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Customizing Entity Fishing

DaFuqs edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 5 revisions

Spectrum's Fishing Rods (in addition to being able to fish in more than just water) use a mechanism called Entity Fishing. It does exactly what it says on the tin: when fishing, you have a chance of catching a living entity! This chance can be increased with the "Big Catch" enchantment.

You can specify which entities are fished by placing json files in the directory <data_pack_or_mod_name>/entity_fishing/.


  • {} location: Predicates that have to pass for this fishing entry to evaluate
    • (FluidPredicate) fluid: The fluid that can contain fishable entities (as via fluid id or fluid tag).
    • (BiomePredicate) biome: The biomes in which these entities can be fished.
    • (LightPredicate) light: The block and sky light in which these entities can be fished.
    • (DimensionPredicate) dimension: The dimensions in which these entities can be fished
    • (MoonPhasePredicate) moon_phase: The moon phase these entities can be fished in
    • (TimeOfDayPredicate) time_of_day: The time of day when these entities can be fished.
    • (WeatherPredicate) weather: The weather in which these entities can be fished
    • (CommandPredicate) command: An arbitrary command to test against
  • (float) chance: The base chance to fish an entity instead of the usual loot. This is multiplied by the level of the Big Catch enchantment if the rod is enchanted.
  • {} entities: A weighted list of entity entries that can be fished.
    • (Identifier) id: The entity to be fished
    • (int) weight: The relative likelihood of this entry being selected
    • (String) nbt: A standard NBT string to apply to the entity
    • (JsonNBT) nbt: An NBT string using Spectrum's custom JsonNBT format that will be applied to the entity.

Example: Dragonrot

  "location": {
    "fluid": {
      "tag": "spectrum:dragonrot"
  "chance": 0.5,
  "entities": [
      "id": "minecraft:pufferfish",
      "weight": 10
      "id": "minecraft:creeper",
      "weight": 5,
      "nbt": {
        "powered": true
      "id": "minecraft:cod",
      "weight": 2
      "id": "minecraft:salmon",
      "weight": 2
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