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🤖 thinkAI

An canva clone created using Nextjs and Typescript. Used Cloudinary for AI tasks. Built this as a side project for learning purpose, will make it a fully fledged product soon. Here I mainly focused on learning how SaaS Products are build from scratch and payments are integrated.

📦 Technologies

  • Vite
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Zod
  • Tailwind CSS
  • ShadCn
  • Mongo DB
  • Mongoose
  • Stripe
  • Cloudinary
  • Clerk

🦄 Features

Here's what you can do with thinkAI:

  • Select from various options of transforming your image: You have Generative fill, Object Recolor, Object Removal etc. Pick one and start transforming.

📚 What I Learned

During this project, I've picked up important skills and a better understanding of complex ideas, which improved my logical thinking.

🔒 Authentication

📁 Project file-folder Structure

🪝 WebHooks Integration

💰 Payment Integration

🎭 Server Actions

🎨 ShadCn Components Implementation

💭 How can it be improved?

  • Implement Dark Mode
  • Implement RazorPay
  • Add More AI Features
  • Implement Loaders for download file, initial app load

🚦 Running the Project

To run the project in your local environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Run npm install or yarn in the project directory to install the required dependencies.
  3. Run npm run start or yarn start to get the project started.
  4. Open http://localhost:5173 (or the address shown in your console) in your web browser to view the app.
  5. Make sure to go through env_example file for all the required env variables