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Instacam documentation

Here you will find the documentation describing how to use the module.


  1. How it works
  2. Markup
  3. Usage
  4. Data attributes
  5. Properties
  6. Methods
  7. Callbacks
  8. Demo

How it works

Instacam allows you to perform instant canvas video through the WebRTC API with a fresh touch of CSS filters: this means you can capture the webcam video stream (media stream) and broadcast it on an HTML5 canvas tag. Unlike the conventional HTML5 video tag, Instacam offers you the opportunity to interact with the broadcasted media stream by having the possibility to edit each pixels before they are drawn to the canvas. Moreover, Instacam can beautify the media stream by adding a fresh touch of CSS. Don't forget that Instacam only works on browsers that natively support the HTML5 canvas tag, requestAnimationFrame API, HTMLMediaElement API, navigator.mediaDevices and Promises API.



The viewport is a canvas representation of the media stream. Instacam captures the webcam media stream and replicates it on a canvas element, the viewport defined in the query selector must matched a valid canvas element to properly replicate the stream. An exception will be thrown on invalid viewport.

<canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>


Use with Webpack

Instacam is using the UMD (Unified Module Definition) pattern, making it capable of working everywhere and compatible with webpack. The module is published on the NPM (Node Package Manager) registry, so you can install it through the command line interpreter using your favorite package manager:

# npm
npm install instacam

# yarn
yarn add instacam

This will download and install Instacam into the node_modules folder under your project directory. When it's done, you can start to use the module in one of your javascript file like this:

import Instacam from 'instacam';

let camera = new Instacam(

Using webpack has many advantages like output compression, code splitting, tree shaking, etc., so I encourage you to use this great tool with Instacam.

Use with ESM

As of May 2017, all major browsers have shipped a working implementation of ESM (ECMAScript modules): this is another way of using Instacam directly in your browser:

<script type="module">
  import Instacam from 'src/instacam.js';

  let camera = new Instacam(

Note that you will need to use the Instacam source files as there is no ESM build today for this package

Use with a CDN

To rapidly include the minified production file in your webpage, load the latest build from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) using a generic script markup:

<!-- unpkg -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- jsdelivr -->
<script src=""></script>

Then instanciate the class by using this javascript syntax:

let camera = new Instacam(

You can also pass a selector to the constructor, and Instacam will get the DOM element for you:

let camera = new Instacam('#canvas1');

Custom defined properties are passed through the second parameter:

let camera = new Instacam(
  document.querySelector('#canvas1'), {
    width: 800,
    height: 600

Data attributes

Instacam add a set of data-instacam-* attributes in the DOM to easily add custom styles/scripts in your application.

  • data-instacam
  • data-instacam-viewport
  • data-instacam-stream
  • data-instacam-buffer
  • data-instacam-blend


Getting property

The class properties are stored in the private _props attribute but can be retrieved easily. If you want to get the current level of the saturation CSS filter, you can do the following:

// get the saturation (pretend that `camera` is the instance of the Instacam class)
let saturation = camera.saturation;

Setting property

The class properties can be setted easily. If you want to set the current level of the brightness CSS filter, you can do the following:

// set the brightness (pretend that `camera` is the instance of the Instacam class)
camera.brightness = 5;


Instacam reference that details all properties of the class.


Type: Length Default: 400

This represents the ideal requested width for the viewport. Depending on hardware capabilities, the device will try to be as close as possible to this value. If the requested width is not supported, it will fall back to the closest available width.


Type: Length Default: 300

This represents the ideal requested height for the viewport. Depending on hardware capabilities, the device will try to be as close as possible to this value. If the requested height is not supported, it will fall back to the closest available height.


Type: Boolean Default: true

The autostart property allows you to change the start behavior. By default, Instacam capture the webcam stream when the class is instanciated. If you set this property to false, you will need to call the start() method to run the capture.


Type: Boolean Default: true

The camera property allows you to capture the media stream of the camera. By default, Instacam only captures media stream from the webcam. If you want to only capture the microphone, you need to set this property to false and set the sound property to true.


Type: String Default: front

The mode property allows you to select the camera used to capture the media stream. By default, Instacam uses the front camera. If you set the mode to back and no camera is found, Instacam will automatically switch to the default one.


Type: Number Default: 30 Minimum: 1 Maximum: None

The framerate property allows you to change the refresh rate of the camera. By default, Instacam will capture the media stream at 30 frames per second. The maximum framerate depends on the camera capabilities.


Type: Number Default: 4/3

The ratio property allows you yo change the aspect ratio of the camera. It must fit to the width/height ratio to render a proper image of the media stream. You can use float numbers (like 1.1, 1.7) or fractions (like 4/3, 16/9) for better syntax reading.


Type: Boolean Default: false

The sound property allows you to capture the audio stream from the microphone. By default, Instacam only captures media stream from the webcam. If you want to capture both the microphone and the camera, you need to set this property to true.


Type: Boolean Default: false

The paused property indicate if the camera audio/video are currently paused.


Type: Boolean Default: false

The muted property indicate if the microphone is currently muted.


Type: Number Default: 100 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100

The volume property allows you to adapt the volume of the microphone. By default, Instacam sets the volume to 100. Note that you can set the volume at any time as soon as the camera is ready.


Type: Boolean Default: false The mirror mode allows you to flip the viewport horizontally. This mode uses CSS transform property.


Type: Number Default: 1 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1

The opacity property applies transparency to the viewport, making it appear more or less transparent. A value of 0 is completely transparent. A value of 1 leaves the viewport unchanged. Values between 0 and 1 are linear multipliers on the effect. Some browsers may provide hardware acceleration to render the opacity filter for better performance. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 1 Minimum: 0 Maximum: None

The brightness property applies a linear multiplier to the viewport, making it appear more or less bright. A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the viewport unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing brighter results. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 1 Minimum: 0 Maximum: None

The contrast property adjusts the contrast of the viewport. A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the viewport unchanged. Values of amount over 1 are allowed, providing results with less contrast. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 1 Minimum: 0 Maximum: None

The saturation property saturates the viewport. A value of 0 is completely un-saturated. A value of 1 leaves the viewport unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of amount over 1 are allowed, providing super-saturated results. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Unit: Degree Default: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 360

The hue property applies a hue rotation on the viewport. The value of angle defines the number of degrees around the color circle the viewport samples will be adjusted. A value of 0 degree leaves the viewport unchanged. The maximum value is 360 degree. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1

The invert property inverts the samples in the viewport. A value of 1 is completely inverted. A value of 0 leaves the viewport unchanged. Values between 0 and 1 are linear multipliers on the effect. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1

The grayscale property converts the viewport to grayscale. A value of 1 is completely grayscale. A value of 0 leaves the viewport unchanged. Values between 0 and 1 are linear multipliers on the effect. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Default: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1

The sepia property converts the viewport to sepia. A value of 1 is completely sepia. A value of 0 leaves the viewport unchanged. Values between 0 and 1 are linear multipliers on the effect. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Number Unit: Pixel Default: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: None

The blur property applies a Gaussian blur to the viewport. The value of radius defines the value of the standard deviation to the Gaussian function, or how many pixels on the screen blend into each other, so a larger value will create more blur. The property is specified as a CSS length, but does not accept percentage values. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: String Default: Empty

The url property takes the location of an XML file that specifies an SVG filter, and may include an anchor to a specific filter element. If omitted, the CSS filter won't be applied.


Type: Object Default: Empty

The blend property applies a CSS mix blend mode filter to the viewport. You need to define the blend mode and color to enable blending:

blend: {
  mode: 'lighten',
  color: 'darkslateblue'

To properly blend the viewport, Instacam need to create a layout above the canvas. Blending can be disable at any time by simply set the blend property to an empty object {}.


Type: Function Return: Array Default: null

The filter property allows you to applies a custom filter to the viewport, that is different than applying a CSS filter. The custom filter brings you the ability to edit each pixels of the media stream before they are drawn to the canvas. This property takes a Function with one parameter called pixel that corresponds to the current pixel parsed by the class filtering loop. On that pixel, you can get some informations like the offset (index of the pixel), the x and y positions, the red, green and blue color components and finally the alpha layer. With this informations, you can edit the pixel properties and then return the edited informations. The return type of the function must be a pixel, represented by an Array with the red, green, blue components and the alpha layer: these new values will erase the previous informations of the pixel and will be drawn to the canvas. You can also combine several CSS filters with a custom filter to obtain pretty effects. If omitted, the custom filter won't be applied.

Build a custom filter is very easy, because you can code your own logic inside the function, for example:

// grayscale
filter: (pixel) => {
  let g = 0.2126 * + 0.7152 * + 0.0722 *;
  return [g, g, g, pixel.alpha];

// invert
filter: (pixel) => {
  return [255 -, 255 -, 255 -, pixel.alpha];

// threshold
filter: (pixel) => {
  let threshold = 0.2126 *
                + 0.7152 *
                + 0.0722 *;

  return (threshold >= 100) ? [255, 255, 255, 255] : [0, 0, 0, 255];

If you want to contribute and share cool filters, you can send me your code or create a pull request on the gh-pages branch, and it will be added to the Instacam demo site. Thanks for contributing! 🎉 👍


Type: Array Return: Array Default: []

The style property returns styles that are applied to the viewport.


Type: Object Return: Object Default: null

The hardware property returns a set of hardware informations from the current audio/video tracks. Note that this property will only be available after camera initialization: if the capture fails, hardware informations won't be accessible.



Instacam reference that details all methods of the class.

start ( )

Type: Function

The start method allows you to start the capture of the webcam stream. If the autostart parameter is set to true, you don't need to call this method, Instacam will do it for you. Both camera and sound will be started, depending on the properties you have defined.


stop ( )

Type: Function

The stop method allows you to stop the capture of the webcam stream. Both camera and sound will be stopped.


pause ( )

Type: Function

The pause method allows you to pause the capture of the webcam stream. Both camera and sound will be paused. Note that this method will only pause the <video> media element rather than physically disabling the camera and microphone.


resume ( )

Type: Function

The resume method allows you to resume the capture of the webcam stream. Both camera and sound will be resumed.


mute ( )

Type: Function

The mute method allows you to mute the microphone of the camera. Note that this method will only mute the <video> media element rather than physically disabling the microphone.


unmute ( )

Type: Function

The unmute method allows your to unmute the microphone of the camera. Note that this method will only unmute the <video> media element rather than physically enabling the microphone.


snap ([ left, top, width, height ])

Type: Function Return: ImageData

The snap method allows you to capture image data from a portion of the viewport. All the parameters are of type Number. By default, left and top are equals to 0, and width and height are equals to the width and height of the viewport defined in the class properties. If you call this function without parameters, you will get the image data of the entire viewport. Take a look at the demo to see how it works.

// capture the entire viewport
let snapshot = camera.snap();

// capture an area of 100x200 from the top left side of the viewport
let snapshot = camera.snap(0, 0, 100, 200);

save ([ format, quality ])

Type: Function Return: UTF-16 String

The save method allows you to save the viewport in a specific image format. This method returns a data: URI, also called DOMString, containing a representation of the image in the specified format, default is set to png. The returned image is at 96dpi. If the height or width of the viewport is 0, an empty string data:, is returned. If the format requested is not image/png, and the returned value starts with data:image/png, then the requested format is not supported. Chrome supports the image/webp format. If the requested format is image/jpeg or image/webp, then the second argument quality, if defined between 0 and 1, is treated as indicating image quality. By default, the image quality is set to 1. If you call this function without parameters, you will get a png file of good quality. Take a look at the demo to see how it works.

// convert the viewport and returns a DOMString
let data ='png', 0.75);



Instacam reference that details all callbacks of the class.

done ( )

Type: Function Return: Nothing Default: null

A callback method called when the stream is fully captured. You can override the default method of Instacam by adding your own logic here.

let camera = new Instacam(
  done: () => {
    console.log(`Camera ${} is ready.`);

fail ( NavigatorUserMediaError )

Type: Function Return: Nothing Default: null

A callback method called when the stream capture failed. You can override the default method of Instacam by adding your own logic here. Note that this function pass an exception argument that represent the NavigatorUserMediaError object, allowing you to detect the source of the problem.

let camera = new Instacam(
  failure: (exception) => {
    if ( === 'NotAllowedError') {
      // the user has restricted access to the camera

For a full list of exceptions, see the Mozilla MediaDevices.getUserMedia reference

unsupported ( )

Type: Function Return: Nothing Default: null

A callback method called when a browser doesn't support a required API to properly work. You can override the default method of Instacam by adding your own logic here.

let camera = new Instacam(
  unsupported: () => {
    // the browser does not match the requirements


This site is hosted on Github pages and allow you to play with most Instacam properties: display the camera, add pretty CSS and custom filters simultaneously, capture and export the image in different formats. You will need to allow the site to access your camera in order to use the library.

📷 Play with Instacam

Note that this demo is using vanilla javascript and the latest version of Instacam from the NPM registry. Don't forget to read the compatibility section before diving into the library.