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Final Year CSE Project for SPPU, in PVG's COET, Pune

Sponsored by IncuGlobe Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Project Description:

An overview of how the process of E-Tendering for government projects can take place on the Blockchain.

A Decentralized platform to host complete tendering process.

Technologies/Tools/Frameworks Used :

  1. MongodB - Credential and information storage

  2. Truffle - Smart Contract compilation and logging

  3. NodeJS - Application hosting and Logging

  4. ExpressJS - Base Application Framework and Routing

  5. Mythril - Contract security testing

  6. Bootstrap 4 - Design and UI

  7. Ganache - Local Blockchain

  8. Metamask - Ethereum Browser

Steps to run the project :

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. cd into the project directory

  3. Install dependencies : sudo npm install OR yarn install

  4. Start Ganache : npx ganache

  5. Copy the private addresses generated by Ganache

  6. Compile and Deploy the contracts on Ganache using Truffle : npx truffle migrate

  7. Install MongodB Compass

  8. Start Mongo Server, sudo systemctl start mongod for Linux and Standalone Application for Windows.

  9. cd into the src sub-directory.

  10. run npx nodemon app.js to start the app.

  11. Install Metamask extension for Chrome/Firefox

  12. Add Localhost to the list of networks in Metamask and switch to that network.

  13. Import previously copied private addresses to Metamask.

  14. Open MongodB Compass.

  15. Your App is up and running.

Project Contributors

Aniket Datar - Blockchain Backend

Atharv Vaspate - Backend

Shankar Avad - Frontend

Niranjan Patankar - Frontend and Design

For more information about this project, Visit here