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Josh Collyer br0kej
Algo Security Alchemist @ The Alan Turing Institute. PhD Researcher at Lboro Uni.

The Alan Turing Institute UK

Emanuele Iannone emaiannone
Postdoctoral Researcher @ TUHH (SoftSec), Germany. PhD in Computer Science @ UNISA, Italy

Hamburg University of Technology Hamburg, Germany

Eduard Pinconschi epicosy
PhD student in Informatics Engineering at FEUP. Software Security - Automatic Program Repair - Software Vulnerability Detection.


Noah Spahn noah-de
Research Software Engineer
Davide Fucci dfucci
Researcher in software engineering (software craftsmanship, requirements engineering, and more) at Blekinge Institute of Technology

SERT Sweden

Sofia Reis sofiaoreis
PhD Candidate. SEC/SWE/Program Analysis.