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Hi my name is drakonia,

Im a hobbiest reverse engineer and developer working mainly on obfuscation and deobfuscation for .NET based applications.

I create content like blog posts and open source projects for educational purposes. Check out my blog

Current sponsors 1

Past sponsors 3

Featured work

  1. dr4k0nia/Unscrambler

    Universal unpacker and fixer for a number of modded ConfuserEx protections

    C# 99
  2. dr4k0nia/Origami

    Packer compressing .net assemblies, (ab)using the PE format for data storage

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$1 a month


a yeay for me πŸ˜„ and hopefully you feel good as well

$2 a month


poggies πŸ˜€ thanks for your support

$5 a month


seems like you like me πŸ‘€