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753 lines (577 loc) · 33.7 KB

File metadata and controls

753 lines (577 loc) · 33.7 KB


Unreleased - 2024-01-30


  • References to functions and built-in functions can now be compared for equality.


  • Function literal syntax: (a, b) -> return a + b and n -> return n**2.
  • Overhauled large parts of the internal architecture to fix shortcomings and issues with the traceback.
  • Negative exponents no longer require parenthesis.


  • Using replace() to remove a substring (i.e., the replacement is the empty string) results in a buffer overflow.
  • Interactive mode crashes when evaluating a variable containing an object reference.


  • E notation with lowercase e – Use uppercase E instead.

0.15.0 - 2023-10-21


  • New built-in functions:
    • sort() – Sort a list using a custom comparator function.
    • getwd() – Get the working directory.
    • setwd() – Set the working directory.
    • playwav() – Play a WAV file. This function is currently only supported on Windows; on other systems, it will simply return False.


  • Increased precedence of negation operator (!) – Negation is now evaluated after multiplication/division and before the unary minus operator.
  • Improved string representations of floating-point numbers.
  • Increased precision of floating-point numbers.
  • Relative paths are now always converted to absolute ones.
  • Increased the maximum size for textual representations of the AST (enabled by default in debug builds).

0.14.0 - 2023-08-19


  • Improved number lexer:
    • Numbers can now also be expressed in binary (prefix 0b), octal (prefix 0o), and hexadecimal (prefix 0x).
    • Decimal numbers now support scientific E notation (suffix e<exponent>).
    • These improvements also apply to the int() and flt() built-in functions.
  • New escape sequences:
    • \t translates to U+0009 ("Character Tabulation").
    • \r translates to U+240D ("Carriage Return").
    • \oOO translates to the character with octal value OO.
    • \xXX translates to the character with hexadecimal value XX.


  • int("") and flt("") produce 0 instead of an error.
  • Crash when attempting to access a member of a literal.
  • Return statements are propagated out of eval() and script() calls.

0.13.0 - 2023-06-23


  • assert statement.
    Used to ensure assertions are met at runtime.
  • any and all operators.
    When placed in front of iterable values in comparisons, these operators allow complex comparisons that take into account all members of an iterable. Using any, the comparison yields true if it applies to any element in the iterable. Using all, it yields true if it applies to all elements in the iterable.


  • Defining new members for existing objects is no longer possible.
  • Improved traceback.


  • Method chaining
    Previously, when an object method returned this or this.x (where x was a member of this containing an object), the returned value was a copy of the referenced object, meaning any subsequent changes applied to this object via further method calls would not be reflected in the root object. This happened because Une always dereferenced return values.
    As of this release, various aspects of the interpreter have been reworked to allow objects to be returned by reference, which fixes the described issue.
  • Whitespace around expressions in parentheses causes a syntax error.
  • var=var, where var is a previously undefined symbol, does not cause an error.
  • Method arguments are interpreted after this is defined.
  • The >, >=, <, and <= operators strictly expect the left-hand side operand to support the comparison, leading to a crash if it does not (e.g.: Void > 0).
  • Dereferencing an object literal does not update its owner.

0.12.0 - 2023-05-07


  • In-place arithmetics.
    Any arithmetic operation can now be performed in-place via variable += 1, where + is the desired arithmetic operator.
  • Slicing.
    Lists and strings now support slicing via list_or_string[start..stop], where start is the index of the first element to be included in the slice, and stop is the index of the element after the last one to be included. Negative indices can be used to select offsets starting from the back instead of the front. Also, either of these indices can be omitted (implicitly setting their value zo Void), in which case they are left open-ended.
  • Like with slices, regular indices can now also be negative.


  • Fixed an uncaught type error when performing a bad assignment operation.

0.11.0 - 2023-02-15


  • Objects.
    Objects are compound datatypes used to represent complex structures. For the most part, they behave like unordered lists with named members in place of indices. The true power of objects lies in methods: when calling a function within an object, the object is accessible via the this keyword. This allows methods to modify the object they're contained in, enabling basic object-oriented programming.
  • Expressions in string literals.
    To embed an expression in a string, surround it with curly braces: "2 * 2 = {2*2}"
    To include literal curly braces in a string, escape them: "\{\}"
  • New cover operator.
    The cover operator is used to provide an alternative value for an expression in case of an error during evaluation.
  • New nullish (??) operator.
    The nullish operator returns the left result if it is not 'Void', otherwise the right.
  • for-in loops.
  • Strings are now editable via index, like lists.
  • Void is now accessible via a keyword and comparable to itself.
  • True and False are available as keywords. They are identical to 1 and 0.
  • New built-in functions:
    • eval() – Same as script(), but accepts a string instead of a file path.
    • replace() – Replace a string in a string.
    • join() – Join strings using a seperator.
    • substr() – Get substrings.
  • Interactive mode directives.
    • #clear clears the console.
    • #header displays the header.
    • #symbols displays all accessible symbols.


  • Overhauled variable assignment internals.
    The left-hand side of assignment statements is now parsed recursively. This change introduces the ability to set indices inside indices, a capability which has been missing so far.


  • Soft whitespace at the end of the script causes a syntax error.
  • CTRL+C to exit the interactive mode is unreliable in various cases.

0.10.0 - 2022-09-27


  • New escape sequences (#2):
    • \e translates to U+001B ("Escape").
    • \a translates to U+0007 ("Alert").


  • The CLI mode is now referred to as interactive mode, and its command line switch is now -i instead of -c.


  • Multiplying a string or list with a negative number causes a crash.
  • Functions do not persist in interactive mode.
  • New variables are not created in the global context when the global keyword is used (#1).

0.9.0 - 2022-05-29


  • New built-in function append().
    Exactly the same as write() but does not discard the content previously found in the target file.
  • New exit statement to immediately exit the running script.
    Similar to the return statement, the exit statement also supports an optional exit code; however, since this code is returned to the operating system, it must be an integer. If the exit code is omitted, it defaults to 0.
  • To implement the exit statement, the interpreter state was given a new flag should_exit to signal when the script should exit. The state of this flag can be retrieved after the execution through a new optional parameter in the une_run function.
  • New test cases for:
    • Return statement without return value.
    • New exit statement.
    • Changed script() behavior.
    • New append() command.


  • The built-in script command now executes in the same context as the host script, allowing the caller and callee to exchange information.
  • Updated README.
  • Updated documentation to include the exit statement (6.3).
  • The command line interface now shows version information.


  • Return statement without return value has no effect.

0.8.0 - 2021-11-23


  • Added CLI.
    To access the interface, use une -c.
    To exit a session, use CTRL+C.
  • Test case to check that the last evaluated result is implicitly returned when exiting a script.


  • The interpreter now implicitly returns the final evaluated result when exiting a script.
    This is useful for implementing a CLI, as it allows the user to quickly check the contents of variables or evaluate expressions without print.
  • une_run now accepts an optional external context. When this context is supplied, the function uses it for the interpretation instead of creating a new context.

0.7.3 - 2021-11-22


  • Test case for latest bugfix.


  • Fixed stale pointer in for loop implementation causing nested loops to break.

0.7.2 - 2021-10-24


  • Fixed built-in functions not verifying the number of arguments supplied to them.
  • Fixed crash when checking equality of function, built-in function, or 'Void' against any value.

0.7.1 - 2021-10-21


  • error.une example to demonstrate error messages.


  • Fixed an early deallocation of the definition file in functions, before they were used for the traceback.

0.7.0 - 2021-10-19


  • Build argument lists.
    To simplify the build process, this commit introduces the "win", "unix", "win-dbg", and "unix-dbg" build configurations, which refer to argument lists in res/build.
    To build Une using one of these configurations, use <cc> @<file_name>.
  • Test case for Changed · 3.


  • Changed error message formatting.
  • Refactored to improve robustness.
  • Calling an index of a list no longer requires enclosing the list access in parentheses.


  • Not appending ".exe" to executable path.
  • Warnings when compiling with Clang on Windows.


  • is no longer the preferred build method. Refer to Added · 1.

0.6.1 - 2021-09-28


  • New test cases.
  • Clang support.
    • now suppresses warnings for zero variadic macro arguments.
    • On Windows:
      • une_file_exists uses GetFileAttributesA() to ensure the path is not a directory.
      • Sleeping for a given amount of miliseconds is handled via Sleep().
  • object_orientation.une example.


  • Renamed src/builtin.c and builtin.h to builtin_functions.c and builtin_functions.h to avoid confusion with src/datatypes/builtin.c and builtin.h.
  • Some other small changes.
  • Since the introduction of memdbg, allocations were left unchecked in non-debug mode. This has now been adressed with a new macro verify(), which, if the pointer provided to it is NULL, prints an error message and aborts the program.
  • On Windows builds, memdbg no longer prints signal messages.
  • Functions are no longer scoped per context, instead they are all part of a main function buffer in the interpreter state.
    This allows users to, for example, return new functions as return value of other functions.


  • Spelling mistake in usage message.
  • does not append ".exe" to the output binary.
  • Some warnings when compiling with -Wextra.
  • Negations are parsed after powers, indices, and calls, creating an unintuitive order of operations, where, for example, -2**2 is evaluated to 4 when one would expect to get -4. To fix this, negations are now parsed before each of these structures.
  • When copying a function node, the program crashes because it tries to duplicate a string as if it was a node.

0.6.0 - 2021-08-13


  • Warning when UNE_DEBUG_MEMDBG is enabled.
  • Option to skip ahead in testing/


  • A statement immediately following a closing brace is no longer considered valid syntax.

  • Some refactoring.

  • Functions and built-in functions are now datatypes.
    The fundamental change in this is that a call is now a seperate operation, performed on a datatype. When not called, a function or built-in function is just data, which can represent itself or be checked for truth (both types are always true).

    A literal representation of a "square" function might look as follows:
    function(number) { return number**2 }
    To "define" a function, we simply bind it to a variable...
    square = function(number) { return number**2 }
    ... which can then be referenced to call the function:
    square(4) (would return 16)

    Internally, this changes a bunch of things:

    • The lexer now differentiates between built-in functions and variables, creating a new UNE_TT_BUILTIN token holding a une_builtin_function when encountering the name of a built-in function.
    • The parser creates two new nodes, UNE_NT_FUNCTION or UNE_NT_BUILTIN. For user-defined functions, the node closely resembles UNE_NT_DEF. For built-in functions, the node simply holds the une_builtin_function value from the token.
    • The interpreter now has seperate methods for interpreting a function or built-in function. They return a une_result:
      • For functions, the result holds a pointer to the function in the function buffer of the context. To allow this, the function buffers no longer hold actual une_functions but instead pointers to standalone allocations.
      • For built-in functions, the result holds a une_builtin_function, which can be used to access the function pointer, get the amount of required parameters, and more.

    One problem this change created is that functions are no longer named. Therefore, when creating the traceback on an error, we instead use the file and line where the function was defined. To access this information, every une_context now holds a pointer to the une_function that created the context, which in turn holds information on its point of definition.

  • Updated examples.


  • Old function implementation.

0.5.9 - 2021-08-08


  • The help message on invalid command line arguments now shows an environment-specific path to the executable by using the implicit zeroth path argument.
  • Built-in functions no longer each have a custom declaration.
  • Data result types are now organized in src/datatypes.
    • Each data type defines a number of routines in its corresponding .c file, with all types being united in datatypes.c.
    • When applying an operation, the required routine is found through the une_datatypes lookup table.


  • The error line is always 1.
  • The position of an expression in parentheses does not include the surrounding parentheses.
  • If there are non-printable but legal characters on the line of an error, the underscore in the error display gets misaligned.
  • ostream buffers do not grow if assertions are disabled.
  • The creation of UNE_TT_INT and UNE_TT_FLT tokens does not work if assertions are disabled.
  • Missing error on conversion of integer into invalid character.


  • LOGFREE() macros.
  • Data result type helpers from result.c – See Changed.

0.5.8 - 2021-07-30


  • Warnings when running with lexing, parsing, or interpreting disabled.
  • Test case for redefining a built-in function.


  • Main error message now shows the usage instead of an error message.
  • Changed the default context name from "<stdin>" to "<args>".
  • memdbg.c is no longer linked if not building in debug mode.
  • Minor refactoring.


  • Undefined errors when running with lexing, parsing, or interpreting disabled.
  • Segmentation fault when freeing a NULL pointer while memdbg is enabled.

0.5.7 - 2021-07-21


  • Various small things.


  • Missing error on redefinition of built-in function.


  • Removed make.cmd.

0.5.6 - 2021-07-17


  • memdbg: Added signal handling, fopen() and fclose() wrappers, and other general improvements.
  • Added debug report – If enabled, prints the state of Une into une_report_return.txt and une_report_status.txt after successful execution.


  • Some refactoring.


  • int("str") does not work.
  • GET_IDX on a non-indexable type defines an error but does not return it.
  • Lexer treats directories like empty files.

0.5.5 - 2021-07-15


  • tools: Added une_file_exists() and une_file_or_folder_exists().


  • tools: Reworked implementations of une_wcs_to_une_int() and une_wcs_to_une_flt().
  • Other minor changes.


  • Some built-in commands don't check if a path is a directory instead of a file.
  • Aborting without setting error on unclosed index during SET_IDX parsing.

0.5.4 - 2021-07-15


  • Invalid input to main.c now displays an error.
  • Added debug option to define (almost) all sizes as 1.
  • Added debug option to return the error type as integer.


  • Promoted UNE_RT_VOID to a data result type. VOID is always falsy and never equal to itself.
  • Further simplified errors:
    • Tweaked wording of error descriptions.
  • Renamed float() to flt() to align with internal naming.
  • Made une_node_to_wcs() and une_token_to_wcs() a little bit safer for testing.
  • Reworked une_str_to_wcs() implementation.
  • Other small refactorings and changes.


  • Some functions using une_ostreams hold on to stale pointers. (une_lex(), une_error_display(), une_builtin_split())
  • une_context_free() frees all parents. This behavior is now achieved through une_context_free_children().
  • une_result_list_mul() allocates too much memory for the new lists.
  • input() does not allocate enough memory for the input string.
  • UNE_NT_COP does not include the condition in its position.


  • Removed UNE_D macro because it caused semantic highlighting issues.

0.5.3 - 2021-07-12


  • Added simple traceback to error.
  • Added escseq.h – Macros for ANSI escape sequences.
  • Minor changes to codebase to fully conform to C standard.
  • une_node_to_wcs() for UNE_NT_SET and UNE_NT_SET_IDX now shows whether the assigments are global or not.
  • memdbg: Added manual ARR(array, index) array checker.
  • Escape sequences are now globally toggleable from escseq.h.


  • Fixed a bug in stream.c where une_istream_wfile_reset() would not reset the streams last character, causing subsequent calls to pull() not to increment the stream index.

0.5.2 - 2021-07-09


  • memdbg now helps prevent buffer overflows by adding padding behind each memory allocation. All allocations' paddings are tested whenever a memdbg wrapper function is called. Wrapper functions for other allocators and/or memory-modifying functions can be created in memdbg.c.
  • Other minor changes and refactorings.


  • Fixed a bug where certain lexer errors at the end of the input caused a crash.


  • Removed une_strdup() and une_wcsdup() as these functions are now wrapped in memdbg.

0.5.1 - 2021-07-08


  • memdbg – A debugging module that keeps track of memory allocations. (Replaces alloc_counter.)
  • logging – A debugging module to simply create verbose log messages. (Replaces LOGX and ERR.)


  • Fixed __une_static.


  • Removed une_malloc(), une_realloc(), and une_free() – See memdbg.

0.5.0 - 2021-07-05


  • If passed "-s" as first argument, Une will now interpret the string following it.
  • Added put() – This function behaves how print() behaved previously.


  • The ternary operation syntax has been changed to PREDICATE?CONSEQUENT:ALTERNATE.
  • print() now automatically appends a newline to the end of the output.
  • Array input streams now require a parameter __cast_type which holds the dereferenced type the void* should be casted to. This was implemented to address a problem where a void* casted to a wint_t* returns values unable to be compared to character literals.
  • Other minor changes.

0.4.0 - 2021-07-05


  • Added script(path) built-in command – Execute external Une scripts.
  • Added exist(path) built-in command – Check if a file or folder exists.
  • Added split(str, delims) – Using the provided delimiters, split a string into a list of substrings.


  • Changed variable definition scopes: By default, all variable definitions now only affect the current context. To modify variables from parent contexts, a new "global VAR=EXPR" syntax has been introduced.
  • Changed UNE_TT_NOT, UNE_TT_AND, and UNE_TT_OR from "not", "and", and "or" to "!", "&&", and "||" respectively.
  • Renamed wcs_to_une_int(), wcs_to_une_flt(), wcs_to_str(), str_to_wcs(), str_dup(), and wcs_dup() to une_wcs_to_une_int(), une_wcs_to_une_flt(), une_str_to_wcs(), une_wcs_to_str(), une_strdup(), and une_wcsdup() respectively.


  • Various.

0.3.0 - 2021-06-26


  • New built-in functions:
    • chr(int) – Convert an integer to a character.
    • ord(char) – Convert a character to an integer.
    • read(path) – Read from a file.
    • write(path, str) – Write to a file.
    • input(str) – Get text from stdin.


  • Fixed a problem with streams.h.
  • Added more specific size defines.

0.2.1 - 2021-06-13


  • Added streams.c/h: These files contain tools to simplify interfacing with arrays or files and to prevent common bugs. They are not yet used everywhere and might still need more work.
  • All macros and functions now have a description above their definition.
  • Added une_free() as a wrapper to free().


  • All-around cosmetic refactoring.
  • Some frequently used methods have been defined as functions or macros to avoid rewriting code.
  • Errors have been significantly simplified: In most cases, detailed errors are not needed to identify the problem and only clutter the source.
  • Tokens are now sometimes created using une_token_create().
  • The lexer has been split up into subroutines.
  • Multiple places in the code now use lookup tables, which are easier to maintain.
  • Some parts of the code have previously already used enum "regions" to describe a range of allowed values for a function. These regions are now defined right in the enums as UNE_R_x defines, as an attempt to minimize the risk of corrupting regions on accident when reordering enum values.
  • Replaced une_result_to_wcs() with une_result_represent(). This change has yet to be carried over into other x_to_wcs() functions.
  • Renamed rmalloc() to une_malloc().
  • Renamed rrealloc() to une_realloc().
  • Renamed UNE_STATIC to __une_static.
  • Renamed UNE_BIF_NONE to __UNE_BIF_none__.
  • Renamed malloc_counter to une_alloc_count.
  • Many other small changes.


  • Removed file_read(), as it is no longer used.

0.2.0 - 2021-06-04


  • This release reverts the additions of 0.1.4. As such, the codebase now follows the following principles:
    • There is no top-level "omni" data structure.
    • The une_x_state structs are only used to transport commonly used data (this does not include une_error).


  • Added sleep() built-in command – Pauses execution for a given amount of miliseconds.

0.1.5 - 2021-05-24


  • Added une_lexer_x() functions to enable Changed · 1.
  • Added une_lex_x() functions to break up une_lex().


  • une_lex() (formerly une_lex_wcs()) can now lex both strings and files.


  • Removed une_lex_file().

0.1.4 - 2021-05-22


  • This release introduces une_instance, a new top-level data structure. It holds the following data:
    • une_error
    • une_lexer_state: A new struct that holds information for the lexer.
    • une_parser_state: A new struct that holds information for the parser.
    • une_interpreter_state: A new struct that holds information for the interpreter, among it the redefined une_context, which now only holds contextual information for the interpretation. In many functions, a une_instance* replaces multiple parameters.


  • Parser now uses a group of une_p_x() functions to simulate a token stream. I'm unsure if I like this approach, so I might remove it again in a later commit.
  • Deprecated une_lex_file() – An upcoming, refactored lexer will reintroduce this functionality.
  • Added une_error_create().
  • Cosmetic changes.


  • Various.

0.1.3 - 2021-05-21


  • All x_type_to_wcs() functions are now based on lookup tables, defined in the corresponding x.c files as une_x_table.
  • Identifiers are no longer interpreted and une_interpret() no longer contains a case for UNE_NT_ID.
  • Restructured some x_to_wcs() and x_free() functions.


  • Various.

0.1.2 - 2021-05-11


  • Most debugging functionality is no longer compiled if UNE_DEBUG is not defined.


  • une_lex_wcs() doesn't free the tokens it has already created on an error.
  • une_tokens_free() now calls a new function une_token_free() for every token.

0.1.1 - 2021-05-03


  • Refactoring
    This release continues the ongoing refactoring efforts. As of this commit, all of parser.c has been refactored.
    Notable changes are:
    • Binary operations like addition, multiplication, etc. are now handled by une_parse_binary_operation().
    • Unary operations like negation are now handled by une_parse_unary_operation().
    • une_parse_sequence() now also handles consumption of the enclosing tokens in a sequence, and instead of returning a void** to a une_node* array, it returns a proper une_node* like every other parse function.
    • une_parse_block() has been merged into une_parse_stmt().
    • Some expression-related functions have been renamed. The top level function for expressions is now always called une_parse_expression().
    • All parse functions are now static. The public interface for the parser is une_parse().
    • Enums now have a __none__ and __max__ value to determine their size and to represent a missing value.

0.1.0 - 2021-04-29


  • Built-in functions
    This release adds basic support for built-in functions. Both the support for these functions and the functions themselves require some more work in the future.


  • Refactoring
    This release also continues the ongoing code refactoring efforts. As of this commit, all of interpreter.c has been refactored.

0.0.5 - 2021-04-28


  • Refactoring.

0.0.4 - 2021-04-27


  • Various.

0.0.3 - 2021-04-25


  • New logo.


  • Refactoring, style changes.


  • Various.

0.0.2 - 2021-04-22


  • Seperated source into multiple files.

0.0.1 - 2021-04-17



  • Changed name from "CMDRScript" to "Une".

0.0.0-c.2.1 - 2021-04-16


  • Interpretation.

0.0.0-c.2 - 2021-04-06


  • Second C test. Builds on 0.0.0-c.1.2, adding the structure for interpreting the parsed program.

0.0.0-c.1.2 - 2021-04-04


  • Memory management.


  • Refactoring.


  • Various.

0.0.0-c.1.1 - 2021-04-02


  • while loops.
  • if statements.
  • Function definitions.
  • Negation.

0.0.0-c.1 - 2021-04-01


  • First C parser test, including most of the lexing and parsing features the latest Python test has, but missing the interpreter.

0.0.0-python.6.3 - 2021-03-02


  • Token positions.

0.0.0-python.6.2 - 2021-02-25


  • '^' (power) operator.
  • Comments.
  • AND, OR.
  • for loops.
  • Various other things.

0.0.0-python.6.1 - 2021-02-21


  • if, elif, else statements (including NOT, EQU, NEQ, GTR, LSS, GEQ, LEQ – still missing is AND, OR).
  • while loops (including break, continue).
  • functions (including context switching, return).

0.0.0-python.6 - 2021-02-20


  • Sixth Python test. This is a rebuild of 0.0.0-python.5, focusing less on Python-specific language features. It also implements variables, strings, some string operations, the seperation of commands using ';', and multiline input.

0.0.0-python.5 - 2021-02-20


  • Fifth Python test. This test completely abandons the structure of the previous tests and instead implements the concept of an abstract syntax tree. The most notable difference between this approach and the ones tried previously is that creating tokens, combining tokens to create statements, and verifying the syntax is done in seperate steps, while the previous tests tried to do all of these things at the same time.
    This test is also the first to go beyond lexical analysis, adding a working parser and interpreter. The result is a simple arithmetic interpreter.

0.0.0-python.4 - 2021-02-19


  • Fourth Python lexer test. Expands on previous tests, tries to identify parts of instructions by referencing knowledge gathered from previous characters.

0.0.0-python.3 - 2021-02-19


  • Third Python lexer test. This test is similar to the first test, but instead of using built-in Python methods to categorize characters, we define our own sets and test if the character is contained in one of them.

0.0.0-python.2 - 2021-02-16


  • Second, abandonded Python lexer test. The idea with this approach is that the first word of every statement describes what kind of instruction follows.

0.0.0-python.1 - 2021-02-13


  • First Python lexer test. Its structure has similarities to a state machine:
    The lexer keeps track of what type of token it is currently lexing. It decides what to do with the character based on the current token type and the type of the character. It handles one character per loop.