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Snake game in C++ using QT5 - Denis DAVIAUD & Augustin ROUH - INSA CVL 2024


  1. Download and install cmake (version 3.11 or later recommended) and mingw.
  2. Install Qt5 (recommended version 5.15.2) On linux
sudo apt-get install qt5-default
# ou
pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt linux desktop 5.15.2 gcc_64

On Windows

pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81
  1. Clone the repository (including submodules) with the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
  1. If qt is installed through aqtinstall, set the environment variable Qt5_DIR to the directory containing the Qt5Config.cmake file (e.g. C:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64\lib\cmake\Qt5)
  2. Run cmake in the root directory of the project.
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
  1. On Windows, define QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH to the directory containing the qwindows.dll file ( e.g. C:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64\plugins\platforms) before running SnakeQT.exe.
  2. Run the executable in the build directory.

Already compiled version of the game are available for each commit under the Actions section of Github. They are compiled automatically on a remote server for each new version of the game :


  • File based map loading
  • Embedded custom texture in map files
  • In-game map editor for maps up to 30x30
  • In-game map browser and downloader from remote servers
  • Online high score system computed from apple and bonus eaten
  • Full screen support


Maps are available directly in the game. They can also be downloaded manually from the map repository and placed in the maps folder. To make a map available for download it must be added to the map repository. Current most advanced maps are :

  • Basic 2
  • Island 1

Map File format

Map are stored as a zip file ending with .skm. The zip file contains the following files:

  • map.xml: a xml file containing the map data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Define map properties: size, name, apple texture and default tile -->
<map width="10" height="10" apple_texture="custom_apple.png" name="Map map" author="Map Author"
     description="Map description" default_tile="custom_ground">
    <!-- Define snake properties: start position & length, textures -->
    <snake init_x="7" init_y="7" init_length="2" init_direction="up" head_texture="custom_snake_head.png"

    <!-- Define a custom tile type with its own texture. type is an integer defining properties as flags (WALKABLE = 1 << 0, APPLE_SPAWN = 1 << 1, BONUS_SPAWN = 1 << 2 -->
    <type name="custom_ground" texture="custom_ground.png" type="7"/>

    <!-- Set the tile at x, y to the cell of type name. Tile that aren't set default to default_tile -->
    <tile x="0" y="0" cell="custom_wall"/>
  • All the textures used in the map, placed as png file at the root of the zip file

Possible improvement

  • Use map name, display author and high score in the map browser (as return by API)
  • Add a campaign mode where game switch to the next map when a certain score is reached
  • Support for adaptive textures (choosing the right texture depending on the surrounding tiles) instead of loading all 9 textures as separate ones


The game uses a REST API to download maps and upload high scores. The API is available at To source code is available on github and the documentation directly on the dedicated website page. HighScore upload is voluntarily hidden from the documentation to avoid manual upload.

Tile preprocessing using imageMagick

The tiles texture used in the game come from assets. Some textures aren't in the right size for the game or might contain transparency. To fix this, the following command can be used to fix all images in subfolders of the current directory:

find . -name '*.png' -exec convert {} -scale 32x32 -background "#ecb06e" -alpha remove -alpha off {} \;

Replace #ecb06e by the background color of your map If all textures are on the same spritesheet, they can be extracted into individual images using:

magick convert roguelikeSheet_transparent.png -crop 57x31-1-1@ +repage +adjoin spaced-1_%d.png

Where 57 is the number of sprite in the x-axis and 31 in the y-axis and -1-1 is the offset between each sprite.


A Snake game made in QT/C++






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