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Introduction to tsx.

Getting Started (installation and other errors and troubleshoot) (on windows)

  • run npm i typescript --g th e--g flag saves the dependancy globally. After intallation , you can confirm the version by tsc --v

typescript not working properly // tsc command not found (Error, troubleshoot)

1. make sure you are using the latest node v16.7.0.(as of now 20.08.2021) You can dowload it from NodeJS official. Or use Node version Manager (nvm) to upgrade to the latest node v.

installing nvm and upgrading to node v16.7.0

  • open nvm window repo , here
  • scroll down to the assets section to find Download , extract and install it.
  • to upgrade node to the latest version run nvm use 16.7.0
  • check the node version by node -v
  • after upgrading node to v16.7.0, install typescript again npm i -g typescript

execution policy error, powershell


  • open windows PS as admin
  • run Set-ExecutionPolicy -scope currentuser
  • then you will be prompted to set a policy : set unresctricted , [it is by default set to restricted which does not let scripts to run]
  • save the changes, by pressing y and you are good to go

miscellaneous , for exec policy errors

  • run Get-ExceutionPolicy --List to list all the user scopes
  • run Get-ExceutionPolicy to see the effective exec policy set

what and why tsc?

typescript is javascript , on steroids

the browser doesn't/can't read typescript codes. so there has to be a some kind of conversion from the typsecript to regular javascript for the browser to read and exec the scripts.

tsc is short for typescript compiler which transpiles the .ts files to their corresponding .js files so the browser can read and execute w/ ease as with normal javascript

typescript work principle (generic)

  • write your typescript codes in a .ts file
  • transpile the typescript codes into js , by running the typescript compiler
  • after running tsc, a corresponding js file is created by the compiler.
  • run the js file using node <filename>.js

automate the compilation and runtime 🚀

it can be done w/ two steps

  1. automate typescript compiler to track all changes in the ts file and transpile the ts codes to js codes.
  2. automate runtime using nodemon(you need node env for this).

automate typescript compiler

as you may now have guessed, for transpiling the ts codes to js we need to run the tsc cmd everytime we make changes in the ts file. repeatative tasks are mundane. what can be done to track the changes automatically?

  • running tsc --watch in the path of the project directory

what the above cmd does is - it watches for every changes made. also throws compile errors in the console if you make errors and transpile the typescript codes to ot's correspinding javascript, if tsc is watching for every change

automate runtime with nodemon

nodemon is a package that constantly watches the node env for changes. which prevents the repeatative execution of node <filename>.js to track and reflect changes.

  • run npm init -y to initialize an npm
  • install nodemon using npm i nodemon. nodemon should be included in the package.json in your project dir after installation.
  • go to your package.json and edit the script , in the scripts object

Screenshot (315)

  • what this line of code means "start" : "nodemon helloWorld.js" is everythime you run npm start or npm run start nodemon will run and execute the js file specified.

  • make sure to add the js file that is transipled from the ts file. in other words, when you run tsc the typescript codes are compiled to javascript codes. you need to specify the the javascript code file in the start script when you are specifying the filename after nodemon.

  • now, you do not have to to run node <filename>.js everytime you make changes to any of the files.

tsconfig.json? 🤯

the tsconfig.json is a file that defines the tsc compile behaviour. it can be edited/customized as per requirements.

writng your first typescript codes to solve a coding problem

now that we know what typescript is and little bit of how it works behind the scenes, we can actually get started w/ writing our very first typescript codes.


the problem we are gona solve today is the classic ol' reverse also and palindrome checker.

for the codes , please refer to the helloWorld.ts file for the lines of code and also they are properly commented for better understanding.

have ideas to make it better? feel free to reach out to me.


Introduction to tsx.







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