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Bruno Nicholas Sserunkuma edited this page Nov 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the iReporter wiki!

This is the description of the development work plan for the iReporter application as described from the Andela Bootcamp Challenge for Cohort 15

Project Start And Requirements

(Challenge 1)

This is scheduled from 20/11/2018 Tuesday to 24/11/2018 Saturday as scheduled by the Andela Team. This is regarded as a challenge one of the whole Bootcamp which has a total of four challenges.

Project Duration: 4 weeks.

Final Due Date: Friday, 14th December 2018

Project Overview: Corruption is a huge bane to Africa’s development. African countries must develop novel and localised solutions that will curb this menace, hence the birth of iReporter. iReporter enables any/every citizen to bring any form of corruption to the notice of appropriate authorities and the general public. Users can also report on things that needs government intervention.

Required Features

  1. Authentication. A user can create an account and log in
  2. Users can create a red-flag record which is a corruption linked incident.
  3. Users can create an intervention record which is a call for a government agency to intervene for example;
  • Repair Bad Road Sections
  • Collapsed Bridges
  • Flooding Areas
  • Dirty Streets
  • Poor Sanitation Public Areas among others
  1. Users can edit their red-flag or intervention ​records.
  2. Users can delete their ​red-flag ​or ​intervention ​records.
  3. Users can add geolocation (Lat Long Coordinates) to their ​red-flag ​or ​intervention records​.
  4. Users can change the geolocation (Lat Long Coordinates) attached to their ​red-flag ​or intervention ​records.
  5. Admin can change the ​status​ of a record to either ​under investigation, rejected ​(in the event of a false claim)​ ​or​ resolved ​(in the event that the claim has been investigated and resolved)​.

Optional Features

  1. Users can add images to their ​red-flag ​or​ intervention ​records, to support their claims
  2. Users can add images to their ​red-flag ​or​ intervention ​records, to support their claims.
  3. The application should display a Google Map with Marker showing the red-flag or intervention location.
  4. The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the ​status ​of their record.
  5. The user gets real-time SMS notification when Admin changes the ​status​ of their record.


  • The user can only change the ​**geolocation **​(Latitude Longitude Coordinates)​ ​of a ​red-flag / intervention ​record, when it's ​status,​ is yet to be marked as either ​under investigation, rejected, ​or​ resolved.
  • The user can only​ ​edit or delete a ​red-flag / ​intervention record when its ​status is yet to be marked as either ​under investigation, rejected, or resolved.
  • Only the user who created the ​red-flag ​or ​incident​ record can delete the record.

This is Challenge 1


This is Challenge 2


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