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Barsonvenus edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

Hello, and welcome to Metaverse Enterprise Solutions' "On-Task Logstical Evaluation" test program!

'Welcome, [INSERT NAME HERE]! We thank you for your interest in joining our team. We're excited to profit off your exciting work on the cutting edge field of [INSERT SCIENTIFIC EXPERTISE HERE]. As part of our rigorious testing and interview process to single yourself out from what we're sure is a pool of geniuses and wunderkinds, We'll have you undergo a simple test! Simply make sure that this [INSERT TEST PROGRAM HERE] performs to [INSERT PERFORMATIVE-RELATIVE-REALITY-SPECIFICATIONS HERE] and that all events trigger as noted, and that no [INSERT REALITY ERROR DESIGNATION] occur!'

  • Please note you are not being paid for these services; any work done will be owned as intellectual property of MES.
  • If [INSERT TEST PROGRAM HERE] starts performing outside of listed parameters, please set fire to your workstation with the provided materials given to you given before the start of this interview.
  • If you have not been given flammable material, you are encouraged to exercise your own fire-starting skills, which will not be part of the evaluation and will be subject to criminal charges.
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