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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
id Integer [optional]
version Integer [optional]
changes Array<Change> [optional]
url String [optional]
name String
organization_number String [optional]
supplier_number Integer [optional]
customer_number Integer [optional]
is_supplier BOOLEAN Defines if the customer is also a supplier. [optional]
is_customer BOOLEAN [optional]
is_inactive BOOLEAN [optional]
account_manager Employee [optional]
email String [optional]
invoice_email String [optional]
overdue_notice_email String The email address of the customer where the noticing emails are sent in case of an overdue [optional]
bank_accounts Array<String> [DEPRECATED] List of the bank account numbers for this customer. Norwegian bank account numbers only. [optional]
phone_number String [optional]
phone_number_mobile String [optional]
description String [optional]
language String [optional]
display_name String [optional]
is_private_individual BOOLEAN [optional]
single_customer_invoice BOOLEAN Enables various orders on one customer invoice. [optional]
invoice_send_method String Define the invoicing method for the customer.<br>EMAIL: Send invoices as email.<br>EHF: Send invoices as EHF.<br>EFAKTURA: Send invoices as EFAKTURA.<br>AVTALEGIRO: Send invoices as AVTALEGIRO.<br>VIPPS: Send invoices through VIPPS.<br>PAPER: Send invoices as paper invoice.<br>MANUAL: User will have to send invocie manually.<br> [optional]
email_attachment_type String Define the invoice attachment type for emailing to the customer.<br>LINK: Send invoice as link in email.<br>ATTACHMENT: Send invoice as attachment in email.<br> [optional]
postal_address Address [optional]
physical_address Address [optional]
delivery_address DeliveryAddress [optional]
category1 CustomerCategory Category 1 of this customer [optional]
category2 CustomerCategory Category 2 of this customer [optional]
category3 CustomerCategory Category 3 of this customer [optional]
invoices_due_in Integer Number of days/months in which invoices created from this customer is due [optional]
invoices_due_in_type String Set the time unit of invoicesDueIn. The special case RECURRING_DAY_OF_MONTH enables the due date to be fixed to a specific day of the month, in this case the fixed due date will automatically be set as standard on all invoices created from this customer. Note that when RECURRING_DAY_OF_MONTH is set, the due date will be set to the last day of month if &quot;31&quot; is set in invoicesDueIn. [optional]
currency Currency The preferred currency for this customer [optional]
bank_account_presentation Array<CompanyBankAccountPresentation> List of bankAccount for this customer [optional]
ledger_account Account Can be used to specify the ledger account of the customer if it's different from the default 1500 account. [optional]