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Not Safe For Families image classifier for pet battle app

Based on Yahoo's Open NSFW Classifier rewritten in tensorflow.

We are using a couple of the components in this repo:

  • S3 minio to serve up a trained model
  • Knative serverless eventing for calling tensorflow serving

Uses a Kubernetes deployment if knative not present in your cluster.

The full deployment based on the diagram below can be found here


Installing on OpenShift

Install using the helm3 chart.

If the serverless-operator is deployed in your cluster (separately) the helm chart will install a knative service for tfserving. Else a Kubernetes deployment is used if no operator can be found.

oc new-project pet-battle-nsfw
helm repo add eformat
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install pb-nsff petbattle/pet-battle-nsff --version=0.0.2

You may also want to try it along with the Pet Battle API

# openshift knative
HOST=$(kn service describe tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o url)
# openshift deployment
HOST=$(oc get route tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o --no-headers)

helm upgrade --install pb-api petbattle/pet-battle-api --version=1.0.8 --set nsff.enabled=true --set nsff.apiHost=${HOST}

NSFF setup locally

Running in local containers using podman. You may need to adjust directories for your setup in the docker-compose.yaml file

Minio S3

cd minio
make podman-run

Create a bucket called models, login to http://localhost:9000 with default minioadmin:miniadmin credentials

Upload pre-built tensorflow model to minio

cd tensorflow-open_nsfw/tools
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin

Manually upload tfserving config to s3://models

cd tfserving

Your minio should look like this:


Tensorflow Serving


NSFF Testing URLs

The model should be available from tfserving pod

# locally
# openshift knative
HOST=$(kn service describe tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o url)/v1/models/test_model
# openshift deployment
HOST=https://$(oc get route tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o --no-headers)/v1/models/test_model

curl $HOST
 "model_version_status": [
   "version": "1",
   "state": "AVAILABLE",
   "status": {
    "error_code": "OK",
    "error_message": ""

There are two test images

  • Safe For Families - Daisy Cat


  • Not Safe For Families - Wrestling


These have been base64 encoded and stashed in request files under the requests folder.

Test against tfserver locally:

# local
# openshift knative
HOST=$(kn service describe tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o url)/v1/models/test_model:predict
# openshift deployment
HOST=https://$(oc get route tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o --no-headers)/v1/models/test_model:predict

# Daisy Cat - Safe for Families
curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -X POST --data-binary '@requests/tfserving/nsff-negative.json' $HOST
    "predictions": [[0.992712617, 0.00728740077]]

# Wrestling - Not Safe For Families
curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -X POST --data-binary '@requests/tfserving/nsff-positive.json' $HOST
    "predictions": [[0.0139681576, 0.98603189]

The predictions array is composed of two scores [ sff, nsff ] - sff and nsff add to 1.

The higher the sff values the safer the image is for families.

Test with Pet Battle API

You can test against PetBattleAPI by uploading images directly to it.

Be sure to enable the app.petbattle.nsff.enabled=true flag in pet-battle-api and set the location of tfserving.

# local
# openshift
HOST=https://$(oc get route -l -o --no-headers)/cats

# Daisy Cat - Safe for Families
curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" --data-binary @requests/pet-battle-api/cat-nsff-negative.json $HOST

# Wrestling - Not Safe For Families
curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" --data-binary @requests/pet-battle-api/cat-nsff-positive.json $HOST

Knative using cli

You can also manually deploy the knative service using kn cli as long as you have minio deployed with the model

kn service create tensorflowserving-pb-nsff \ \
  --cmd "tensorflow_model_server" \
  --arg "--model_config_file=s3://models/models.config" \
  --arg "--monitoring_config_file=s3://models/prometheus_config.config" \
  --arg "--rest_api_port=8501" \
  --env S3_LOCATION=minio-pb-nsff:9000 \
  --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio \
  --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minio123 \
  --env AWS_REGION=us-east-1 \
  --env S3_REGION=us-east-1 \
  --env S3_ENDPOINT=minio-pb-nsff:9000 \
  --env S3_USE_HTTPS="0" \
  --env S3_VERIFY_SSL="0" \
  --env AWS_LOG_LEVEL="3" \
  --port 8501 \
  --autoscale-window "120s"