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Option ROM How to

640KB edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 6 revisions

Install the GLaTICK ROM image within valid Option ROM address space, typically between addresses D000h-F400h. Most XT-class motherboards have additional slots intended for ROM BASIC which may start at address F600. If so, you will need a BIOS that supports option ROMs located between F600 and FE00h. GLaBIOS and Super PC/Turbo XT BIOS both support this.

If additional changing the system BIOS or additional sockets are not an option, any ISA expansion card that contains a ROM within the standard option ROM range (D000h-F600) will work. This includes most ISA network adapters, CF/XT-IDE/floppy adapters or dedicated ROM expansion cards such as this, this, this or others. Also, if your system uses EEPROM or Flash memory for ROM, such as micro_8088, NuXT, EMM Homebrew simply inject the ROM data into an unused portion of the BIOS image, aligned at a 2 KiB boundary.

Write the GLaTICK ROM to the beginning of a compatible E/EPROM and the BIOS should recognize it during boot. Set the clock using DOS on the first boot and that's it!

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