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Update Components #99205

Update Components

Update Components #99205

name: Update Components
##trying to do this all in yaml, even though it is deeply painful
##also trying to avoid uneeded clones
on: #[push]
- cron: "*/15 * * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: 'debian:11'
commit_needed: no
repo_dir: .
- name: install needed tools
run: apt-get update; apt-get -y install wget git curl
# - name: check for updated bullseye armel installer
# run: curl -sL "" 2>/dev/null | md5sum > /tmp/source
# - name: check for updated bullseye armel installer
# run: wget -O /tmp/dest ""
# - name: check for updated bullseye armel installer
# run: diff /tmp/source /tmp/dest || echo "commit_needed=yes" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: check for updated bullseye armhf installer
run: curl -sL "" 2>/dev/null | md5sum > /tmp/source
- name: check for updated bullseye armhf installer
run: wget -O /tmp/dest ""
- name: check for updated bullseye armhf installer
run: diff /tmp/source /tmp/dest || echo "commit_needed=yes" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: check for updated bookworm armhf installer
run: curl -sL "" 2>/dev/null | md5sum > /tmp/source
- name: check for updated bookworm armhf installer
run: wget -O /tmp/dest ""
- name: check for updated bookworm armhf installer
run: diff /tmp/source /tmp/dest || echo "commit_needed=yes" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: if needed, clone the repo for update
if: env.commit_needed == 'yes'
run: git clone${{github.repository}}; echo "repo_dir=$(ls -rt | tail -n 1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: if needed, setup git
if: env.commit_needed == 'yes'
run: git config "workflow@github"; git config "workflow@github"
working-directory: "${{env.repo_dir}}"
- name: set rebuild needed flag
if: env.commit_needed == 'yes'
run: echo yes > .rebuild
working-directory: "${{env.repo_dir}}"
- name: if needed, commit
if: env.commit_needed == 'yes'
run: git commit -a -m "update files from external projects" || exit 0
working-directory: "${{env.repo_dir}}"
- name: if needed, push
if: env.commit_needed == 'yes'
run: git push https://${{}}:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}${{github.repository}}.git HEAD:master
working-directory: "${{env.repo_dir}}"