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haha looks sicc, right xD

The font used for the digital clock in the top panel is Oswald.
The dock in use is latte-dock.

The current community version as of writing this (0.10.8-1) is broken, So I'm using latte-dock-git instead.

Check dependencies of a particular package on arch

pactree -U package_name

pactree is part of the pacman-contrib package.

repo/package: depends on - check top of the dependency tree.. i.e., these packages will be installed before your specified package

ecpac -S '%r/%n: %D' package_name

expac is a pacman database extraction utility.

The gimp thingy is at


Want multiple audio outputs on Arch? Install paprefs.

sudo pacman -Sy paprefs

The zsh plugings are sicc and all.. clone them via:

git clone
git clone

MPV config

~/.config/mpv/input.conf #linux
%appdata%\mpv\input.conf #winblows
Ctrl+Alt+RIGHT cycle_values video-rotate 90 180 270 0
Ctrl+Alt+LEFT cycle_values video-rotate 270 180 90 0
Ctrl+m af toggle "lavfi=[pan=1c|c0=0.5*c0+0.5*c1]" ; show-text "Audio mix Mono Toggled."

Get ProtonVPN on Arch
Do note that Proton officially no longer supports a gui for Arch, so you might as well refer to this guide instead, where the proton-vpn-gtk-app is used...

yay -Sy protonvpn

import the necessary PGP Keys, get your tray icons stuff working...

sudo pacman -Syu libappindicator-gtk3 gnome-shell-extension-appindicator

and reboot!

Global Menu widget (default KDE one sucks)

git clone

Modern clock KDE widget drop-shadow fix

Item {
    id: root
    // setting background as transparent with a drop shadow
    Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore.Types.ConfigurableBackground

Cool stuff:

Note: The stuff above isn't mine, please give credit to the original authors.

Sometimes, nano might not have syntax highlighting by default
In that case, make ~/.nanorc or ~/.config/.nanorc and fill with the file included in this repo

Pacman can be non-colored too, smh.. edit /etc/pacman.conf and uncomment the line that says Color

sicc SDDM config

Firstly, to enable NumLock when SDDM starts up, edit /etc/sddm.conf and put in these lines


image This is possible thanks to the Sugar candy theme
They happen to have awesome documentation as well.. here's my config file btw:



## Double between 0 and 1 used for the alpha channel of a darkening overlay. Use to darken your background image on the fly.

## Adjust to your resolution to help SDDM speed up on calculations

## [Blur Settings]

## Enable or disable the blur effect; if HaveFormBackground is set to true then PartialBlur will trigger the BackgroundColor of the form element to be partially transparent and blend with the blur.

## Set the strength of the blur effect. Anything above 100 is pretty strong and might slow down the rendering time. 0 is like setting false for any blur.

## Defaults to white - this is the text color

## Used for elements in focus/hover/pressed. Should be contrasting to the background and the MainColor to achieve the best effect.


## If you want to choose a custom font it will have to be available to the X root user. See

## If you don't like to see any character at all not even while being entered set this to true.

## [Locale Settings]
HourFormat="h:mm AP"
DateFormat="dddd, MMMM d"

HeaderText="Welcome, Billy!"