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CommuteStream Android Native Ads SDK

This SDK allows you to add CommuteStream Native Ads to your app.

These instructions assume you have already followed the instructions at:


  • Minimum API 14 (Android 4.0)
  • Google Play Services through Maven
  • Most likely requires multidex enabled for any significantly large application
  • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

Adding the SDK

Add the SDK as a gradle dependency in the build.gradle dependencies block:


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.commutestream.nativeads:commutestream-nativeads:1.2.13'


CommuteStream Native Ads were built specifically for transit apps. Our SDK is packed with flexible components that allow publishers to seamlessly display advertising alongside public transit information.

Available Components

Components are meant to be used where the publisher sees fit, but should be placed with the understanding that the ad data they display, will be relevant to the transit data surrounding them. The following components are available and listed in order of usage priority:

  • Headline - Displays a strong call-to-action or phrase that relates the value of the offer in as few words as possible –e.g., "Free 12 oz. Coffee"

  • Body - Provides a more detailed description of the offer –e.g., "With purchase any breakfast item."

  • Logo - Shows the brand of the company being advertised. In most cases, logos are meant to be displayed with other components such as a Headline, Body or Advertiser, but can be placed alone as an embeleshment to a list item for a transit stop or route.

When a user taps any of these components or grouping of them, an Action Card is displayed.

Action Cards

Floats above the contents of the app and keeps the user experience and related transit information in context. The action card cannot be customized by the publisher.

Adding Components to a Layout

You can add components to your app by using the Layout Editor feature in Android Studio:

Your Native Ad layout may be in an existing view layout or in its own. We recommend you create a specific layout for your Native Ad.

Use the following components as they relate to the CS components you want in your layout:

  • Headline -> TextView
  • Body -> TextView
  • Logo -> ImageView
  • Advertiser -> TextView


You may then tell the SDK which Views are to be used for which components using the ViewBinder class


ViewBinder viewBinder = new ViewBinder(R.layout.my_cs_native_layout);

This ViewBinder instance is then used when building an Ad view later.

SDK Usage


Once you've created your ad layout and a view binder to tell our SDK which views match each component, you'll need to request a list of native ads to populate them. For this you will create an individual AdRequest, packaged with transit information that matches what's showing on the screen.

The AdRequest contains all the context we use to find the best matching Ad. There are many ways you may use this to display ads in different locations in your application. We support matching an Ad for a transit agency, transit route, and a transit stop. We use GTFS route and stop ids to target ads along with a CommuteStream supplied agency id.

An example of a single stop matched AdRequest would be:

Single Stop Target AdRequest


AdRequest stopAdRequest = new AdRequest().addStop("cta", "red", "1240");

Only ads that target that particular stop will be returned for that request.

Multiple Target AdRequest

An example of an AdRequest to fill a wider Agency or Route level request would be:


AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest().addAgency("cta").addRoute("cta", "red");

Only ads that target the provided agency ("cta") and/or provided route ("cta","red").

AdRequest List

For each Ad you wish to display a corresponding AdRequest should be created and added to a list of requests.

For example if you want to show two ads on a particular screen, we would do something like:


AdRequest stopAdRequest = new AdRequest().addStop("cta", "red", "1240");
AdRequest agencyRouteAdRequest = new AdRequest().addAgency("cta").addRoute("cta", "red");
ArrayList<AdRequest> adRequests = new ArrayList<AdRequest();


In order to fetch ads with the list of AdRequests, you must call the fetchAds method on an instance of AdsController. This will invoke a callback that returns an ads list.

The ads list has the same object count and order as the AdRequest's list provided in the call. This makes it easy to map to the transit context you made the requests for.

All indexes in the list have an Ad, and each one is either a null when an ad could not be found or an instance of the Ad class when one is found. You will use this list along with an instance of the ViewBinder to display ad content in the components you added to your ad layout.

IMPORTANT: The AdsController should be a member variable of each Activity you use in your application and instantiated in the onCreate Activity method. It is important to ensure your app correctly reports information and pauses background tasks to call appropriate methods in your Activity onPause and onResume methods as well.


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    adsController = new AdsController(this, UUID.fromString(myAdUnit));
    ViewBinder viewBinder = new ViewBinder(R.layout.my_cs_native_layout);
    AdRequest stopAdRequest = new AdRequest().addStop("cta", "red", "1240");
    ArrayList<AdRequest> adReqeusts = new ArrayList();
    adsController.fetchAds(adRequests, new AdsController.AdResponseHandler() {
        public void onAds(List<Ad> ads) {
            Ad ad = ads.get(0);
            if(ad != null) {
                mainLayout.addView(adsController.renderAd(null, viewBinder, ad, true));

public void onResume() {


public void onPause() {

public void onBackPressed() {
    if(!adsController.closeActionCard()) {

Rendering Ads

Once you've retreived ads using the fetchAds method, you can your components with ad data using the renderAd method of the CSNAdsController class.

The renderAd method accepts four parameters:

  • the parent view holding all the ad components (optional)
  • the ViewBinder used to connect you layout components to CS native components
  • the ad returned in the fetchAds call
  • a boolean value for whether or not the parent is clickable (allows for grouping components so they respond to the same tap)


mainLayout.addView(adsController.renderAd(null, viewBinder, ad, true));

Agency IDs

The following ids are to be used in the various method calls above where "agency_id" is required. We are adding new markets reguarly.

Description Agency ID / CS ID
Chicago CTA cta
Chicago Metra METRA
Pittsburgh PAAC PAAC
Minneapolis / St. Paul Area MINNEAPOLIS
Washington DC Area DC
Los Angeles County LA
Philadelphia - SEPTA Bus SEPTABUS
Philadelphia - SEPTA Rail SEPTARAIL
Seattle Area (King County Metro) SEATTLE
Miami-Dade County Metro MIAMI
Portland - TriMet TRIMET
Salt Lake City Area - UTA UTA
Utah - Cache Valley Transit District CVTD
NYC - MTA Long Island Railroad MTA_LONG_ISLAND
New Jersey - NJ Transit Rail NJT_RAIL
New Jersey - NJ Transit Bus NJT_BUS
San Diego - Metropolitan Transit System MTS
San Francisco - SFMTA SFMTA
San Francisco - Bay Area Rapid Transit BART
San Francisco - AC Transit AC
Baltimore - Maryland Transit Administration MARYLAND
Las Vegas - RTC RTC
Tampa - Hillsborough Area Regional Transit HART
London - Transport for London TFL
Toronto - Toronto Transit Commission TTC


CommuteStream Android Native SDK







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