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382 lines (297 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

382 lines (297 loc) · 10.5 KB
WARNING: not maintained, feel free to fork and use in any way

npm i axios use-axios-react


  • Hooks for ✅ data fetching ✅ CRUD ✅ Batch operations
  • ✅ Request cancellation
  • ✅ Retry/reload callbacks
  • ✅ Zero-configuration, yet fully configurable when needed
  • ✅ No app architecture commitments, drop in into your React and Axios project and start using hooks in your new components
  • No extra-dependencies (React and Axios are peer dependencies), thus minimum overhead if your project already uses axios
  • All axios features


npm i use-axios-react

Make sure axios itself is installed

npm i axios

And make sure you use React v16.8.0 or newer.


Basic data fetching (GET)

Edit Fetch example

import React from "react";
import { useGetData } from "use-axios-react";

const KanyeQuote = () => {
  const [data, loading] = useGetData("");

  if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;

  return <blockquote>{data.quote}</blockquote>;

Cancellable fetching (GET) with reload and retry

Edit Cancelable fetch with reload & retry

import React from "react";
import { useGetData } from "use-axios-react";

const KanyeQuote = () => {
  const [data, loading, { error, retry }] = useGetData("", { cancelable: true });

  if (loading) return <Spinner />;
  if (error) return <Button onClick={retry} label="RETRY" />;

  return (
      <Button onClick={retry} label="RELOAD" />

Basic POST example

Edit POST example

import React from "react";
import { usePostCallback } from "use-axios-react";

function userToRequest({ name, job }) {
  return {
    url: "",
    data: { name, job }

const CreateUser = () => {
  const [create, sending, { error, data }] = usePostCallback(userToRequest);

  const neo = { name: "Neo", job: "The One" };
  const morpheus = { name: "Morpheus", job: "Leader" };

  return (
      <Button onClick={() => create(neo)}>Neo</Button>
      <Button onClick={() => create(morpheus)}>Morpheus</Button>
      <StatusBar sending={sending} error={error} lastUser={data} />

Edit Pagination

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useGetData } from "use-axios-react";

const PaginatedKanyeQuotes = () => {
  const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
  const [data, loading] = useGetData(
    { url: "", params: { page } },
    { cancelable: true }

  if (loading) return <Spinner />;

  const prev = () => setPage(page - 1);
  const next = () => setPage(page + 1);

  return (
        <Button onClick={prev} disabled={page <= 1} label="← Prev" />
        <span className="mx-5">Page {page}</span>
        <Button onClick={next} disabled={page >= 9} label="Next →" />
Basic TodoMVC CRUD


import React from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import {
} from "use-axios-react";

    baseURL: ""

 * Map todos to axios request configs
const todoObjectToAxiosRequest = ({ id, title, order, completed }) => ({
  url: id ? `/todos/${id}` : "/todos",
  data: { title, order, completed }

const TodoMvcApp = () => {
  // Reusing the same mapping function for all CRUD requests
  const [create, creating, { error: createError }] = usePostCallback(todoObjectToAxiosRequest);
  const [remove, removing, { error: removeError }] = useDeleteCallback(todoObjectToAxiosRequest);
  const [update, updating, { error: updateError }] = usePatchCallback(todoObjectToAxiosRequest);

  // Re-fetch after any of actions is completed
  const allRequestsDone = !creating && !removing && !updating;
  const [todos = [], fetching, { error: fetchError }] = useGetData("/todos", {
    // The hook will re-run every time `depends` changes
    depends: [creating, removing, updating],
    // Actual request will be performed only if this is true
    willRun: allRequestsDone

  if (createError || removeError || updateError || fetchError) {
    return <div>Error occurred, please reload</div>;

  return (
      <Header loading={creating || removing || updating || fetching}>
        <NewTodo create={create} />
      <TodoList todos={todos} remove={remove} update={update} loading={fetching} />
Common state GET & POST

Edit Common state GET & POST

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useGetData, usePostCallback } from "use-axios-react";

const CreateUser = () => {
  // Do an initial load
  const [users = [], loading, { error: loadError, setData: setUsers }] = useGetData("");

  // We're particularly interested in the create() callback and the response data (new user data)
  const [create, creating, { error: createError, data: newUser }] = usePostCallback("");

  // Update users state evey time the newUser changes
    () => {
      newUser && setUsers([...users, newUser]);

  return (
      <Button onClick={() => create({})}>Create dummy user</Button>

      <span>{(loading || creating) && "Loading..."}</span>
      <span>{(loadError || createError) && "Error occurred"}</span>

      <UserList users={users} />
Using custom axios instance

Edit Using custom axios instance

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import axios from "axios";
import { provideAxiosInstance, useGetData } from "use-axios-react";

const customAxiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: "",
  transformResponse: axios.defaults.transformResponse.concat(data => {


function App() {
  const [users, loading] = useGetData("/users");

  if (loading) return "Loading...";

  return (

Example apps

API Overview


useGetData() Use this one if you need to fetch data depending on some state (e.g. to fetch search results depending on search term)






Use this if you need to create callbacks to trigger a request programmatically






Use this if you need to create callbacks to trigger batch requests


provideAxiosInstance() Provide a custom axios instance to use with the hooks

API Reference

useGetData(url|axiosConfig, options): []

  • url|axiosConfig — Refer to axios request config documentation for details
  • options — The use{...}Data hook options:
cancelable: bool Whether the request should be canceled on component unmount
depends: [] Hook's effect will be re-run only if one of the passed array values changes. Refer to the React useEffect(effect, depends) second argument docs to learn how it works.
willRun: bool Request will be be executed only if this option is true. This is usually an expression such as willRun: !loading
  • result array structure is [data, loading, { error, response, retry, retriesCount, setData }]:

use{Method}Callback(url|axiosConfig|factory, options): []

Where {Method} is one of the following: Post, Put, Patch, Delete, Get

  • url|axiosConfig|factory — Request URL, axios config object or factory, producing an axios config object from callback args
  • result array structure is [exec, loading, { error, retry, response, data, execCount, input }]:

useParallel{Method}Callback(axiosConfigFactory): []

Where {Method} is one of the following: Post, Put, Patch, Delete, Get

  • axiosConfigFactory — A function producing an axios config object from callback args
  • result array structure is [exec, loading, { retry, errors, responses, data, succeed, failed, execCount, input }]