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dynaconf - The dynamic configurator for your Python Project

MIT License PyPI PyPI PyPI - Downloads Build Status Azure DevOps builds (branch) Azure DevOps builds (branch) codecov Codacy Badge GitHub issues GitHub stars GitHub Release Date GitHub commits since latest release GitHub last commit Code Style Black Telegram

dynaconf a layered configuration system for Python applications - with strong support for 12-factor applications and extensions for Flask and Django.

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  • Strict separation of settings from code (following 12-factor applications Guide).
  • Define comprehensive default values.
  • Store parameters in multiple file formats (.toml, .json, .yaml, .ini and .py).
  • Sensitive secrets like tokens and passwords can be stored in safe places like .secrets file or vault server.
  • Parameters can optionally be stored in external services like Redis server.
  • Simple feature flag system.
  • Layered [environment] system.
  • Environment variables can be used to override parameters.
  • Support for .env files to automate the export of environment variables.
  • Correct data types (even for environment variables).
  • Have only one canonical settings module to rule all your instances.
  • Drop in extension for Flask app.config object.
  • Drop in extension for Django conf.settings object.
  • Powerful $ dynaconf CLI to help you manage your settings via console.
  • Customizable Validation System to ensure correct config parameters.
  • Allow the change of dynamic parameters on the fly without the need to redeploy your application.

Read the docs


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