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The front-end for Runnable's environment management platform.

 CircleCI Status

 SauceLabs Status


  • grunt: execute grunt build to start a server and serve app at http://localhost:3001
  • grunt build: compile jade/sass, concat files, move compiled files into client/build/
  • grunt test:watch: run tests on fs changes
  • grunt test: run tests
  • npm start: build & start production environment


  • node ~0.10.30
  • npm ~1.4.20
  • browserify@~5.9.1

###Testing Unit Tests

grunt test

E2E tests

webdriver-manager start;
npm run e2e

You can also pass credentials to protractor

protractor ./test/protractor.conf.js --params.user SomeKittens --params.password hunter2


  1. npm version [type]
  2. git push origin --tags

Adding Static Assets

Currently, this repo depends on the built assets from In order to update these assets, just copy them into this repo. This is a temporary solution.

  1. On, checkout master and run gulp build
  2. On runnable-angular, checkout and pull master, then create a branch
  3. Run cp -R ../*
  4. Push and create a PR
  5. After merging PR, deploy runnable-angular

###Contributors   Taylor Dolan (taylordolan)

  Ryan Kahn (Myztiq)

  Nathan Meyers (Nathan219)

  Anton Podviaznikov (podviaznikov)

  Anandkumar Patel (anandkumarpatel)

  Tejesh Mehta (tjmehta)

  Tony Li (runnabro)

  Casey Flynn (cflynn07)

  Jorge R. Silva(thejsj)

  Damien Hayeck(damienrunnable)