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386 lines (282 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

386 lines (282 loc) · 15.6 KB

Change Log

Translations: 简体中文


  • change: The contentSize properties of ZoomableState and ZoomableEngine now no longer return containerSize when empty
  • change: Decisions about whether to disable Tile's memory cache are no longer based on the memory cache setting of the thumbnail's image request
  • change: The minimum length of the scrollbar is now 10.dp
  • improve: Improve SketchZoomImageview, CoilZoomImageView, GlideZoomImageView, PicassoZoomImageView. Now when setting ImageSource, the ImageSource will be cleared whenever it fails.
  • new: ZoomState and ZoomImageView add setImageSource() method for setting ImageSource
  • new: 'remember*ZoomState()' series of functions add 'logLevel: Level' parameter



  • broken: Remove the logger parameter of the 'remember*ZoomState()' series of functions
  • new: Added support for mouse wheel scale function. #35
  • new: Added support for keyboard scale and drag functions. #42


  • broken: Add the suspend modifier to the *ToImageSource methods of the CoilModelToImageSource, GlideModelToImageSource, and PicassoDataToImageSource interfaces
  • broken: Remove the view parameter of SubsamplingEngine's constructor



  • change: *ModelToImageSource for CoilZomState and GlideZoomState changed to provided at create time
  • new: coil, glide, picasso series components now support 'android.resource: //' and 'android.resource://' types of models


  • fix: Fix the bug that the values returned by ZoomableEngine's contentSizeState property collect and value are inconsistent. #37
  • change: The ZoomImage series components disable two-finger dragging gestures to avoid triggering fling after rapid two-finger zooming, causing the image to drift. #28


  • upgrade: Upgrade sketch to version 4.0.0-alpha05


images of extreme sizes (one side is extremely large and the other is extremely small). #32

  • fix: Fix the bug that coil and glide series components do not support '/sdcard/sample.jpeg' type model. #34
  • fix: Fixed a bug that caused the Tile map to calculate abnormally and crash when encountering
  • fix: Fixed the bug where KotlinResourceImageSource on ios could not load images. #36
  • improve: Now non-Android platforms will directly ignore gif images when subsampling panpf Moments ago
  • improve: Now subsampling cannot be used as long as either side of the thumbnail exceeds the original image



  • fix: Fixed the bug that coil series components cannot be subsampling starting from version 1.1.0-alpha02. #31
  • improve: GlideModeToImageSource and PicassoDataToImageSource are now priority for user registration
  • improve: Improve BitmapRegionDecoderDecodeHelper. Input streams will now only be closed on destruction. #29
  • improve: Tiles loaded from memory now also animate when displayed


  • remove: Removed GestureType.NONE and ContinuousTransformType.NONE properties
  • change: The pausedContinuousTransformType property name of SubsamplingState is changed to pausedContinuousTransformTypes, and the pausedContinuousTransformTypeState property name of SubsamplingEngine is changed to pausedContinuousTransformTypesState
  • change: The disabledGestureType property name of ZoomableState is changed to disabledGestureTypes, and the disabledGestureTypeState property name of ZoomableEngine is changed to disabledGestureTypesState



  • fix: Fixed a bug that caused the failure of subsampling concurrency control to open ImageSource multiple times in a short period of time。 #29
  • change: Remove the suspend modifier of ImageSource's openSource() method. If you need to suspend, please use ImageSource.Factory.
  • improve: Relax the aspect ratio restrictions between thumbnails and original images. #22
  • improve: SketchImageSource, CoilImageSource, GlideHttpImageSource, PicassoHttpImageSource now support downloading images from the internet
  • new: Added ImageSource.Factory interface for creating ImageSource



To support js and iOS platforms, all remove and change tag changes are destructive


  • remove: Remove the disallowReuseBitmap parameter of the put() method of TileBitmapCache
  • change: Remove ignoreExifOrientation attribute
  • change: Remove disabledTileBitmapReuse and TileBitmapPool attributes
  • change: Non-Android platforms now use Skia to decode images
  • change: Use Jetbrains Lifecycle instead of StoppedController
  • change: ImageSource now uses okio's Source instead of InputStream
  • change: ImageSource.fromResource() on desktop platform changed to fromKotlinResource()
  • change: ImageSource.fromFile(File) is now a JVM platform-specific extension function
  • new: Added support for js, wasmJs, and iOS platforms
  • new: TileBitmap adds bitmapFrom attribute
  • new: GlideZoomAsyncImage, GlideZoomImageView, and PicassoZoomImageView support extended ImageSource


  • remove: Remove the showThreadName parameter of Logger
  • remove: Remove the module attribute of Logger
  • change: Logger.DEBUG change to Logger.Level.Debug
  • change: Now each component's log tag is separate
  • change: zoomimage-view-sketch and zoomimage-compose-sketch modules upgraded to sketch4, while adding zoomimage-view-sketch3 and zoomimage-compose-sketch3 modules to continue to support sketch3
  • change: zoomimage-view-coil and zoomimage-compose-coil modules are upgraded to coil3, and new The zoomimage-view-coil2 and zoomimage-compose-coil2 modules continue to support coil2
  • change: The name of the state: ZoomState parameter of ZoomImage, SketchZoomAsyncImage, CoilZoomAsyncImage, GlideZoomAsyncImage and other functions is changed to zoomState: ZoomState


  • fix: Fix the bug that ZoomImageView crashes due to the TypedArray.close() method in API 30 and below versions. #15
  • fix: Fix the bug that GlideZoomAsyncImage and GlideZoomImageView do not support 'file: ///android_asset/' and 'file:///sdcard/sample.jpeg' type model. #16
  • improve: Improved support for Picasso
  • improve: Improved ScalesCalculator.dynamic(), now when reading mode is available mediumScale is always the initial scaling multiplier of reading mode


  • fix: Fixed the bug that the image of ZoomImageView would jump when you do not release your hand after dragging with one finger and then press another finger to perform a two-finger zoom gesture. #12


Initial stable release



  • improve: Improved ZoomableState, ZoomableEngine, SubsamplingState and SubsamplingEngine, now they all start working when remembered or attached to a window


  • depend: Upgrade sketch 3.3.0 stable



  • change: ZoomableEngine's contentSizeState property now uses containerSizeState when it is empty


  • depend: Upgrade sketch 3.3.0-beta06
  • change: Rename zoomimage-compose-coil-base module to `zoomimage-compose-coil-core
  • improve: GlideZoomAsyncImage and GlideZoomImageView now support GlideUrl


  • fix: Fixed a bug where ZoomImage could not display scrollbars
  • fix: Fixed a bug where SketchZoomAsyncImage and CoilZoomAsyncImage would crash when they encountered a drawable without size
  • fix: Fixed the bug where placeholder would be accidentally shrunk when placeholder and result transitioned between SketchZoomAsyncImage and CoilZoomAsyncImage.
  • improve: composed migrated to Modifier.Node
  • depend: Upgrade Sketch 3.3.0-beta04


  • fix: Fixed a crash caused by BitmapFactory.Options.outMimeType being null when Android decodes unsupported image formats
  • change: zoomimage-core module minSdk changed from 21 to 16



  • fix: Fixed a bug that caused the zoomimage-compose-glide module to crash due to no configuration confusion.
  • change: Now only the zoomimage-core module generates BuildConfig
  • change: ZoomableEngine's scale(), rotate() and other methods add the suspend modifier
  • new: Added zoomimage-compose-coil-base and zoomimage-compose-sketch-core modules, which depend on the non-singleton modules of Coil and Sketch respectively.
  • depend: Upgrade Sketch 3.3.0-beta02



  • fix: Now the one-finger scale and long press callbacks will no longer be triggered at the same time.
  • fix: Fixed a bug where the View version's double-tap event, long-press event, and two-finger scale event would be triggered at the same time
  • fix: Fixed the bug that when the Compose version of the component is enlarged in the Pager and triggers the Pager's sliding at the edge position, sliding back will interrupt the Pager's sliding.
  • change: The one-finger zoom gesture has been changed to double-click and then drag up and down, and is now enabled by default
  • change: The x, y parameters of OnViewTapListener and OnViewLongPressListener are combined into one OffsetCompat
  • improve: Improve the calculateTiles() function, now the right and bottom of the last cell are always width-1 and height -1
  • improve: Improve gesture


  • fix: Fixed a bug with gaps between tiles on desktop platforms



  • fix: Fixed the issue where the image can be seen quickly moving from the top to the center in the initial View version.
  • fix: Fixed the issue where the image can be seen quickly moving from the top to the center in the initial Compose version.
  • fix: Fixed a bug where weird flashing image content would appear at the edge of the SketchZoomAsyncImage and CoilZoomAsyncImage components when they are quickly switched in Pager.
  • new: Added HeartbeatHapticFeedback, which will have a heartbeat-like effect when triggering single-finger zoom.


  • fix: Fixed a bug where the same tile would be loaded multiple times due to failure to cancel unfinished background tiles in time when double-clicking to enlarge.
  • fix: Fixed a bug where the View version of the subsampling tile did not set the display count correctly, causing the image at the corresponding position to appear black.
  • fix: Fixed a bug where the tiles read from the memory cache in the View version were accidentally discarded, causing the image at the corresponding position to be blurred.


  • change: rememberZoomImageLogger() function adds level and pipeline parameters



  • fix: Fixed a bug where the content did not change with the window due to a slight difference between the user and the initial value when the user operated and returned to the starting state and then adjusted the window size


  • remove: Remove the size property of TileBitmap
  • improve: Subsampling tiles are drawn on separate components
  • improve: Reduce the frequency of TileManager due to containerSize changes
  • new: The Desktop platform supports subsampling
  • new: The Desktop platform supports exif orientation



  • change: LongPressSlide rename to OneFingerScale
  • improve: Now keep the scale and visible center unchanged of content only when the container size changes
  • new: Support for disabling gestures
  • new: Added the Modifier.zoom() function to easily add zoom functionality to other components


  • change: Added stoppedController attribute instead of setLifecycle() method
  • change: Improved some API names


  • new: Support for Compose Multiplatform
  • change: The rememberZoomImageLogger function removes the level parameters



  • fix: Fixed a bug where the calculateUserOffsetBounds function could return the wrong bounds when zooming to a full screen, causing a crash
  • fix: Fixed a bug where GlideZoomAsyncImage would load bitmaps larger than the view, causing a crash
  • improve: Upgrade GlideImage 1.0.0-beta01
  • improve: NoClipImage rename to NoClipContentImage



fix: Fixed a bug where ZoomImage could not be scaled after switching in Pager new: Supports one finger scale function



  • fix: Fixed a bug where ZoomImageView sometimes did not animate when double-clicking to zoom
  • change: The external properties of ZoomableEngine are now wrapped in StateFlow and can be listened to directly
  • improve: Avoid triggering Pager's swipe at the smallest zoom factor and multi-finger touch


  • fix: Fixed a bug where subsampling could fail
  • fix: The tileGridSizeMap property now returns the correct size
  • fix: Fixed a bug where the calculateTileGridMap() function raised OutOfMemoryError when it encountered a particularly small tileMaxSize
  • change: The external properties of SubsamplingEngine are now wrapped in StateFlow and can be listened to directly
  • change: The ImageSource.openInputStream() method removes the suspend modifier
  • change: pauseWhenTransforming change to pausedContinuousTransformType
  • improve: Improved calculateImageLoadRect() calculations that now do not exceed imageSize
  • improve: Tile concurrent loads reduced from 4 to 2 to reduce memory footprint and improve UI performance
  • new: SubsamplingState and SubsamplingEngine add tileGridSizeMap properties
  • new: Subsampling now changes in sharpness continuously when switching sampleSize and no longer always transitions from the base image


  • fix: Fixed the bug that the level judgment error caused the log not to be printed
  • build: Upgrade compileSdk to 34, kotlinx-coroutines to 1.7.3, compose to 1.5.0



  • fix: Fixed a bug where ZoomImageView would significantly pan the image after lifting one finger when zooming with two fingers
  • fix: Fixed a bug where the rotate method was unusually when it encountered a negative rotation angle
  • fix: Fixed a bug where zoom animation time could crash when the animation time was 0
  • change: ScalesCalculator is now compatible with ReadMode
  • change: onViewTapListener and onViewLongPressListener replace registerOnViewTapListener and registerOnViewLongPressListener
  • change: ZoomImageView's zoomAbility property rename to zoomable, subsamplingAbility rename to subsampling
  • improve: Compatible with models MIX4, ROM version, Android version 13 environment when the navigation bar is enabled but the app does not actively adapt to the navigation bar, an issue that triggers a reset due to a change in View size after the screen is unlocked
  • improve: ZoomImageView now supports scaleType is MATRIX
  • new: ZoomImageView adds xml attribute support


  • change: The logger parameter for ZoomableState, SubsamplingState, ZoomableEngine, and SubsamplingEngine was changed to private



  • change: The location() methods of ZoomableState and ZoomAbility rename to locate()
  • new: ZoomImageView added OnResetListener


  • change: SubsamplingAbility's registerOnTileChangedListener(), unregisterOnTileChangedListener() methods renamed to registerOnTileChangeListener(), unregisterOnTileChangeListener()
  • change: Subsampling's paused property rename to stopped
  • new: Subsampling supports tile animation
  • new: Subsampling added the pauseWhenTransforming property


Initial release