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executable file
93 lines (74 loc) · 3.82 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
93 lines (74 loc) · 3.82 KB


A process management tool. Events, status, cluster, and automatic restarts.


npm install revive --save


const Revive = require('revive');

const options = {
	name: 'test',

	cmd: process.execPath,

	arg: ['app.js'],
	env: { PORT: 8000 },
	cwd: '/home/user/code/node/app/.',

	cluster: true,
	instances: 2,

	stdout: '/logs/stdout.log',
	stderr: '/logs/stderr.log',

	sleepTime: 1000,
	crashTime: 6 * 1000,
	maxCrashCount: 1000

const monitor = new Revive(options);

monitor.on('start', function () {



  • name: String Defaults to null the name of the process.
  • arg: Array, String Defaults to null arguments or node script.
  • cwd: String Defaults to process.cwd() the current working directory.
  • cmd: String Defaults to process.execPath the systems absolute executable/node path.
  • cluster: Boolean Defaults to false.
  • instances: Number Defaults to os.cpus().length if cluster is set to true
  • stdout: String Defaults to 'pipe' otherwise a file path. If a path is provided than this event will not fire.
  • stderr: String Defaults to 'pipe' otherwise a file path. If a path is provided than this event will not fire.
  • sleepTime: Array, Number Defaults to 1000 in milliseconds to sleep between start after a crash.
  • crashTime: Number Defaults to 60000ms. The time until the maxCrashCount resets. So if 1000 crashes happen in 60s then the process will exit.
  • maxCrashCount: Number Defaults to 1000 crashes. A crash is triggered and the process exited at nth + 1.
  • env: {} Environment variables for the process.
  • data: {} A custom object for you.


All methods execept toJson are async.

  • monitor.start() Starts the monitor
  • monitor.stop() Stops the monitor (kills the process if its running with SIGKILL).
  • monitor.restart() Restarts the monitor by stopping then starting (process must be started).
  • monitor.toJSON() Creates a stringyifiable object. The object returns stats and data about the process.

Cluster Events

  • monitor.on('status', callback)
  • monitor.on('start', callback) Starts the process. Warning async so process may not be available immediately.
  • monitor.on('stop', callback) The process and it's tree is sent a SIGTERM signal. If the process does not terminate after ten seconds then the process is sent a SIGKILL signal.
  • monitor.on('restart', callback) Same as stopping then starting or vice versa.
  • monitor.on('stdout', callback) Emits an stdout. Only available if no Options.stdout is pipe.
    • Stdout Parameter the stdout message.
  • monitor.on('stderr', callback) Emits an stderr. Only available if no Options.stderr is pipe.
    • Stderr Parameter the stderr message.
  • monitor.on('error', callback) Emits when the process could not spawn, kill, or a message failed.
    • Error Parameter the error message.
  • monitor.on('exit', callback) The process has exited.
    • Code The numeric exit code
    • Signal The string signal

Instance Events

  • monitor.on('reload', callback) Zero downtime restart if cluster is set to true and instances is greater than one.
  • monitor.on('sleep', callback) Triggered when process crashes and enters sleep.
  • monitor.on('crash', callback) Triggered when the process crashes.


Immediate start then stop execution does not send the signals. This could be a problem with node.js.




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