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A Cards Against Humanity Flutter app for Android, iOS, and Web


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Apps Against Humanity

A Flutter Cards Against Humanity app for Android, iOS, and Web


Setup Firebase

Setup a Firebase Project with an Android and iOS application using the appropriate steps here:

  1. Download the google-services.json file for your Android application to android/app/google-services.json
  2. Download the GoogleServices-Info.plist file for your iOS application to ios/Runner/GoogleServices-Info.plist
  3. Add the following contents to a file named firebase_config.js to the web/ folder
// Your web app's Firebase configuration
var firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "some_api_key",
  authDomain: "",
  databaseURL: "",
  projectId: "some_firebase_project_id",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "00000000000",
  appId: "some_web_app_id",
  measurementId: "some_analytics_id"
// Initialize Firebase

Import Card Data

You can find and import all the card data from this Google Sheet (or the mirror here) using the node.js script located at /importer

Setup Wiredash

Setup an account @ and create a new project to generate a projectId and secret that you will use in the following config. Or, you can remove the Wiredash widget from the lib/app.dart widget tree.

Setup Config

Add your own configuration file to the /lib folder. Use this example: example.config.json

  "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
  "termsOfServiceUrl": "",
  "sourceUrl": "",
  "wiredashProjectId": "some_wiredash_projectId",
  "wiredashSecret": "some_wiredash_secret"

Then run

flutter generate

Generate JSON models

Just run this:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Setup Functions

Fork the repository here: and deploy the functions to your firebase project using:

firebase deploy --only functions


Contributor Covenant

Please follow the guidelines set forth in the CONTRIBUTING document.


GNU General Public License v3.0

See LICENSE to see the full text.


All CAH or "Cards Against Humanity" question and answer text are hosted externally and are never included in the binary itself for the app that is uploaded to Google Play and Apple's App Store.

All CAH or "Cards Against Humanity" question and answer text are licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 by the owner Cards Against Humanity, LLC. This application is NOT official, produced, endorsed or supported by Cards Against Humanity, LLC.