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zelon88 edited this page Nov 30, 2016 · 41 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is HRCloud2?

A: HRCloud2 is an open-source, end-user based home Cloud storage/networking stack that turns regular PC's running regular software into completely independent Cloud Drives. HRCloud2 puts the same features usually reserved for premium or paid Cloud services into the hands of anyone. HRCloud2 is geared towards enthusiasts of linux, home servers, home automation, privacy, and technology.

Q: What is HRCloud2 similar to?

A: HRCloud2 is most similar to a combination of ownCloud, Seafile, and AudioStreramer with the added functionality of manipulating images and documents (as well as images into documents). HRCloud2 aims to be comparable to OpenStack.

Q: What does HRCloud2 do to my computer?

A: HRCloud2 turns your computer into a fully-featured web server! The same service that usually costs $10/mo is now in your possession! Being a server isn't right for every computer, which is why we reccomend secure permissions settings, close monitoring, and frequent backups on a staitionary server that runs 24/7 (other than for updates) for the highest quality/most reliable Cloud experience.

Q: What kind of security features does HRCloud2 have?

A: Lots! Security and privacy are built into everything about HRCloud2.

  • Only needs ONE database result. One column, one row. No writing.
  • Doesn't need any personal information. Doesn't even ask.
  • Does not store user Cloud, cache, meta, or file information in the database.
  • Compatible with ClamAV! Automatically keeps virus definitions up-to-date when enabled.
  • Users can Virus Scan their Cloud at will or admins can choose regular scans for their users.
  • Sanitizes all POST inputs.
  • Uses WordPress (Built-in) for user account creation. Make an awesome homepage!
  • Completely invisible to WordPress. Does not show up as a plugin. Does not create meta fields.
  • All authentication is internally controlled. Even through the API.
  • Enforces document-root protection. Roots pleasantly redirect users to the GUI that matches their device/screensize (Only one GUI, more in-dev).
  • Copies index.html to new folders on creation and strategically replaces others during operation.
  • Enforces same-origin POST requests on sensitive admin-only pages and API requests.
  • Admins create unique salts for internal hashing of sensitive POST requests.
  • User storage directories are hashed with admin created salts.
  • User Drive files ARE NOT hosted all the time. Temporary hosted files are cleaned regularly.

Q: What kind of computer should I install HRCloud2 onto?

A: A computer that doesn't move! HRCloud2 is technically compatible with almost any ARM or x86/x64 computer capable of running (and storing) all of the HRCloud2 dependencies. The dependencies with the greatest requirements is, by far, ClamAV. HRCloud2 can be run on a Raspberry Pi Model B+ or greater, however at least a multi-core platform is highly recommend. Laptops are capable of being good HRCloud2 servers if they stay in a location where their network addresses do not change.

Q: How does HRCloud2 help me gain access to my data from anywhere?

A: When installed and setup to be externally accessible (with port forwarding / static NAT / reverse proxying) you will be able to visit your domain or IPv4 in any browser to login and view/modify the contents of your Cloud. No matter what device you're using you will have the full power and authority of your HRCloud2 server at your fingertips. Upload and convert sensitive or personal information without breaking work regulations or compromising security. Your Cloud means your rules!

Q: Does HRCloud2 use or connect to any 3rd party servers?

A: If Virus Scanning is enabled in "config.php" HRCloud2 will connect to ClamAV servers to download anti-virus definition updates. Other than that HRCloud2 WILL NEVER connect to ANY 3rd party servers.

Q: Can my friends store their data on my HRCloud2 server?

A: Yes! You can create an account for your friends using the WordPress admin interface and when they log into your server and visit your HRCLoud2 server address they will be greeted with a fresh, clean Cloud Drive just for them! HRCloud2 will create all the directories it needs to keep your friends data safe, secure, and separate from everyone elses. When they visit their Logs and Settings pages they will be able to tweak preferences and see logs specific to their account only.

Q: Anything else?

A: This application (HRCloud2) should be considered a work-in-process made by enthusiasts, and in no way represents a product fit for marketability, even for a specific purpose. HRCloud2 comes with no warranty, expressed or implied, and zelon88 nor any other contributors can be held liable for the consequences of using any of the software in this repository to the extent outlined in this repositories official LICENSE file, which is GPLv3 at the time of this writing (9-12-16).