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Kioboard Docs






Callback function which function name matches the key name

Actions : Object.<string, Action>

Object with Action callbacks

LayerRows : Array.<(string|Array)>

The rows with keys like ["q w e", "a s d", ...]

Layers : Object.<string, LayerRows>

Object with layer names (as keys) and rows as Array

Icons : Object.<string, string>
Layout : Object
KeyDownCallback : function

Callback triggered on key press

KeyUpCallback : function

Callback triggered on key release



Kind: global class

new Kioboard(options)

Param Type Default Description
options Object
options.parent string | Element | undefined "body" Element to insert kioboard into
options.element HTMLElement Kioboard Element
options.inputs string | NodeList | HTMLElement | HTMLCollection | undefined "[data-kioboard]" Selector string, Element or elements. The input(s) to bind to
options.input HTMLElement options.inputs[0] The currently active input
options.layerNameInitial string "default" Initial layer name
options.layerName string "default" Current layer name
options.layerNameDefault string "default" Name definition for "default" layout
options.layerNameShift string "shift" Name definition for "shift" layout
options.layoutName string | undefined The layout's name in use
options.layout Layout | undefined Current layout
options.theme string "default" The theme to use. "default
options.isEnterSubmit boolean true Whether to submit on enter (only for HTMLInputElements)
options.classVisible string "is-visible" Kioboard visible className
options.classShift string "is-shift" Kioboard shift className
options.classCaps string "is-caps" Kioboard caps className
options.isVisible boolean false Whether kioboard is visible
options.isPermanent boolean false Never hide kioboard
options.isScroll boolean true Scroll input into view when focused
options.isOSK boolean false Allow OS's default on-screen-keyboard
options.scrollOptions Object
options.shiftState number Shift states: 0=Off 1=On 2=Caps-lock. When 0 the "default" layer will be used
options.key string The last pressed key
options.pointerId number The pointer ID(-1 when no pointer)
options.onInit function Callback after kioboard instance is initialized
options.onBeforeShow function Callback before kioboard is shown
options.onShow function Callback after kioboard is shown
options.onBeforeHide function Callback before kioboard is hidden
options.onHide function Callback after kioboard is hidden
options.onLoad function Callback after Layout file is loaded
options.onKeyDown KeyDownCallback Callback when a key is pressed
options.onKeyUp KeyUpCallback Callback when a key is released


const kio = new Kioboard({
  parent: document.querySelector("#kioboardWrapper"),
  layoutName: "hr", // Init with Croatian layout (see available: layouts/ folder)
  theme: "flat-dark", // "default"|"default-dark"|"flat"|"flat-dark"
  onInit() {
    console.log("kioboard initialized!", this);
  onKeyDown(key) {
    console.log("Pressed key", key);
  onShow() {
    console.log("Kioboard shown!");
  onHide() {
    console.log("Kioboard hidden!");
  onLoad() {
    console.log("Kioboard layout file loaded!");"default");

kioboard.commonActions : Actions

Common actions Those are non-trivial to write and grasp, so every layout will inherit those actions. The user can override each of these in their own layout.

Kind: instance property of Kioboard

Name Type Description
default Action Show "default" layer
shift Action Show "shift" layer
space Action Insert space character
enter Action Insert Newline (HTMLTextAreaElement) Submit the form (HTMLInputElement)
backspace Action Remove character or selection on the left of the caret
delete Action Remove character or selection on the right of the caret
arrowLeft Action Move caret to the left
arrowRight Action Move caret to the right
tab Action Insert tab character
close Action Close, hide Kioboard
drag Action Move the Kioboard

kioboard.commonIcons : Icons

Beautifully crafted Kioboard icons. The user can override any of those from their own layouts.

Kind: instance property of Kioboard

kioboard.load(layout, [callback]) ⇒ Kioboard

Loads a layout .js file from the layouts/ folder

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
layout Layout | string Layout Object, or path to layout file
[callback] function Passes as argument an object with the loaded layout data


kio.load("./layouts/en.js", (layout) => {
    console.log(`Loaded: en.js layout`, layout);;

kioboard.setLayout(layout) ⇒ Kioboard

Change the layout, set layers, actions, draw buttons

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
layout Layout


const customLayout = {
  name: "custom",
  layers: {
    default: ["1 2 3 4", "shift a b enter", "smile space"],
    shift: ["! ? . ,", "shift A B enter", "smile space"],
    smile: ["😀 🤓 🤭 😁", "🥰 🙂 😎 enter", "default space"],
  icons: {
    smile: "😀",
  actions: {
    smile() {"smile"); },

const kio = new Kioboard({
  theme: "flat-dark"
import myLayout from './layouts/myKioLayout.js';
import en from '@rbuljan/kioboard/dist/layouts/en.js';

const kio = new Kioboard({
  theme: "flat-dark"
// kio.setLayout(en).show();

kioboard.setActions(actions) ⇒ Kioboard

Convert actions to Emitter events

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Default
actions Actions {}


  Smile: () => console.log("😀"),
  Sad: () => console.log("😞"),

After defining an action you can then use it in your Layout like:

default: ["a b c", "d e f", "Smile Sad backspace enter"]

kioboard.setStyle(styles) ⇒ Kioboard

Set CSS styles

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
styles Object

  hue: 194,
  saturation: 94,
  lightness: 49,
  alpha: 1,
  radius: 0.3,
  gap: 0.3,
  size: 2,
  color: "currentColor",
  background: "hsl(0 0% 90% / 1)",
  backgroundBtn: "hsl(0 0% 100% / 1)",
  shadow: "inset 0 -1px 0 hsl(0 0% 0% / 0.3)",

kioboard.on(keys, callback) ⇒ Kioboard

Add a custom action callback

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
keys string | Array.<string> Space-delimited Key-action names i.e: "X x enter" or ["X", "x", "enter"]
callback Action Callback triggered on key down


kio.on("enter", function (key) {
  // Does what enter key does (default action for "enter") but also:
  console.log(key, this);

// PS: anonymous functions (callbacks) cannot be off-ed. Use a function expression instead:

const logKey = function(key) {
  console.log(key, this); // Logs i.e: "A", Kioboard
kio.on(["a", "A"], logKey);["a", "A"], logKey); // Can be off-ed when necessary, callback) ⇒ Kioboard

Off callbacks (or a specific one) from a set of keys

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
keys string | Array.<string> Space-delimited Key-action names i.e: "X x enter" or Array ["X", "x", "enter"]
callback Action | undefined Optional, Callback to remove. If callback is not present all actions will be removed for that key


// Remove all actions calbacks"X"); 
// Remove only a specific callback"X", myXKeyCallback); 

kioboard.emit(keys) ⇒ Kioboard

Trigger specific key-name action/s If a key-action exists it will trigger that action otherwise the key-name will be inserted at caret position inside the input element

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
keys string | Array.<string> Space-delimited Key-action names i.e: "X x enter" or Array ["X", "x", "enter"]


kio.emit("X"); // Trigger the X key
kio.emit("X Y Z enter"); // Trigger multiple keys
kio.emit(["X", "enter"]); // Trigger multiple keys

kioboard.sequence(keys, speed, callback) ⇒ function

Automatically emit keys in a typing fashion / sequence

Kind: instance method of Kioboard
Returns: function - Call the returned function to stop the loop

Param Type Default Description
keys string | Array.<string>
speed number 100 Emitting speed in milliseconds
callback function Callback called on finish


kio.sequence("X z Y"); // Trigger in succession every N ms
// Or: do someting on finish:
const stop = kio.sequence("X Y Z enter", 150, () => { console.log("Done!"); });
// stop(); // call the returned function to prematurely stop the sequencer loop.

kioboard.clearKioboard() ⇒ Kioboard

Remove children elements

Kind: instance method of Kioboard


kioboard.draw() ⇒ Kioboard

Draw the keyboard buttons Creates the kioboard buttons given the current layout's layer

Kind: instance method of Kioboard


kioboard.shift([state]) ⇒ Kioboard

Increment-loop or set shiftState

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Default Description
[state] number Kioboard.shiftState Default: loop state. Defined: shift states (0=Off 1=On 2=Caps-lock)

kioboard.changeLayer(layerName) ⇒ Kioboard

Set layer Prepare a layer, draw buttons and set kioboard styles. (Does not show the kioboard)

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
layerName string Default: this.layerNameInitial


kio.changeLayer().show(); // Change to initial layer (initialization options)

kioboard.setTheme(theme) ⇒ Kioboard

Change theme styles as defined in CSS or that theme

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
theme string Theme name


kio.setTheme("dark");[layerName]) ⇒ Kioboard

Show the keyboard. If layerName argument is provided, acts as a shorthand for kio.changeLayer("someLayerName").show()

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Description
[layerName] string The layerName to show


// Show kioboard; 
// Show kioboard with a specific layerName"numpad");
// Set a layerName and show it
// Apply CapsLock and show the "shift" shift layer

kioboard.hide() ⇒ Kioboard

Hide the keyboard

Kind: instance method of Kioboard



Event handler for showing the keyboard Does not show the keyboard if the input is disabled

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
evt Event


Event handler for hiding the keyboard

Kind: instance method of Kioboard


Event handler for keyboard keydown events for Kioboard buttons

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
evt PointerEvent


Event handler for keyboard keyup events

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
evt PointerEvent

kioboard.hasSelection() ⇒ boolean

Check if input has a selection highlight

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

const hasHighlghtedText = kio.hasSelection();

kioboard.setRange(val, from, to) ⇒ Kioboard

Set the caret position

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type
val string
from number
to number

kioboard.insert(val, from, to)

Insert value at caret position. Respects also the input's maxlength.

Kind: instance method of Kioboard

Param Type Default Description
val string Text to insert at caret position or highlighted section
from number this.input.selectionStart
to number this.input.selectionEnd



kioboard.init() ⇒ Kioboard

Initializes kioboard and assign events

Kind: instance method of Kioboard


kioboard.destroy() ⇒ Kioboard

Remove kioboard (from DOM) and its events

Kind: instance method of Kioboard


Action ⇒ void

Callback function which function name matches the key name

Kind: global typedef
this: {Kioboard}

Param Type Description
key string the pressed key name

Actions : Object.<string, Action>

Object with Action callbacks

Kind: global typedef

LayerRows : Array.<(string|Array)>

The rows with keys like ["q w e", "a s d", ...]

Kind: global typedef

Layers : Object.<string, LayerRows>

Object with layer names (as keys) and rows as Array

Kind: global typedef

Icons : Object.<string, string>

Kind: global typedef

Layout : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
name string
layers Layers
actions Actions
icons Icons

KeyDownCallback : function

Callback triggered on key press

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
key string The pressed key-name

KeyUpCallback : function

Callback triggered on key release

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
key string The released key-name

© 2024-present — Roko C. Buljan