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Develop Threads, Next.js 13 app that skyrocketed to 100 million sign-ups in less than 5 days, and dethroned giants like Twitter, ChatGPT, and TikTok to become the fastest-growing app ever!

In this Project

  • Next.js 13.4 with Server Side Rendering
  • MongoDB handling of complex schemas, multiple data population
  • Create beautiful layouts with TailwindCSS
  • Use Clerk for authentication
  • Handle file uploads with UploadThing
  • Explore Shadcn components
  • Listen to real-time events with webhooks
  • Understand middleware, API actions, and authorization
  • Explore & integrate new Next.js layout route groups
  • Validate data with Zod
  • Manage forms with react hook form
  • Create reusable components
  • Build a solid application architecture
  • Deploy the application and more!

