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A Compiler for the CAMLE language


Language choice

I had initially started the coursework using Java and ANTLRv4. Unfortunately ANTLRv4 deprecated the use of abstract syntax trees in favour of node listeners that run a procedure when a certain node is created[fn:parr-ast-deprecation], this was a choice by the author Terence Parr to make the use of ANTLR easier for most users (who aren’t building compilers). I then decided I’d switch back to ANTLRv3 as was suggested. I implemented the lexer and parser, and spent a while trying to create an IR tree from the AST in Java, this was a deeply unpleasant experience. After around 10 hours of battling with the Java code I decided I would instead switch to a language with pattern matching. I had read good things about Haskell for compiler writing, and I was keen to get more experience with some of the more advanced concepts in the language such as applicative functors and monads.

How to use the compiler

The compiler is written in Haskell and can be built using the Haskell communities standard build tools cabal. Run cabal build to build executables in the ./dist/build folder, or alternatively run cabal install compiler to install the compiler executable to your local cabal repository: $HOME/.cabal/bin which should be added to your path.

I have included binaries in case the marker does not have access to cabal. The compiler outputs ASM code, so run it with redirection if you wish to store the ASM code in a file.

Features implemented

I have successfully implemented all aspects of the compiler including:

  • Variable assignment
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Boolean expressions
  • Conditional statements
  • While loops
  • Read and Write statements

Parser Design

There are a variety of libraries for parser construction in Haskell, ~alex~ and ~happy~ are a pair of libraries often used in conjunction for lexical analysis and parser generatation, however since I had already gone down the route of parser generation in Java I decided that instead I would try a different style of parsing utilising parser combinators, parsec is one of the more well known libraries to implement this idiom, and seemed to have reasonable documentation so I chose this.

“In functional programming, a parser combinator is a higher-order function that accepts several parsers as input and returns a new parser as its output”[fn:wiki-parser-combinator].

The parsec library is exceptionally well written, the source code acts as a beautiful example reference.

Intermediate Representation Design

Intermediate representation tree (from lectures)

The IR tree given in lecture slides seemed very similar to the AST with the exception of allocating temporary variables for intermediate expressions and assigning variables memory locations. I couldn’t think of a particularly good way of implementing this in Haskell, so I started looking for alternatives.

Stack machine based design

At one stage I had considered generating instructions for a stack machine from the AST, however I couldn’t figure out how to allocate registers for the variables that were stored via pushing to the stack so I abandoned this idea

Three address code

I could generate something quite similar to assembly code, but abstracted from the machine itself. This was a nice step from AST to assembly code by serialising the tree and allocating memory locations. Three address code (TAC) seemed like an appropriate choice of intermediate representation as a lot of optimisations are defined on it.

After selecting TAC as my intermediate representation, I constructed a monad encapsulated the state of translation:

  • Next free label, temporary variable
  • Code generated so far

Haskell’s type classes and pattern matching came in very useful for defining transformations as it reduces a lot of the boilerplate code you would have to write in Java. My implementation is by no means great, but I think it demonstrates some of the features of Haskell that are well suited to compiler construction.

Backend Design

The backend targetting the Jouette style architecture was written using exactly the same ideas as the AST to IR translation phase, there is nothing much of note.

Interesting Diversions

During the course of this coursework I made quite a few interesting diversions that I think are worthy of note, I …

  • Wrote a simple embedded domain specific language for parsing arithmetic expression in Haskell to learn about generalized algebraic datatypes
  • Learn about functors and applicative functors and their use in eliminating the use of null (the Maybe functor), selecting between choices, combining simple pretty printing functions to produce much more ellaborate functions.
  • Learnt about monads, an abstraction for sequencing computation. The lexers, parser, AST to IR translation and IR to ASM translation are all built on monads. This was primarily to maintain state, I found the feature of referential transparency extremely useful in verifying program correctness, dropping back into stateful programming where only utterly necessary.


  • I wrote the lexer by hand using parser combinators.
  • All in one language
  • Both IR and ASM have their own algebraic data types, so it is much easier to perform optimisations by the use of pattern matching (as opposed to emitting strings)


Perhaps I was naive in my choice of Haskell for implementation as I didn’t take into account just how much work and effort I would have to put in, but 100 hours later, I can say I’m much more aquianted with Haskell, and have a pretty good idea of how to write lexers by hand, and how to selectively use backtracking inside of parsers to minimize performance loss. [fn:wiki-parser-combinator] Parser Combinators - [fn:parr-ast-deprecation]

Assmule outputs


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test1.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test1.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test1.ass EXECUTION BEGINS 10023 10023 76 76 —test1.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 22 instructions generated 8 registers used 22 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test2.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test2.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test2.ass EXECUTION BEGINS 7 -5 28 -91 70 —test2.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 45 instructions generated 34 registers used 45 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test3.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test3.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test3.ass EXECUTION BEGINS Enter a number: 123 Enter a number: 456 First is 123; second is 456 —test3.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 15 instructions generated 5 registers used 15 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test4.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test4.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test4.ass EXECUTION BEGINS 13 5

78bce —test4.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 147 instructions generated 58 registers used 104 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test5.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test5.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test5.ass EXECUTION BEGINS 1 WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 11: JMP 1 3 WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 33: JMP 23 7 WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 57: JMP 47 b WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 88: JMP 79 c WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 106: JMP 97 d WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 116: JMP 107 WARNING: Disabled backward jump in 117: JMP 89 —test5.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 119 instructions generated 51 registers used 88 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test6.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test6.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test6.ass EXECUTION BEGINS truefalsefalsetruetruefalsefalsefalsetruefalsefalsefalsefalse —test6.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 161 instructions generated 51 registers used 115 instructions executed


ASS/MULE - ASSembler/eMUlator for Language Engineering - v2.7 - Steve Gregory —test7.ass ASSEMBLY BEGINS —test7.ass ASSEMBLY ENDS —test7.ass EXECUTION BEGINS Factorial calculator Enter number: 10 Factorial of 10 is 3628800

Exponential calculator Enter base: 10 Enter exponent: 4 10 raised to the power of 4 is 10000 —test7.ass EXECUTION ENDS STATISTICS: 87 instructions generated 33 registers used 281 instructions executed