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Ansible Role: MySQL

License Build Status


Install and configures MySQL on RedHat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu.


  • Ansible >=2.4
  • EPEL Repo for RedHat/Centos, which can be installed automatically using the common ansible role.

Role Variables

All the variable that can be overridden are stored in vars/main.yml or defaults/main.yml file as shown in the table below:

Name Default Value Description
mysql_user_home /root Default User directory
mysql_user_name root Default User
mysql_user_password root Default user Password
mysql_root_home /root Default root User Directoty
mysql_root_username root root Username
mysql_root_password root root user password
mysql_user_password_update no when 'yes' will prompt to change
mysql_enabled_on_startup no Enable MySQL on startup
overwrite_global_mycnf yes Overwriting default cnf file
mysql_enablerepo '' MySQL repo
mysql_port 3306 Default mysql port
mysql_bind_address Bind IP address
mysql_skip_name_resolve no no
mysql_datadir /var/lib/mysql Directory where mysql will be installed
mysql_sql_mode ''
mysql_log_file_group mysql
mysql_slow_query_log_enabled no Logging slow queries
mysql_slow_query_time 2 slow queries time
mysql_key_buffer_size 256M mysql buffer size
mysql_max_allowed_packet 64M Max. number of packets
mysql_table_open_cache 256 Open cache table size
mysql_sort_buffer_size 1M Sort buffer size
mysql_read_buffer_size 1M Read buffer size
mysql_read_rnd_buffer_size 4M Read rnd buffer size
mysql_myisam_sort_buffer_size 64M Sort buffer size
mysql_thread_cache_size 8 Thread cache
mysql_query_cache_type 0 Query cache type
mysql_query_cache_size 16M Query cache size
mysql_query_cache_limit 1M Query cache limit
mysql_max_connections 151 Max number connections
mysql_tmp_table_size 16M Temporary table size
mysql_max_heap_table_size 16M Heap table size
mysql_group_concat_max_len 1024 concatination max length
mysql_join_buffer_size 262144 Join buffer size
mysql_lower_case_table_names 0 Lower case table names
mysql_wait_timeout 28800 timeout in msec
mysql_event_scheduler_state OFF State of event scheduler
mysql_innodb_file_per_table 1 INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size 256M INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_log_file_size 64M INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_log_buffer_size 8M INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 1 INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_lock_wait_timeout 50 INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_large_prefix 1 INNODB Settings
mysql_innodb_file_format barracuda INNODB Settings
mysql_mysqldump_max_allowed_packet 64M Max Dump size allowed
mysql_log '' Mysql Log
mysql_config_include_files []
mysql_databases [] MySQL databases
mysql_users [] MySQL users
mysql_server_id 1 MySQL ID
mysql_max_binlog_size 100M Bin Log size
mysql_binlog_format ROW Log Format
mysql_expire_logs_days 10 Log expire days


  • Ansible common Role, to install required directory structure and packages.

Example Playbook and defaults

Use the following to run playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: yes
    - role: 5KYDEV0P5.common

- hosts: testservers
  become: yes
  gather_facts: yes
    - role: 5KYDEV0P5.skydevops-mysql


  • Licensed under the Apache License V2.0.
  • See the LICENSE file for details.

Author Information
