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File metadata and controls

100 lines (80 loc) · 4.9 KB


pattern to extract securities of interest from financial data vendor files and to report the requested securities with only the fields of interest.

A demonstrator of a simple ETL for financial data that can be expanded to cater for multiple vendors, asset types and data types. an iterator class that return each row featured in a data vendor file as python data dictionary. It relies on data sources adapter classes to read the files and prepare the data for the iteration. There are 2 adapters provided that can be used as follows:

data_file_type | adapter | description

BOStandard | | read a standard Bloomberg back office file. TextHeaderComma | | reads a text file with a header row, comma separated TextHeaderTab | | reads a text file with a header row, tab separated

The process start with the indexing of the file data. Each row in the data files is stored as a whoosh index ( document with a number of fields extracted as index searchable values. defines the index schema and creates the whoosh index. It is called by The schema provided is for an instrument first clears the current contents of the index by calling and then add each row returned by the DataFileIterator as an index document. The example mapping is for a Bloomberg equity instrument using the files such as equity_region.out files.

parameters needed for indexing:

  • for the index location
    • index_base_path = location of the directory that hosts the indices
    • vendor_code = location of the sub-directory holding the indices for each vendor
    • index_type = location of the directory for an index (schema)
  • for the data to read and index
    • data_file_type: the type of file structure as one of [BOStandard,TextHeaderComma,TextHeaderTab]
    • data_path: the directory holding the data files
    • file_list: the list of files to read provided as a python list

Now that the data is indexed we can search and extract data for the "securities of interest" (SOI).

The SOI file (soi_aapl_demo.csv in the example) allows to define the securities of interest. It includes:

  • identifiers: isin,cusip,sedol,corp_ticker. Any number of identifiers can be provided (see search mode) It could include vendor identifiers such as FIGI or RIC

  • optional search parameters: country_issue_iso,exch_code,currency. These are optional parameters. Any number can be provided

The search has 2 modes:

  • 'and_all_terms': uses a logical AND with all the search term provided. The search will return a hit only if all terms are found
  • 'hierarchical': if the search fails to return a hit for "and_all_terms", it will try each identifier and with each optional parameters until it has a hit. The identifiers and optional search parameters have an order of preference search_ids = ['sedol','isin', 'cusip','corp_ticker'], search_options = ['country_issue_iso','currency','exch_code']

If the search returns more then one hit the search includes a process to select a security based on an hierarchy of rules ( The search will return all hits left at the end of the selection process.

Last, the hits are run through a Cerberus validator ( using the validator scheme defined in validate_schema parameter

The output file includes 4 sections:

  • soi input: echo the soi
  • a search report with:
    • search_status: "not found", "selection success" (one hit left), "selection incomplete" (more than one hit left)
    • selection_rule: the last rule exercised that reduced the data to 1 hit
    • found terms: the search term(s) that returned a result from the index search
    • class_code: a security classifier returned by
  • the list of fields for which data was extracted from the vendor files
  • the last column (validate_errors) reports the validation errors

To run the following parameters are required:

  • for the index location:
    • index_base_path = location of the directory that hosts the indices
    • vendor_code = location of the sub-directory holding the indices for each vendor
    • index_type = location of the directory for an index (schema)
  • for the soi:
    • soi_path = location of the directory holding soi file
    • soi_file = the name of the soi file (as a csv file)
    • soi_result = the name of the result file
  • for the search mode:
    • search_mode = as either 'and_all_terms' or 'hierarchical'
    • fields_oi = fields of interest. The list of fields for which data will be extracted, provided as a python list
  • for the validation:
    • validate_schema = a Cerberus scheme dictionary

To run:

  • run once or as required by the file update cycle
  • run as needed