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This is homework 2 - Python


# From the pathlib library, import the main class Path

from pathlib import Path

import csv

# Check the current directory where the Python program is executing from

print(f"Current Working Directory: {Path.cwd()}")

# Set the path using Pathlib # Open the file in "read" mode ('r') and

# store the contents in the variable 'file'

input_path = Path('../PyBank/budget_data.csv')

with open (input_path, 'r') as file:

    text =

print (text)


Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor

Current Working Directory: C:\Users\jimp\Homework\python-homework\PyBank Date,Profit/Losses Jan-10,867884 Feb-10,984655 Mar-10,322013 Apr-10,-69417 May-10,310503 Jun-10,522857 Jul-10,1033096 Aug-10,604885 Sep-10,-216386 Oct-10,477532 Nov-10,893810 Dec-10,-80353 Jan-11,779806 Feb-11,-335203 Mar-11,697845 Apr-11,793163 May-11,485070 Jun-11,584122 Jul-11,62729 Aug-11,668179 Sep-11,899906 Oct-11,834719 Nov-11,132003

Nov-16,795914 Dec-16,60988 Jan-17,138230 Feb-17,671099


# Assessing data on profit figures per month from 2010 - 2017.

# Need to sum the number of months, and the net resulting Profit and loss figure for those months

# Formulas needed:  averages of changes in Profit and Losses over the full period

# greatest increase in profits date and amount over full period

# greatest decrease in profits - date and amount over full period

# Initialize the metric variables

count = 0

total = 0

average = 0

maximum = 0

minimum = 0

#read in all text in the file as string

text =

    # Parse the file line by line -  splitting the string by the newline character '\n'

for line in text.split('\n'):

        # Convert the number in the text file from string to int

        number = int(line)

        # Sum the total and count of the numbers in the text file

        profit_total += number

        month_count += 1

# Print out profit_total and month_count

print(f"profit_total: {profit_total}")

print(f"month_count: {month_count}")


# Calculate the average of profit/loss changes (including date and amount over the entire period)

change_average = profit_total / month_count

print(f"change_average: {change_average}")

# Set output file name

output_path = 'output.txt'

# Open the output path as a file object

with open(output_path, 'w') as file:

    # Write daily_average to the output file, convert to string

    file.write(f"There were {customer_total} customers over the course of {day_count} days.\n")

    file.write(f"The average daily customer traffic is {daily_average} customers per day.")

# Calculate the average

average = round(total / count, 2)




PyBank and PyRamen homework Bootcamp






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