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React Native Shopping List app (groceristar app)

Table of contents

Trello Board

Basic requirements for React Native app GroceriStar — React Native developers onboarding

Documentation website


Screens from web version


Basic functionality:

  • Page with grocery list collection
  • Grocery list details page
  • Departments list
  • Shopping list
  • Login screen

User Stories

User can:

  • Create an account
  • Successfully login
  • Add items to the shopping list
  • Edit items previously created
  • Delete items from grocery list
  • Mark items as purchased
  • Mark items as favorites
  • View all favorite items in one page
  • Click on item to get more information about item
  • User can logout


Shopping list app videos

Login, View Departments

List of Ingredients

Login + View Departments List


Introduction Screens

Introduction Slide

Departments with Ingredients

Grocery List

Departments List with Ingredients with checkboxes


Important Notes

  • We'll use Sentry Releases to ship better code

  • We'll use git-flow so we'll not intersect between developers

  • We'll use PR for pushing your code into master and I'll be a reviewer

  • We'll use bin-flow

  • For making react components ready for cross-projects we'll use Bit.

  • We'll use Jest + Enzyme for tests

  • We'll use Netlify in order to have ability review our pages online

  • We'll use Travis CI for setting up tests coverage

  • Send API calls to server. @TODO share with team an API endpoints. for making calls use Axious.

  • For subscription service we'll use Paddle.js

  • Each component should looks simple and understandable

  • We should use ReactStrap components for faster development process

  • You should create and maintain documentation GitBook

Departments, Ingredients with ids

Navigation Routes

Create New Grocery List and collection of grocery lists

Create New Grocery List Flow


you can use the app by scanning the qr code using the Expo app

check out the project at Expo react-native-shoppin-list