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189 lines (161 loc) · 6.46 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (161 loc) · 6.46 KB

Change Log

0.6.0 (2020-01-27)



  • ✨ The SingleLiveEvent (A lifecycle-aware observable that sends only new updates after subscription, used for events like navigation and Snackbar messages.) is back :)
  • New extension function ViewGroup.inflate to allows call like: viewGroup.inflate(R.layout.exchange_rates_view)


  • The Espresso has been removed from Kaal (not used)

0.5.0 (2019-12-03)


  • #5: You can define Fragment or Activity layout id by using a constructor
    class MainActivity : BaseActivity(R.layout.activity_main)
     // Fragment
    class MyFragment: BaseFragment(R.layout.fragment_my)


  • Koin updated to v1.3.61
  • Koin updated to v2.0.1
  • Gradle 5.6.4


  • API Break: The ScopeAware has been removed. Since Koin 2.0.1 you should use official Scope API by Koin.

0.4.0 (2019-10-07)


  • Api Break: cz.eman.kaal.domain.Result and subclasses has been moved into cz.eman.kaal.domain.result.Result. This a new Result has a new functionality to remove boilerplate code. Also all classes which are using Result has been changed
  • Dependencies update:
    • Kotlin 1.3.50
    • Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.2
    • Espresso 3.0.2


  • Added a new function fun <Dto, T> callResult(responseCall: suspend () -> Response<Dto>, errorMessage: String? = null, map: (Dto) -> T): Result<T> to remove a boilerplate code when you're calling a server by using a retrofit.

Old usage with callSafe

override suspend fun getPopularMovies() = callSafe(
            call = { fetchPopularMovies() },
            errorMessage = "Cannot fetch popular movies"

and old way to call remote API

private suspend fun fetchPopularMovies(): Result<List<Movie>> {
        val response = movieApiService.getPopularMovies().awaitResponse()

        return if (response.isSuccessful) {
            val body = response.body()
            if (body != null) {
                Result.Success(data = MoviesMapper.mapWrapperToMovie(body))
            } else {
                                code = response.code(),
                                errorMessage = response.message(),
                                apiThrowable = EmptyBodyException()
        } else {
            val errorResult =
                    ApiErrorResult(code = response.code(), errorMessage = response.message())

            logError { "Cannot fetch popular movies[$errorResult]" }

By using callResult you will remove boilerplate code above

override suspend fun getPopularMovies() = callResult(
        responseCall = { movieApiService.getPopularMovies()}
    ) {

You can also define your custom error message by a defining an attribute errorMessage:

override suspend fun getPopularMovies() = callResult(
        responseCall = { movieApiService.getPopularMovies()},
        errorMessage = "Cannot get a popular movies!"
    ) {
  • A new way how to create the Result.Error. There is a couple of standard functions but if you want to create ErrorResult without that you will define your own MyCustomErrorResult you can use this approach
    errorCode = MovieErrorCode.INVALID_USER_CREDENTIALS,
    message = "Invalid username or password"

which is similar to code below

        code = MovieErrorCode.INVALID_USER_CREDENTIALS,
        message = "Invalid username or password"
  • New HttpStatusErrorCode which define all HTTP error codes. You can use it by your own. In case of that you are using callSafe or callResult - response will be parsed automatically for you with these error codes

0.3.0 (2019-09-13)


  • Added view extension functions (hide(), show(), invisible(), hideKeyboard()
  • Added a new view ext. function TextView.textWatcher. Byt this use can avoid to using a boilerplate code when you need to be notified if text has been changed or before change action and so on
  • Added CalendarExtensions functions to avoid boilerplate code when you are working with the Calendar
  • core: Added exhaustive helper to force a when statement to assert all options are matched in a when statement.
 when(sealedObject) {
     is OneType -> //
     is AnotherType -> //

0.2.0 (2019-08-25)


  • News in the cz.eman.kaal.domain.Result:
    • New function getOrNull() which return data in case of that are available (from remote call or local call) , otherwise null is returned. and server request.
  • Introducing a Fragment's Arguments:
    • You can use this feature to easily create and handle a fragments arguments
    class PropertyDelegateFragment : Fragment() {
    private var userName by argument<String>()
    private var email by argument<String>()
    private var booksCount by argument<Int>()
    companion object {
        fun create(userName: String, email: String, booksCount: Int = 0) = PropertyDelegateFragment().apply {
            this.userName = userName
   = email
            this.booksCount = booksCount
    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_arguments_demo, container, false)
    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        nameTextView.text = userName
        emailTextView.text = email
        booksCountTextView.text = booksCount.toString()
        addBookButton.setOnClickListener {
            booksCountTextView.text = booksCount.toString()

} ```


  • The Result.Error has now output a generic parameter T
  • Kotlin 1.3.40


  • Coroutines scope in a base classes

0.1.0 (2019-05-29)

  • Initial version