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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

NEST - CRUD 2023

File Structure

├ app                      # base Directory of app 
  ├ /assets                # including files static asset.
  ├ /dist                  # build directory 
  ├ /src                   # a main source of app 
    ├ /common              # an object configuration that purposing to comunicated the data.
      ├ /dtos              # an directory class to validate the data before it write to databases.
      ├ /interfaces        # an directory interfaces to build the comunicate between any data to shema object of databases.
      ├ /schems            # an diretory class to define the schema of databases.
    ├ /main                # an directory that including configuration API.
    ├ /middlewares         # an directory to build flow of services before it really executed.
    ├ /tests               # a strategy about the  custom unit & integrations testing, that i named it as a "Awesome Sequential Testing".
      ├ _config            # a configuration folder for testing strategy. 
      ├ integrations       # a directory that would be scanned by system while running the test stage.
      ├ stubs              # including data mock of testing.
      ├ init.spec.ts       # core system of testing strategy. 
    ├ /utilities           # a directory that including some utility function.
    ├ app.module.ts        # a main module to initiate register some of configurations.
    ├ app.router.ts        # an files configuration the router controllers.
    ├ app.validation.ts    # an files configuration to realize the implement of stack middlewares.
    ├ main.ts              # root of server
  ├ .env.test              # file environment for testing stage.
  ├               # file environment for development stage.
  ├              # file environment for production stage.
  ├ package.json           # an file configuration that saving about whatever modules used.
  ├ tsconfig.json          # an file configuration of typescript. 
├ /db                      # base Directory of database
  ├ Dockerfile             # file Docker to generating the mongodb container.
  ├ query.js               # the init file that will creating user admin on every stage environment.
├ docker-compose.yml       # a files to packing some docker in one configurations file.

About Strategy of Testing

The strategy of testing was builded with the purpose is for a simply way on configuring the testing, leaving out the repeatable on defining the modules, and runing the testing step-by-step with setting up the index of sequence in the name of function.

Part of Repository

The implentation is looks like :

# assigned function testing

Result :

# compiling result
$1_test1a       # test passed
$01_test1b      # test passed
$2_test2        # test passed
$3_test3        # test passed
$4_test4        # test passed

Rules :

  • the name of file testing must be as *.afx.ts
  • the name of function must be prefixed as $([0-9]+)_<function_name>
  • put all config test file inside directory src/tests/integrations

Stack of Middlewares

Main Apps
  └ Init Middlewares : Init informations of http request client & get load the config custom validation of route.
    └ Response Middlewares : Assign custom response function.
      └ Request Body Middlewares : Velidate total of payload size the request body.
        └ Auth Middlewares : Validation the authorization.
          └ Protect Middlewares : Execute & implementing the custom protect for route.

Installation & Usage

  • clone repository :
    git clone
  • set base of environtment for service app docker-compose.yml :
  • build docker images :
    docker-compose build
  • build & run containers :
    docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs app --follow

Service Access :

  API : localhost:4330 /
  Database :

  mongo -u aidil -p crud2023 --port 23993

  Postman : API Documentation



  • Sequential Testing
  • Re-encrypted part of payload JWT
  • User Authorization
  • Automate Dockerize Strategy of Production Stage
  • and others

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