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Configurable short read assembly pipeline for phages: Phage pipeline Figure 1: Rough phage assembly pipeline, dotted line indicates where processing begins.

Install dependencies

  1. Download the yml environment file:
  1. Create the environment
conda env create --file phanta.yml
  1. Activate the environment:
conda activate phanta
  1. Install phanta pipeline:
pip install phanta
  1. Optional: Set up the checkv database
checkv download_database /path/to/checkv-db
export CHECKVDB=/path/to/checkv-db


Open a python terminal and enter:

import phanta

Detect reads: This will return a list of Reads class objects that can be passed individually or as a batch to assembly pipelines

import phanta
reads = phanta.detect_reads('path_to_input_directory/')

Single phage assembly (Uses the default configurations below if no config parameter is specified):

import phanta
reads = phanta.detect_reads('path_to_input_directory/')
phanta.assembly_pipeline(reads[0], 'output_directory/')

Batch phage assembly (Using your own edited config file):

import phanta
phanta.batch_assembly_pipeline('path_to_input_directory/', 'output_directory/', config_file='/path_to_config.json')

Reads QC only:

import phanta
phanta.batch_assembly_pipeline('path_to_input_directory/', 'output_directory/', qc_only=True)


There is a CITATION file in this repository (.CFF), however Phanta may also be cited like so:

Iszatt JJ. PHANTA short read assembly pipeline. Published online June 2024. Version <VERSION>. Accessed <ACCESS DATE>.


  • python>=3
  • checkv==1.0.3
  • biopython==1.83
  • bbmap==39.06
  • pandas==2.2.1
  • matplotlib==3.8.4
  • spades==3.15.5
  • fastqc==0.12.1
  • multiqc==1.22.1
  • pilon==1.24
  • packaging
  • deprecated


These are the defaults, amend as required and pass to the pipeline functions

 "system": {
  "RAM": 24000,
  "threads": 8
 "input": {
  "interleaved_ext": "_interleaved.fastq",
  "r1_ext": "_R1.fastq.gz",
  "r2_ext": "_R2.fastq.gz"
 "reads": {
  "read_length": 150,
  "trim_length": 10,
  "minimum_length": 100,
  "read_quality": 30,
  "error_correction": true,
  "target_coverage": 200
 "assembly": {
  "kmers": "55,77,99,127"