
ipv6.cmd              IPv4/IPv6 translation routines.
MathToy.cmd           Commnd line math exercises.
obfuscate.cmd         Renders a text file unreadable without the correct key. See also randomizeKey.cmd.
parseArgs.cmd         Demonstrates a simply configured command line parsing routine. 
PathEdit.cmd          Interactive PATH editor.
PathList.cmd          Prints the path as a list.
PrepMessage.cmd       Prepare an Internet message body with contained scripts.
ProgBar.cmd           A algorithm which shows a graphic progress bar.
RandomizeKey.cmd      Randomizes a key for use with obfuscate.cmd above.
ReadShortcut.cmd      Displays a disassembly of a shortcut file.
RecycleBin.cmd        Enumerates the recycle bin, deletes items in it, or restores items to their original location.
replace.cmd           Replace text in strings.
rudeGraph.cmd         A rudimentary graph demonstration.
toLowercase.cmd       A subroutine which converts a string to lower case.
toTitlecase.cmd       A subroutine which converts a string to title case.
toUppercase.cmd       A subroutine which converts a string to upper case.
wifiGraphic.cmd       Shows a bar representing Wireless signal strength.
Wrap_Demo.cmd         A console word wrap routine.
xmlParse.cmd          Push and pull parse XML files.
selfExtractingZip.cmd A script which can be used as part of a self-extracting ZIP archive.
unZip.cmd             A subroutine which extracts stored files from a ZIP archive.
zip.cmd               A subroutine which stores files to a ZIP archive.
ZipUnZipDemo.cmd      A demonstration of the zip and unZip subroutines.


Windows CMD scripts






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