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Import Script

Ben Murray edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

The Import Script


Highly variable length string fields

  • Converted to indexed strings


  • Converted to fixed length strings


  • Converted to fixed length strings


  • No empty entries
    • Converted to float64 timestamp objects
    • Additional '_name__day' field as fixed-length string
  • Empty entries
    • Additional '_name__set' field as boolean values


  • No empty entries
    • Converted_to_float64 timestamp objects
    • Additional '_name__day' field as fixed-length string
  • Empty entries
    • Additional '_name__set' field as boolean values

Numeric strings

  • Converted using _try_convert_ methods. Default value set if conversion fails
  • Additional '_name__valid' field as boolean values; False if conversion fails

Categorical strings

  • Converted to uint8 values
  • Key stored as array of string values, where the value maps to the entry at that index