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Wright (2013) Process Control & Industrial Automation

Wright C (2013) “Securing SCADA systems from future security threats?” Control Room Design and Operations Conference

Wright C (2013) “Grep and RegEx, the overlooked forensic tools” eForensics Journal

Wright C (2013) “The links between cybercrime and terror” 3rd IT Security & Risk Management Summit

Wright C (2013) “Why do Cyber Attacks Against Mining Companies Occur?” ACS Risk &Information security

Wright C (2013) “Effective Strategies to Manage People and Processes to Leverage Current Investment in Security” Australian Computer Society

Wright (2013) “Workshop A Evolution of Current Threats to the Control System Environment” Network Security in Mining 2013

Wright (2013) “Assessing the Benefits & Implications of BYOD” Network Security in Mining 2013

Wright C (2013) “Who is out there? Securing your control system from future security threats” Process Control & Industrial Automation (20th -21th June, 2013)

Wright C (2013) “TERRITORIAL BEHAVIOR AND THE ECONOMICS OF BOTNETS” Australian Information Security Management Conference

Wright C (2013) “IPv6 Security” AGMO COE in IPv6 No 2

Wright C (2013) “IPv6 in Government” AGMO COE in IPv6

Wright C (2013) “What today’s Digital Forensic Scientists can and cannot do” CSU DIT Series

Wright C (2013) “ACS Workshop IPv6” Australian Computer Society 2012

Wright C (2012) “Securing systems using the cloud” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “All is Data” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Effective Strategies to Manage People and Processes to Leverage Current Investment in Security” ACS Journal

Wright C (2012) “Carving Data” eForensics Magazine

Wright C (2012) “Live Capture Procedures” eForensics Magazine

Wright C (2012) “Starting to write your own shellcode” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Beyond automated tools and Frameworks - the shellcode injection process” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Taking control, Functions to DLL injection” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Taking control, Functions to DLL injection” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Extending Control, API Hooking” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “SCAPY Part 1” Hakin9

Wright C (2012) “Hacktivism, terror and the state: The Importance of Effectively Enforcing Cyber Security Legislation.” National Security Australia 10 Au

Wright C (2012) “Hacktivism, Terror and the State: The Importance of Effectively Enforcing Cyber Security Legislation” National Security Conference (Feb 2012)

Wright C (2012) “Towards a more fraud resistant organisation” Online Identity Verification Conference (Mar 2012)

Wright C (2012) “Systems that can reduce cybercrime and the flaws in legislation” Inaugural Cybercrime Symposium (Mar 2012)

Wright C (2012) “How Upgrades In Substation Systems Can be Demonstrated More Easily to Management” Smart Substations 2012 (Mar 2012)

Wright C (2012) “What works in risk” Security in Government Workshop (Apr 2012) Singapore

Wright C (2012) “How cyber terror and cyber espionage will change the face of SCADA in the coming decade” National SCADA Conference 2012 (May 2012)

Wright C (2012) “Why do Cyber Attacks Against Mining Companies Occur?” IT & Network Security in Mining conference (June 2012)

Wright C (2012) “Incidents and forensics in SCADA systems - Recovering from an attack” SCADA In-Security

Wright C (2012) “SCADA Reverse Engineering” SCADA In-Security 2011

Wright, C (2011) “Who pays for a security violation? An assessment into the cost of lax security, negligence and risk, a glance into the looking glass.” ICBIFE, HK

Wright, C (2011) “Current issues and liability facing Internet Intermediaries.” ICBIFE, HK

Wright, C (2011) “Criminal Specialization as a corollary of Rational Choice.” ICBIFE, HK

Wright, C (2011) “Exploiting format Strings with Python” Hakin9

Wright, C (2011) “More Exploits with Python” Hakin9

Wright, C & Via, T (2011) “Modeling System Audit as a Sequential test with Discovery as a Failure Time Endpoint” ICBIFE, HK

Wright, C (2011) “A preamble into aligning Systems engineering and Information security risk measures” ICBIFE, HK

Wright C (2011)”Of Black Swans, Platypii and Bunyips. The outlier and normal incident in risk management.” CACS2011 Australia

Wright C (2011) & Zia, T ”Compliance or Security, what cost? (Poster)” ACISP, AU

Wright C (2011) “A comparative study of attacks against Corporate IIS and Apache Web Servers” Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C (2011) “Rationally Opting for the Insecure Alternative: Negative Externalities and the Selection of Security Controls” Republished and extended Paper, Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C (2011) “Rationally Opting for the Insecure Alternative: Negative Externalities and the Selection of Security Controls” Republished and extended Paper, Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C & Zia T (2011)”Rationally Opting for the Insecure Alternative: Negative Externalities and the Selection of Security Controls” CISIS Spain

Wright C & Zia T (2011)”A Quantitative Analysis into the Economics of Correcting Software Bugs” CISIS Spain 2010

Wright C (2010) “Software, Vendors and Reputation: an analysis of the dilemma in creating secure software” Intrust 2010 China

Wright C & Zia T (2010) “The Economics of Developing Security Embedded Software” SecAU Australia

Wright C (2010) “The not so Mythical IDS Man-Month: Or Brooks and the rule of information security” ISSRE USA

Wright C (2010) “Packer Analysis Report – Debugging and unpacking the NsPack 3.4 and 3.7 packer.” Sans Technology Inst, USA 2009

Wright C (2009) “Effective Patch Management - Saving Time and Getting Better Security” MISTI USA

Wright C (2009) “Database Auditing” Testing Experience, Germany

Wright C (2009) “SaaS Security” MISTI USA CISecurity (Multiple) (2009) CIS BIND Benchmarks” Centre For Internet Security, USA 2008

Wright C, Kleiman D & Sundhar R.S. (2008) “Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg)

Wright C (2008) “Detecting Hydan: Statistical Methods For Classifying The Use Of Hydan Based Stegonagraphy In Executable Files” Sans Technology Inst USA

Wright C (2008) “Using Neural Networks” Google

Wright C (2008) “Ensuring secure data transfer and data sharing” DQ Asia Pacific

Wright C (2008) “Record and Document Destruction in a Digital World” IT Security World, USA

Wright C (2008) “Managing Security in a Global Company” IT Security World, USA

Wright C (2008) “A Quick and Nasty overview of finding TrueCrypt Volumes” Sans Technology Institute

Wright C (2008) “Exploring Data Visualisation” Strategic Data Mining

Wright C (2008) “Statistical Methods to Determine the Authenticity of Data” CACS2008, Au

Wright C (2008) “Text Data Mining, the future of Digital Forensics” Hex Journal USA

Wright C (2008) “Compliance, law and Metrics: What you need to meet and how you prove it” SANS ACT

Wright C (2008) “Current Issues in DNS” Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C (2008) “Advanced Methods to Remotely Determine Application Versions” NS2008 LV, USA

Wright C (2008) “An in-depth review of the security features inherent in Firefox 3.0 Compared to IE 8.0” iDefense, USA 2007

Wright C (2007) “The Problem With Document Destruction” ITAudit, Vol 10. 10 Aug 2007, The IIA, USA

Wright C (2007) “Requirements for Record Keeping and Document Destruction in a Digital World” Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C (2007) “Electronic Contracting in an Insecure World” Sans Technology Inst, USA

Wright C (2007) “The Problem with Document Destruction” IRMA UK (Republished)

Wright C (2007) “Ethical Attacks miss the point!” System Control Journal ISACA

Wright C (2007) “Where Vulnerability Testing fails” System Control Journal ISACA

Wright C (2007) “Application, scope and limits of Letters of Indemnity in regards to the International Law of Trade” Internal Publication, BDO Aug 2007

Wright C (2007) “UCP 500, fizzle or bang” Internal Publication, BDO July 2007 2006

Wright C (2006) “Port Scanning A violation of Property rights” Hakin9

Wright C (2006) “A Taxonomy of Information Systems Audits, Assessments and Reviews” SANS Technology Inst USA

Wright C (2006) “RISK & Risk Management” 360 Security Summit AU


Wright C (2005) “Analysis of a serial based digital voice recorder” Published 2006 SANS Technology Inst USA

Wright C (2005) “Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) Training process” SANS Darling Harbour AU

Wright C (2005) “Beyond Vulnerability Scans — Security Considerations for Auditors” ITAudit, The IIA, USA

Wright C (2005) “PCI Payment Card Industry Facts” Retail Industry journal, July 2005