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ASL interpretation

Based on features get from LeapMotion sendor, using SDK toolit, this project uses Sckit-learn library to interpret American Signal Languages symbols.

Three models were been analyzed:

  • ANN (Artificial neural netwod)
  • KNN
  • SVM
  • Nearest Centroid

Features and training

The set of features used to train the set of models were (get from LeapMotion sensor SDK):

  • RTP
  • RTT
  • RTJ

To get trained model:

  • Run script:
python --classifierType ANN

to get Confusion Matrix from SVM, for example.

The list of available models can be visualized with:

python --help

Running trained model

All the trained models are in the directory data/. To run the ANN trained model, type:

  • Read the document: Letter_Leap.pdf to get more information

In case of you want the real time application, please send me a message!

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