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Linear Regression Comparison between framework and scratch

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Here there are code for liner regression from scratch and using scikit learn . The code is run on same dataset for the scratch written formula and scikitlearn class . We compare both the codes by visualizing the results.

The Theory

Linear Regression is the process of fitting a line to the dataset.

Single Variable Linear Regression

The Mathematics

The equation of Line is

y = dependent variable
X = independent variable
C = intercept

The algorithm is trying to fit a line to the data by adjusting the values of m and c. Its Objective is to attain to a value of m such that for any given value of x it would be properly predicting the value of y.

There are various ways in which we can attain the values of m and c

  1. Statistical approach
  2. Iterative approach

Here we are using a scikit learn framework which internally uses iterative approach to attain the linear regression.

The Dataset

Dataset consists of two columns namely X and y
For List Price Vs. Best Price for a New GMC Pickup dataset
X = List price (in $1000) for a GMC pickup truck
Y = Best price (in $1000) for a GMC pickup truck

The data is taken from Consumer’s Digest.
For Fire and Theft in Chicago
X = fires per 100 housing units
Y = thefts per 1000 population within the same Zip code in the Chicago metro area

The data is taken from U.S Commission of Civil Rights.
For Auto Insurance in Sweden dataset
X = number of claims
Y = total payment for all the claims in thousands of Swedish Kronor

The data is taken from Swedish Committee on Analysis of Risk Premium in Motor Insurance.
For Gray Kangaroos dataset
X = nasal length (mm ¥10)
Y = nasal width (mm ¥ 10)
for a male gray kangaroo from a random sample of such animals
The data is taken from Australian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 28, p607-613.

Link to All Datasets

The Code

The Code was written in three phases

  1. Data preprocessing phase
  2. Training
  3. Prediction and plotting

The data preprocessing phase


Numpy import for array processing, python doesn’t have built in array support. The feature of working with native arrays can be used in python with the help of numpy library.

Pandas is a library of python used for working with tables, on importing the data, mostly data will be of table format, for ease manipulation of tables pandas library is imported

Matplotlib is a library of python used to plot graphs, for the purpose of visualizing the results we would be plotting the results with the help of matplotlib library.

Math import is just used to square the numerical values

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

Reading the dataset from data

In this line of code using the read_excel method of pandas library, the dataset has been imported from data folder and stored in dataset variable.

dataset = pd.read_csv(r'..\\data\\auto_insurance.csv')

On viewing the dataset, it contains of two columns X and Y where X is dependent variable and Y is Independent Variable.

0 108 392.5
1 19 46.2
2 13 15.7
3 124 422.2
4 40 119.4

Creating Dependent and Independent variables

The X Column from the dataset is extracted into an X variable of type numpy, similarly the y variable X is an independent variable Y is dependent variable Inference

X = dataset['X'].values
y = dataset['Y'].values

On execution of first line would result in a pandas Series Object On using values attribute it would result in an numpy array

<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Visualizing the data

The step is to just see how the dataset is On visualization the data would appear something like this The X and Y attributes would vary based on dataset. Each point on the plot is a data point showing the respective Number of Claims on x-axis and Total Payment on y-axis

title='Linear Regression on Auto Insurance in Sweden Dataset'
x_axis_label = 'Number of Claims'
y_axis_label = 'Total Payment'


Splitting the data into training set and test set

We are splitting the whole dataset into training and test set where training set is used for fitting the line to data and test set is used to check how good the line if for the data.

This splitting can be dont with scikit learns test train split or manully by below code

X_train,X_test = np.split(X,indices_or_sections = [int(len(X)*0.8)])
y_train,y_test = np.split(y,indices_or_sections = [int(len(X)*0.8)])

Reshaping the numpy arrays since the scikit learn model expects 2-D array in further code

In further the scikit learn model would be expecting a 2-D array of shape (length,1).

X_train_fw = np.reshape(X_train,newshape = (-1,1))
y_train_fw = np.reshape(y_train,newshape = (-1,1))
X_test_fw = np.reshape(X_test,newshape = (-1,1))
y_test_fw = np.reshape(y_test,newshape = (-1,1))

The code was just to convert a single dimensional array into a 2-D array where each element is an array.

print('Before Reshaping',np.shape(X))
print('After Reshaping',np.shape(X_train))
Before Reshaping (63,)
After Reshaping (12,)

Computing the values of sigma

As per the derivation formula we are computing the values of sigma x sigme x^2 sigma y simg x*y n is the number of terms in the dataset

sigma_X = sum(X_train)
sigma_y = sum(y_train)
sigma_xy = sum(np.multiply(X_train,y_train))
sigma_X_square = sum(np.square(X_train))
n = len(X_train)

Computing the values of slope and intercept

As our linear regression line requires a slope and intercept we are computing their values using statistical formulas

m_numerator = (n*sigma_xy)-(sigma_X*sigma_y)
m_denominator =  n*sigma_X_square - math.pow(sigma_X,2)
m = m_numerator/m_denominator

c_numerator = (sigma_y*sigma_X_square)-(sigma_xy*sigma_X)
c_denominator = (n*sigma_X_square) - math.pow(sigma_X,2)
c = c_numerator/c_denominator

Importing the linear model from sklearn framework

From scikit learn Library LinearRegression is imported. Lr is an object of LinearRegression. The process of training is done in the fit method, our dependent and independent variable are fed into to the fit method in which it would try to fit a line to the data provided.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lr = LinearRegression() = X_train_fw, y = y_train_fw)
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)

Predicting the Results

Line 1 By the knowing the slope and intercept values of linear regression model we are trying to predict the values of test data. Y_pred variable contains all the predicted y-values of the test x-values.

Line 2 By the trained linear regression model we are trying to predict the values of test data. Y_pred variable contains all the predicted y-values of the test x-values.

y_pred_stat = X_test*m + c
y_pred_fw = lr.predict(X_test_fw)

Visualizing the Results

As we have predicted the y-values for a set of x-values we are visualizing the results to check how good did our line fit for our predictions.

Plotting each result individually

The plot shows the blue points are the data points are actual values where the cyan and Green lines is the predictions



plt.plot(X_test,y_pred_stat,c='green',label='statistical formula')


Combining the results

The plot shows the blue points are the data points are actual values where the lines is the predictions

Note: In the below graph one is was hidden over the other

plt.plot(X_test,y_pred_stat,c='green',label='statistical formula')
