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Hosts Docker and Kubernetes deployment manifests for the GroupHQ software system

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GroupHQ is a demo application created as a training exercise for building and deploying reactive cloud-native applications through the use of Spring Boot, Project Reactor, Docker, and Kubernetes, with an emphasis on cloud-native principles, particularly based on the 15-factor app methodology



Version: DEMO

The GroupHQ Demo allows users to view, sync, join and leave auto-generated groups. While seemingly simple in nature, the demo is backed by robust and extensible services for improving and adding onto the feature set. The system is designed as a set of microservices to enable decoupling of services, independent development and deployment, and improved scalability compared to traditional monolithic applications.

The following services are currently available:

  • Edge Service
  • Group Sync
  • Group Service
  • GroupHQ UI (frontend application)

Each service has been created with cloud-native principles in mind. They are independently deployable, scalable, and resilient in case of downstream errors.

Architecture Diagrams

You can find the architecture diagrams for the GroupHQ Demo in the architecture/demo folder in this repository. The following diagrams are available:

  • GroupHQ Demo Containers (with Observability Stack)
  • GroupHQ Demo Containers (without Observability Stack)
  • GroupHQ Demo Gateway-Related Containers
  • GroupHQ Demo Group-Service-Related Containers
  • GroupHQ Demo Observability Related Containers

Key Services

To view information on key services, see the files in their repositories:

The rest of this guide will go into detail about deployment-related topics.

Observability Stack

The GroupHQ Demo uses a variety of tools to provide observability into the system, all of which are integrated with Grafana using the Grafana Observability Stack:

  • Loki: Aggregates logs from services
  • Prometheus: Collects metrics from services
  • Tempo: Aggregates traces from services

Tools such as these are essential for monitoring and debugging applications. Without them, developers would have to resort to querying information on applications from the console, which is not practical, especially in a distributed environment. Tracing is a boon to developers in these environments, as it allows them to see the flow of requests through the system. With the Grafana Observability Stack, developers can view traces from logs and critical application info at a glance through custom dashboards.

Currently, Edge Service, Group Sync, and Group Service are all observable through the Grafana Observability Stack. Check out the Development Environment Setup section for instructions on how to access the Grafana dashboard locally.


In this repository a docker folder is included for local development without using Kubernetes. The most common use case here is to run backing services, such as databases, for your applications running on your local machine. Using containerized backing services provides a more consistent, portable, and production-like environment for developing.


When an application is ready to be deployed, the kubernetes folder is used.

Notice the applications/development folder. It contains a Tiltfile to run the Tiltfiles in Edge Service, Group Sync, and Group Service. Each service's Tiltfile has instructions on deploying the application to your current Kubernetes context based on the base manifest files located in the repository's k8s folder.

The rest of the applications folder contains overlays to customize each repositories base manifest files for different environments. For example, the applications/*/production folders contains production overlays for a given service.

The platform folder contains all the backing services for the GroupHQ Demo in either development or production environments.

In the development folder, these include:

  • PostgreSQL: A relational database for storing application data
  • RabbitMQ: A message broker for sending events between services
  • Redis: A key-value store for caching application data

In the production folder, these include:

  • ArgoCD: A GitOps tool for continuous deployment of applications to Kubernetes
  • ingress-nginx: A Kubernetes Ingress Controller for routing requests to services
  • RabbitMQ: A message broker for sending events between services using the AMQP protocol
  • Grafana: A tool for visualizing metrics and logs
  • Loki: A tool for aggregating logs
  • Prometheus: A tool for collecting metrics
  • Tempo: A tool for aggregating traces

The following is created through a Cloud Provider's managed services. These are services that are managed by the Cloud Provider--they are not deployed to the Kubernetes cluster:

  • PostgreSQL: A relational database for storing application data
  • Redis: A key-value store for caching application data

Overlays (i.e. configuration patches)

Patches in Kubernetes are created through Kustomize, and are used to apply and/or override configuration for a service. The type of patches can vary depending on the environment.

To elaborate, each service repository has a k8s (short for Kubernetes) directory that contains the base configuration for the service in a local Kubernetes development environment. In the groupHQ-deployment repository, there is a directory for each service, and for each service, a different environment to run on. While there are staging and production overlays defined, there are no staging environments as of now. Nevertheless, this strategy allows environment-specific configuration to be injected into the base configuration with the help of Kustomize.

Development Environment Setup

There are two ways to set up the GroupHQ development environment: using Docker or using Kubernetes. The Docker setup is the easiest to get started with, but the Kubernetes setup provides the most production-like environment with TLS enabled, and allows for testing of Kubernetes manifests and secure connections.

Local Environment Using Docker

You can find all Docker related files under the docker directory of this project. Container definitions are specified in the docker-compose.yml, and they include the containers necessary to build the Grafana Observability Stack. Building any of the following containers: group-service, group-sync, edge-service, will trigger the Grafana Observability Stack containers to be built as well. Note that the grouphq-ui container is not integrated into the Grafana Observability Stack.

You can run the entire development stack by running: docker-compose up -d grouphq-ui. This will transitively build the backend services and their backing services, as well as the Grafana Observability Stack. The -d flag runs the containers in detached mode, meaning that the containers will run in the background. Make sure to run this command in the docker directory.

If you're interested in running only one service with its dependencies, you can run the following command: docker-compose up -d <service-name>. For example, to run Group Service, you would use the following command: docker-compose up -d group-service. This will build the Group Service container and its backing services, along with the Grafana Observability Stack.

You can access the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000. The default username is user and the default password is password.

Local Environment Using Kubernetes

This is the recommended environment for development. It is the most production-like environment and allows for testing of TLS connections and Kubernetes manifests. Due to the complexity of setting up the environment, it is recommended to use the quick-start scripts. See the file in the kubernetes/quick-start/local folder for more details on:

  • Programs to have installed on your system before running the scripts
  • Details on what the scripts do
  • Which scripts to run
  • How to access the Grafana dashboard in a Kubernetes environment

Production Environment Setup

There is no script to perform all the following steps, but one may be created in the future. The main reason being is that some of these commands are vendor-specific (to Digital Ocean via the doctl command), and a script based on these steps would be limited to Digital Ocean. Ideally, something like Terraform would be used to create the cluster and backing services to avoid vendor lock-in.

Creating the Cluster

Create a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster in the New York City area with the following command:

doctl k8s cluster create grouphq-cluster \
--node-pool "name=basicnp;size=s-2vcpu-4gb;count=3;label=type=basic;" \
--region nyc1

In the kubernets/platform/production/ingress-nginx folder, run the following command to deploy the Digital Ocean NGINX controller:


Creating the Backing Services


Create the PostgreSQL database server with the following command:

doctl databases create grouphq-db \
--engine pg \
--region nyc1 \
--version 14

Wait until the database server is ready. You can view its status by running the following command:

doctl databases list

Then configure a firewall to only allow traffic from the cluster:

doctl databases firewalls append <postgres_id> --rule k8s:<cluster_id>

You can get the postgres_id and cluster_id by running the following command:

doctl databases list

Create the grouphq_group database:

doctl databases db create <postgres_id> grouphq_group

You can then retrieve the connection details by running the following command:

doctl databases connection <postgres_id> --format Host,Port,User,Password

Then create a secret for the database credentials (used by the group-service manifests):

kubectl create secret generic grouphq-postgres-group-credentials \
--from-literal="spring.flyway.url=jdbc:postgresql://<postgres_host>:<postgres_port>/<database_name>" \
--from-literal="spring.r2dbc.url=r2dbc:postgresql://<postgres_host>:<postgres_port>/<database_name>?ssl=true&sslMode=require" \
--from-literal=spring.r2dbc.username=<postgres_username> \


Create the Redis database server with the following command:

 doctl databases create grouphq-redis \
 --engine redis \
 --region nyc1 \
 --version 7

Wait until the database server is ready. You can view its status by running the following command:

doctl databases list

Then configure a firewall to only allow traffic from the cluster:

doctl databases firewalls append <redis_id> --rule k8s:<cluster_id>

You can then retrieve the connection details by running the following command:

doctl databases connection <redis_id> --format Host,Port,User,Password

Then create a secret for the database credentials (used by the edge-service manifests):

kubectl create secret generic grouphq-redis-credentials \<redis_host> \
 --from-literal=spring.redis.port=<redis_port> \
 --from-literal=spring.redis.username=<redis_username> \
 --from-literal=spring.redis.password=<redis_password> \


Unlike the other backing services which use servers managed by Digital Ocean, RabbitMQ is not offered as a managed service. Instead, the RabbitMQ cluster-operator is used to deploy RabbitMQ to the cluster.

In the kubernets/platform/production/rabbitmq folder, run the following command to deploy the RabbitMQ cluster-operator:


(script courtesy of Thomas Vitale from their book Cloud Native Spring in Action)

The script creates a secret for the RabbitMQ credentials which are included by the group-service and group-sync manifests.

Deploying the Grafana Observability Stack

To enable observability in production using the Grafana Observability Stack, navigate to the kubernetes/platform/production/observability folder. Run the following command to deploy the Grafana Observability Stack:


(script courtesy of Thomas Vitale from their book Cloud Native Spring in Action)

Refer to the file in that directory for more information on how to access the Grafana dashboard.

Deploying and Syncing the Applications Using Argo CD

To deploy and sync the applications, we'll be using Argo CD, a GitOps tool for continuous deployments of applications in Kubernetes. You'll need to have the Argo CD CLI installed on your system. You can find instructions on how to install it here.

In the kubernets/platform/production/argocd folder, run the following command to deploy the ArgoCD application:


(script courtesy of Thomas Vitale from their book Cloud Native Spring in Action)

Get the password for logging into the ArgoCD production service by running the following command:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret \
-o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Get the Argo CD production service's external IP address by running the following command:

kubectl -n argocd get service argocd-server

Log in to the Argo CD production service. using the following command (default username is admin):

argocd login <argocd-external-ip>

Next you'll need to configure Argo CD to sync each application repository.

The following command needs to be run for private repositories in order to give ArgoCD access to the repository:

argocd repo add <repo-link> \
--username <username> \
--password <password or access token with repo scope>

In total, you should be adding the following repositories:

Then, run the following command to instruct ArgoCD on how to sync the application to the cluster:

argocd app create <application-deployment-name, e.g. group-service> \
--repo <deployment-repo-link> \
--path <manifest-directory-path-to-monitor> \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace default \
--sync-policy auto \

For example, to sync the group-service application, you would run the following command:

argocd app create group-service \
--repo \
--path kubernetes/applications/group-service/production \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace default \
--sync-policy auto \

This tells Arg CD that any changes made to the manifests in the kubernetes/applications/group-service/production folder should trigger a new application of the manifests to the cluster. These manifests are updated whenever a change is made to the main branch of the group-service repository. A series of GitHub Actions then run to create the new service image, dispatch the updated image information to the GroupHQ Deployment repository, and update the image tags in the production manifests, committing the changes to the main branch. These changes are eventually picked up by Argo CD.

Setting Up TLS/SSL Certificate for HTTPS/WSS Connections

In production, Let's Encrypt is used to automate the process of periodically providing free TLS certificates for the domain.

First, the Let's Encrypt ClusterIssuer manifest needs a CloudFlare API token CloudFlare DNS API (which GroupHQ uses for its DNS servers). Put that token in the secrets/kubernets/production/cloudflare-api-token-secret.yml file. If you've never worked with the secrets folder, then it's probably named secrets-checkReadMeInThisFolder. Follow the instructions in the file in that folder before continuing.

After applying the secret to the cluster, go to the kubernetes/platform/production/lets-encrypt folder. Run the following command to apply the ClusterIssuer manifest:

kubectl apply -k lets-encrypt-issuer.yml

Your NGINX controllers in the cluster should recognize the ClusterIssuer and integrate with it automatically. In the kubernetes/applications/edge-service/production/patch-ingress.yml file, the cert-manager is specified: letsencrypt-issuer. This tells the NGINX controller to specifically use the letsencrypt-issuer to generate a certificate for the domain.

Deleting the Cluster and Backing Services

Deleting the Cluster

Delete the cluster with the following command:

doctl k8s cluster delete grouphq-cluster

Deleting the Backing Services

Delete the PostgreSQL database server with the following command:

doctl databases delete <postgres_id>

You can get the postgres_id by running the following command:

doctl databases list

Delete the Redis database server with the following command:

doctl databases delete <redis_id>

You can get the redis_id by running the following command:

doctl databases list