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Is a cooking website capable of interacting with other instances via the ActivityPub protocol.

Build instructions


This website is composed of a static front-end made with hugo and an ActivityPub server (located in /chactivity).

Then, you will need NGINX and certbot (or any other application that can generated certificates for your website).

Finally, for the Blist theme, you will need postcss (npm install postcss-cli).

Configuring the instance

For the backend cf chactivityserver. For the front-end, you can edit config.toml

Hugo supports multiple themes and images can be modified in /static.

Updating website

On the main instance, I only use a cronjob updating the website every 3 hours: 1 */3 * * * cd /var/www/Cha-Cuit && git pull && git submodule update --init && hugo

Writing recipes

Recipes are stored in a markdown file (cf content/recettes).

Images linked to the articles are in /static/img/recipe-name.

The recommended template is:

title: Name of the Recipe
date: 2023-01-01
tags: ["sugar", "chocolate"]
duration: 1h30
thumbnail: "/img/recipe/recipe.jpg"

# Ingredients

# Equipment


# Preparation

# Notes

|| is used as a column separator. This allow the website to display the recipe on two columns.


Please, feel free to contribute to this project in submitting patches, corrections, opening issues, etc.

For more infos and ideas read and

You can also add you own instance to instances.txt to connect to other instances!