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Understanding ParseDevice


This documentation is intended for people who want to understand how ParseDevice works, and possibly are interested in extending it to cope with a new device type they have encountered in the stream of data sent from a solaredge system to the solaredge website. Readers are expected to have a reasonable working knowledge of Python, be comfortable with how Python classes and subclasses work, and be willing to read the code for a definitive understanding of what is happening. It aims to explain the motivation and broad structure of the ParseDevice class, rather than to document its API precisely. Or put another way, it is more like a tutorial or cookbook than a manual.

A very brief overview of ParseDevice.

ParseDevice is a subclass of a Python dictionary (dict) with a tailored __init__ method. Given a block of your data, captured from messages sent by a solaredge system, it extracts the seType from the header then uses a list of field definitions to parse the data block, and initialises itself with entries which map each field name to the corresponding field value found in the data block.

New devices (i.e new seType values) can be defined by creating a subclass of ParseDevice with an appropriate list of field definitions.

The ParseDict.__new__ method is smart, in that it consults the list of subclasses which is automatically maintained by Python, and delegates the parsing to an appropriate subclass if one exists. Effectively you only ever need to try to create a ParseDevice instance; new device definitions in subclasses are invoked without any further intervention necessary.

There is provision in ParseDict for subclasses to define a list of derived fields, if required, and to code more complex derivations (for example ones requiring bit shifting) via a hook method, codeDerivations.

Some devices (eg optimisers, batteries, and the 0x0022 seType, which I have called meters) send multiple messages for the same timepoint. Existing code in distinguishes such multiple messages by storing their parsed values in an appropriately named dictionary. For example, parsed messages (device attributes) from different optimisers are kept in a dictionary, optDict, indexed by the seId which identifies each optimiser.

ParseDict expands and generalises this concept, essentially by introducing a master dictionary (devsDict) of device dictionaries. For explanatory purposes, you could think of entries in devsDict being made via code in something like :

    devsDict["inverters"] = invDict
    devsDict["optimisers"] = optDict
    devsDict["events"] = eventDict

In practice, this is implemented slightly differently. The task of "wrapping" the parsed device attributes for a specific instance of a device into this nested dictionaries type of structure is delegated to ParseDict (or subclass), by means of a method called wrap_in_ids. It is most easily understood via the code itself - here is the default method from ParseDict itself :

    def wrap_in_ids(self):
        return {self._devType: {self._seId : self}}

Subclasses which require additional identifiers simply define a deeper set of nested dictionaries. For example (should you be lucky enough to need to distinguish attributes from more that one battery!), ParseDevice_0x0030, which parses battery messages, defines :

    def wrap_in_ids(self):
        return {self._devType: {self._seId: {self["batteryId"]: self}}}

All that then has to do is merge the "wrapped" dictionary of dictionaries into its master dictionary, devsDict :

    parsedDevice = ParseDevice(data[dataPtr - devHdrLen:dataPtr + devLen])
    # Add the new device attributes (wrapped in  dictionary of appropriate identifiers) to the dictionary of devices
    merge_update(devsDict, parsedDevice.wrap_in_ids())

merge_update is a utility function which recursively adds only the new parts of the nested dictionaries into devsDict - see later for details.

There is also an iterator generator function, unwrap_metricsDict, defined in, for when you need to "unwrap" device attributes, for example to send them to graphite, or to save in a csv file.

For more in depth explanations, and a few embellishments ("bells and whistles"), read on.

Background and introduction

The ParsedDevice class is defined in the module. It was written using Python 2.7 and would probably need a few minor changes to work under Python 3.x

It began as an attempt to write a parser for the messages sent from a solareedge inverter to the solaredge website in such a way that new devices could be relatively easily added to the set of devices that can be recognised and decoded.

The approach initially followed the proposal for table driven parsing of new devices, given in Issue #22 Table Driven Table driven data interpretation for new devices , and evolved from there.

In that proposal the syntax for describing the data fields/items embedded in a device message looks rather like a nested Python dictionary, or something that had been read in from a json file. A bit of thought led to the conclusion that nested lists, rather than nested dictionaries would be easier to work with, principally because the ordering of the fields is somewhat important :-) At its core, that is what ParseDevice uses, a nested list of definitions for the fields required to interpret a device.

After a bit more work, it became apparent that some functions were required to apply those definitions to a block of device data captured from solaredge website traffic. Rather than code these as free-standing functions, the ParseDevice class was born, and the functions became methods of the class.

New devices can be added to the set by subclassing ParseDevice, and supplying a list of item definitions in the subclass. The subclass by its very nature inherits all the methods of ParseDevice itself, avoiding the need to recode them.

The next addition to the way ParseDevice works was driven by the realisation that ideally the code in the parseDeviceData function in should not need to know the names of the subclasses of ParseDevice. So the __new__ method for ParseDevice was written as a sort of traffic director. When ParseDevice is given a block of data to parse, ParseDevice.__new__ extracts the seType from the header, and examines all its own subclasses. Subclasses nominate the seType they are designed to interpret, and if a match is found, the ParseDevice constructor actually returns an instance of the subclass, rather than an an instance of ParseDevice itself. ParseDevice also has two options (a minimal parse, and a maximal parse) for what to do if no subclass has yet been defined for a particular device (aka seType). Effectively, other code need only ever send a block of data to ParseDevice itself, which then determines dynamically how best that block can be parsed.

To date (May 2017) two subclasses have been defined:

  1. ParseDevice_0x0030, which interprets the data stream from a battery, and

  2. ParseDevice_0x0022, which interprets a data stream including import, export and consumption data. I have called this meters, for want of any better insight into exactly which subsystem of the solaredge inverter is responsible for sending these 0x0022 messages.

The final essential components of the ParseDevice suite emerged so that :

  • did not have to be updated every time a new device type was added, and
  • devices that had multiple messages for the same time point (e.g. optimisers, batteries, and "0x0022") could distinguish them.

To achieve these objectives, devsDict was born and wrap_in_ids, unwrap_metricDict and merge_update were developed.

During development a few other minor features were added, mostly to make the use of ParseDevice less effort. These are described later.

ParseDevice class in more detail

A ParseDevice is actually a dictionary

ParseDevice is itself a subclass of dict. Once created and initialised from a block of data, an instance of a ParseDevice is a Python dictionary, which maps item names (found from the list of definitions) to item values (extracted from the block of data sent to ParseDevice).

Aside re terminology : I tend to use item, field and device attribute to mean the same thing, fairly interchangeably, in this explanation and in the comments in the Python code itself.

The ParseDevice.__new__ method

The underlying purpose of the __new__ method was described in the introduction.

The key point to be aware of is that since the actual construction of a new instance may be delegated to a subclass, it is imperative that all subclasses have their own explicit __new__ method. Failure to do this results in a runtime recursion limit error!

The __new__ method for a subclass is not complicated - see for example ParseDevice_0x0030.__new__ :

    def __new__(cls, data, explorer=False):
        # Create a bare minimum instance of a dictionary.
        # Note that a more usual idiom would be
        # super(ParseDevice_0x0030, cls).__new__(cls), but this
        # would lead to the recursion  that we are trying to avoid!
        return super(ParseDevice, cls).__new__(cls)

Defining the type of data that can be parsed

There are three attributes of ParseDevice (and more importantly, of any subclass) that signal what type of data can be parsed.

For ParseDevice itself, these are essentially dummy placeholders :

    _dev = 0xffff # dummy value, I hope.  Should be overwritten in subclasses.
    _devName = 'Unknown_device'
    _devType = '{}_{:#06x}'.format(_devName, _dev)

For a subclass such as ParseDevice_0x0030 they are more meaningful :

    _dev =0x0030
    _devName = 'batteries'
    _devType = '{}_{:#06x}'.format(_devName, _dev)

_dev must match the seType that appears at the start of the data block that the subclass can parse.

_devName is an informative label used to make the seType more interpretable to humans, and

_devType is a combination of the two that is used as part of the complete, fully qualified "name" of any field, when, for example, it is saved in json format or sent to graphite.

Defining fields : ParseDevice._defn and ParseDevice.parseDevTable

ParseDevice._defn is the core component of the ParseDevice class. It is a list of definitions of fields.

ParseDevice itself does not define any fields, so _defn = [].

In general however, each field definition in _defn is itself a list, consisting of exactly 6 entries. The 6 entries are :

  1. paramLen - the length in bytes of the field.

  2. paramInFmt - the format to be used to unpack the field.

    Any format that struct.unpack recognises can be used. (Note that the correct paramLen must be given - this is not checked).

    The special value "hex" is also recognised, in which case the value of the field is simply the raw bytes themselves.

  3. paramName - the name of the field.

    Technically this could be anything that Python will accept as a dictionary key.

    But in practice it should be a string without any special characters or spaces, since otherwise problems occur when you send the values to graphite.

  4. outFormatFn - a function to convert the parsed value into a more useful output format.

    Two special entries are accepted by ParseDevice.

    • "dateTime" is parsed into 2 field entries, "Date" and "Time", both in human readable format, and in the local timezone.
    • ParseDevice.hexData is a (staticmethod) utility function, which converts raw bytes into a nicely formatted human readable string representation. It is mostly used in conjunction with the "hex" paramInFmt.

    None is also an acceptable value, in which case str is the implicit default output format function.

  5. out - True or False, to signal whether or not this field should be output to csv or graphite. (Not fully implemented yet).

  6. comment - an arbitrary string. While "" is acceptable, it is intended to contain a helpful description of the interpretation of the field.

To help make this clearer, here is an extract from ParseDevice_0x0030._defn :

    _defn = [
        # device specific fields
        #  [paramLen, paramInFmt, paramName, outFormatFn (can be None), out (to csv or graphite) True or False, comment]
        [4, 'L', "dateTime", "dateTime", False, "Seconds since the epoch"],
        [12, '12s', "batteryId", None, True, "Identifier for this battery"],
        [4, 'f', 'Vdc', None, True, "Volts"],
        [4, 'hex', 'HexConst_52', ParseDevice.hexData, False, "Unknown, constant value"],
        [2, 'H', 'BattChargingStatus', None, True, "3=>Charging, 4=>Discharging, 6=>Holding"],
        [4, 'L', 'EOut', None, True, "Wh, Energy out of battery during interval"],

The ParseDevice.parseDevTable method is responsible for parsing a block of data using the definitions in _defn and storing the results as name : value entries in the ParseDevice dictionary. It is called by ParseDevice.__init__.

Before beginning parsing, parseDevTable compares the total length of the field definitions to the length (devlen) of the data block. If the field definitions are :

  • longer --- it complains (raises an exception!).
  • shorter --- it adds one final field (defined as a hex string) to the end of the list of field definitions, to consume the remaining bytes.

Deriving new fields : ParseDevice._derivn

Sometimes more complex manipulations, such as bit shifting, might be required to fully decode some fields in a device data block.

After a bit of contemplation, I realised that trying to design a table driven syntax for such manipulations would, in effect, be rewriting the Python language in a table. Or so it seemed to me anyway.

So instead I included hooks in the code for ParseDevice that allow subclasses to undertake more complex manipulations by calling Python code. The hooks are :

  • _derivn,
  • setDerivationDefaults, and
  • codeDerivations

_derivn is (essentially) a cut down version of _defn. It is a list of (partial) definitions for new fields that are to be calculated and added to the ParseDevice dictionary, once all the data block fields have been read and parsed. To be precise each definition of a derived field is a list with 4 elements, namely :

  1. paramName - as per _defn
  2. paramDefault - an initial default value for the field, typically 0, 0.0, "" or float("nan")
  3. out (to csv) True or False - as per _defn
  4. comment - as per _defn
    _derivn = [
        # [paramName, paramDefault, out (to csv) True or False, comment]

The setDerivationDefaults method is provided in ParseDevice, and simply populates the ParseDevice (sub)class dictionary with the default paramName : paramDefault entries.

The codeDerivations method for ParseDevice itself is merely an empty stub (pass). The stub should be overrriden by any subclass that requires more complex manipulations. It is responsible for :

  • accessing values that have been extracted from the device data block (they can be accessed as self["inputParamName"]),
  • performing whatever manipulations are necessary to calculate the derived_value for a "derivedParamName", and then
  • replacing paramDefault value with the derived_value ( via self["derivedParamName"] = derived_value).

At the moment, the codeDerivations methods for subclasses ParseDevice_0x0022 and ParseDevice_0x0030 are also empty stubs.

Simple example of a derivation

However earlier iterations of ParseDevice_0x0022 did utilise the _derivn, and codeDerivations approach successfully, so it has been (somewhat) tested. As an example of the approach, here is an extract of the relevant code from an earlier (since deleted) version of ParseDevice_0x0022

    _defn = [
        # device specific fields
        #  [paramLen, paramInFmt, paramName, outFormatFn (can be None), out (to csv or graphite) True or False, comment]
        [4, 'L', "dateTime", "dateTime", False, "Seconds since epoch"],
        [1, 'b', "recType", None, True, "record Type, determines the interpretation of later fields" +sp+ "5=Lifetime, 3=Importing?, 7=Battery?, 8=?, 9=2Load?"],
        [1, 'b', "intervalData", None, True, "1=only interval data has been reported, 0=lifetime data reported as well"],

        [4, 'L', 'TotalE2Grid', None, True, "Wh, Lifetime Energy exported to grid (*provided* lifetime flag is set)" +
        [4, 'L', 'E2X', None, True, "Wh, Energy to X during the interval"],
        [4, 'L', 'EfromX', None, True, "Wh, Energy in from X during interval ?"],
        [4, 'f', 'P2X', None, True, "W, Power output to X"],
        [4, 'f', 'PfromX', None, True, "W, Power input from X?"],

    _derivn = [
        # [paramName, paramDefault, out (to csv) True or False, comment]

        # recType=5 and (only) intervalData=0 (False) is Grid export / import
        ["0_5_TotalE2Grid", "nan", True, "Wh, Total lifetime export to grid" + sp + "matches SE LCD panel value"],
        ["0_5_E2X", "nan", True, "Wh, Energy exported to grid during interval" + sp + "whenever TotalE2Grid is static, E2X=0"],
        ["0_5_EfromX", "nan", True, "Wh, Energy imported from grid during interval" + sp + "whenever TotalEfromGrid is static, EfromX=0"],
        ["0_5_P2X", "nan", True, "W, Power to grid (at end of?) interval" + sp + "whenever TotalE2Grid is static, P2X=0"],
        ["0_5_PfromX", "nan", True, "W, Power from grid (at end of?) interval" + sp + "whenever TotalEfromGrid is static, PfromX=0"],

    def codeDerivations(self):
        names = ["TotalE2Grid", ..., "E2X", "EfromX", "P2X", "PfromX"]
        for name in names:
            rt = self["recType"]
            idt = self["intervalData"]
            self["{}_{}_{}".format(idt, rt, name)] = self[name]

In this example the derivation consisted of copying the raw value, read from the data block, into a new field with a similar name, but prefixed by the value of two other fields (intervalData and recType) - so if for example self["intervalData"] == 0 and self["recType"] == 5, then the value of self["0_5_PfromX"] was changed from the default("nan") to whatever value was provided for self["PfromX] in the device data block.

ParseDevice.__init__ and the explore argument

The ParseDevice.__init__ method, inherited by all subclasses, is quite simple :

    def __init__(self, data, explorer=False):

Notice that the full signature of the method includes two arguments :

  • data is the message data to be decoded, and
  • the explorer argument is a flag to instruct ParseDevice what to do when it encounters an seType which has no subclass ready to parse it.

When explorer is :

  • False, that instructs ParseDevice to do a minimal parse - the complete block, less the standard header, is returned as a prettily formatted hexadecimal string representation. This should be the production setting.
  • True, the parsing is delegated to a special subclass (ParseDevice_Explorer), which parses every pair and quadruple of bytes in multiple ways. Most resultant "fields" will be invalid, or contain nonsense values, but this can be a useful exploratory step when trying to decipher a new device / seType.

Subclasses do not use the explorer argument, since it only makes sense for the ParseDevice.__new__ method (but it causes potential signature incompatibility problems if it does not exist, so include it anyway if you do code an explicit __init__ for a subclass instead of just inheriting ParseDevice.__init__).

To find out about the checkHypotheses method, see later, under "bells and whistles".


The purpose of this method was described earlier, in the brief overview section towards the top of this document.

It wraps the ParseDevice (or subclass) dictionary inside a nested dictionary structure, so that different device types (inverters, batteries, optimisers etc.), and different instances of specific devices (optimiser1, optimiser2 etc) can be distinguished.

The highest level wrapping should always be self._devType, but after that, subclasses can provide whatever additional wrappings they need to uniquely identify the specific device (inverter, battery, optimiser, etc).


merge_update is a utility function added to to recursively add only the "new" parts of the nested dictionaries into devsDict.

In plain words, it exists to avoid a problem that would occur if you simply used devsDict.update(parsedDevice.wrap_in_ids()), namely that later batteries (or optimisers, etc) would overwrite earlier ones.

To illustrate, consider the following example :

import pprint as pp

from seDataDevices import merge_update
print "\nA demonstration of what merge_update does\n"

wrappedDict1 = {"device1" : {"seId1" : {"otherId1" : {"Date" : "a date", "Fred" : "fred1"}}}}
wrappedDict2 = {"device1" : {"seId2" : {"otherId2" : {"Date" : "a date", "Fred" : "fred2"}}}}

print "Here are wrappedDict1, and wrappedDict2"

print "\nUpdating devsDict the naive way, using dict.update, overwrites seId1 with seId2"

devsDict = {}


print "\nUpdating devsDict using merge_update retains both seId1 and seId2"

devsDict = {}
merge_update(devsDict, wrappedDict1)
merge_update(devsDict, wrappedDict2)


which produces the following output :

A demonstration of what merge_update does

Here are wrappedDict1, and wrappedDict2
{'device1': {'seId1': {'otherId1': {'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred1'}}}}
{'device1': {'seId2': {'otherId2': {'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred2'}}}}

Updating devsDict the naive way, using dict.update, overwrites seId1 with seId2
{'device1': {'seId2': {'otherId2': {'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred2'}}}}

Updating devsDict using merge_update retains both seId1 and seId2
{'device1': {'seId1': {'otherId1': {'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred1'}},
             'seId2': {'otherId2': {'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred2'}}}}

Unwrapping a nested dictionary, the unwrap_metricsDict iterator

unwrap_metricsDict is an iterator generator function, defined in, for when you need to "unwrap" device attributes, for example to send them to graphite, or to save in a csv file.

It can be thought of as an inverse (of sorts) to the ParseDevice.wrap_in_ids method.

It will work equally well on a dictionary produced by json.loads (where the source json was created from a parsed device dictionary).

It unwraps recursively, so that the depth of nesting is essentially arbitrary, and indeed can vary from one device type to another.

To illustrate what unwrap_metricsDict does, consider the following example, which continues on from the merge_update example above:

from seDataDevices import unwrap_metricsDict
print "\nA demonstration of what unwrap_metricsDict does"

i = 0
for baseName, devAttrs in unwrap_metricsDict(devsDict):
    i += 1
    print "\nbaseName {} is ".format(i), baseName, "\nand devAttrs are "

It produces the following output :

A demonstration of what unwrap_metricsDict does

baseName 1 is  device1.seId1.otherId1
and devAttrs are
{'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred1'}

baseName 2 is  device1.seId2.otherId2
and devAttrs are
{'Date': 'a date', 'Fred': 'fred2'}

An implementation detail is that "Date" must be one of the field names (i.e. a dictionary keys) in the deepest level of the nested dictionaries, because that is how the algorithm knows it has reached the lowest level of the nested dictionaries.

Bells and whistles (useful but non-essential parts of ParseDevice)

_hypotheses and ParseDevice.checkHypotheses

During the process of deciphering new devices, I often came across values that appeared to be constant. To be able to confirm (or deny) that they were constant during extended runs of semonitor, I added the concept of hypotheses to ParseDevice.

_hypotheses is a list of strings which contain valid Python expressions, which evaluate to True or False. The checkHypotheses method, invoked as the last step in the __init__ method, simply evaluates these expressions, and logs any situation where they evaluate to False. An example (taken from ParseDevice_0x0022) may make this clearer :

    _hypotheses = [
        "self['AlwaysZero_off10_int2'] == 0",
        "self['AlwaysZero_off18_int2'] == 0",
        "self['AlwaysZero_off26_int2'] == 0",
        "self['AlwaysZero_off34_int2'] == 0",

Documenting device fields - the ParseDevice.itemDefs method.

Initially, explanations and comments about fields that had been deciphered were kept (rather haphazardly) as Python comments in the code for subclasses of ParseDevice. After a few iterations, I decided to make the field definitions (entries in ParseDevice._defn) self documenting by incorporating an explicit comment in each definition.

The itemDefs method returns a prettily formatted report on all the the item definitions parsed by ParseDevice, and its subclasses.

It can be used quite simply :

from seDataDevices import ParseDevice
print ParseDevice.itemDefs()

This is a small extract of the resultant output :

ParseDevice_0x0030 / batteries_0x0030 parses data blocks with seType = 0x0030.
Items are:
Byte (Length)   Word   | Item Name
                        : Meaning

____ (______)   ______ | _________________________
                        : ________________________________________

0    (  4   )   0.0    | dateTime
                        : Seconds since the epoch

4    (  12  )   1.0    | batteryId
                        : Identifier for this battery

16   (  4   )   4.0    | Vdc
                        : Volts

20   (  4   )   5.0    | Idc
                        : Amps

24   (  4   )   6.0    | BattCapacityNom
                        : Wh, Nameplate Energy Capacity

28   (  4   )   7.0    | BattCapacityActual
                        : Wh, Actual Battery Capacity now

32   (  4   )   8.0    | BattCharge
                        : Wh, Energy Stored now

Of course, it can also be used for a specific subclass as well.

Other ParseDevice methods

ParseDevice "acquired" a few other methods, mostly for convenience. By and large they were utility functions, which I copied from elsewhere in the semonitor project, and converted to methods, to avoid complications (such as circular references) when I tried to import them from the original modules. See the code for further details.

Subclasses of ParseDevice

To date (May 2017) two subclasses of ParseDevice have been written for specific device types (for seTypes 0x0030, and 0x0022), as well as one special subclass that can do a maximal parse of any device type.

ParseDevice_0x0030 - batteries

seType 0x0030 relays information about the status of a battery. Use print ParseDevice_0x0030.itemDefs() to obtain uptodate documentation about the fields and their interpretation.

The field interpretations were deciphered by comparing values produced by (early versions of) ParseDevice_0x0030 with information from the LCD display on a solaredge inverter.

To be precise, it is a SE6000 inverter, with a Tesla Powerwall 1 battery attached. Possibly other solaredge inverter / battery hardware or software version combinations may require further work - but since I have only this one system to work on, I can't do that :-)

ParseDevice_0x0022 - import, export and consumption data

seType 0x0022 relays an assortment of summary information about the status of a solaredge system. Amongst the fields are ones which report current interval import, export and consumption data.

For want of a better name, I have called an 0x0022 message a "meters" message.

Use print ParseDevice_0x0022.itemDefs() to obtain uptodate documentation about the fields and their interpretation.

The trickiest part of deciphering the 0x0022 data block was discovering that early in the data block, there is a record type field. The interpretation of subsequent fields changes, depending upon the value of the record type. Full details are available in the itemDefs() report.

Field interpretations were deciphered by comparing values against information that can be downloaded in csv format from the solaredge website. Using graphite to look at the behaviour of field values over the course of a day or two was a quick way of figuring out what type of solareedge website data to compare against.

For some fields (eg energy into the battery - E2X when recType = 7) it was also possible to check against information from another seType. There are occasionally very slight value differences (eg 1 or 2 Wh), or timing differences (eg PV production beginning one time slot earlier or later) when exact numerical comparisons are made this way, but nothing that is perceptible at the level of a graphite graph, so I am reasonably comfortable that the interpretations are correct.

There do remain a couple of fields which contain data with apparently significant values that I have been unable to decipher so far. In addition there are a number of constant "flag" values whose meaning and use is as yet unknown.

ParseDevice_Explorer - parse almost anything, lots of ways

As explained earlier, ParseDevice_Explorer is a special subclass, which can parse almost any device type. It simply works through the data block, 2 bytes at a time, trying multiple parsings for each pair and quadruple of bytes. Most "fields" will be invalid, or contain values which are obviously nonsense, but it can be a useful first step towards developing a tailored subclass parser for a new seType.

The almost in "almost any device" arises because ParseDevice.__new__ (and hence all subclasses derived from it, including ParseDevice_Explorer) assumes that all device types include a standard header which can be decoded as follows

(seType, seId, devLen) = struct.unpack("<HLH", data[0:devHdrLen])

There may be a few rare device messages with a different header (I believe I have read that 0x0018 may be one), in which case ParseDevice_Explorer will most likely fail (for example, it will probably not know the correct length, devlen, for the data block!).

If the correct header is known, this could be corrected by appropriate amendments in the subclass's own __new__ method.

An approach to deciphering the fields for a new device

This is my recipe for deciphering a new device type using ParseDevice. I will describe it sequentially, but in real life it is iterative, and involves trial and (usually quite a lot of) error.

  1. Capture a day or two's worth of traffic into a pcap file using tcpdump.
  2. Process the pcap file using, with ParseDevice(data, explorer=True), and save the json output.
  3. Convert the json output to csv, and (beginning from the start of the data block) eliminate parsings which are invalid, or contain values which are clearly nonsense.
  4. Draft a new subclass, specific to the seType with a list of field definitions which use a plausible struct.unpack format. Use the special format "hex" if necessary to (temporarily) jump over sections of the data block which make little sense. At a minimum you must supply:
    • _dev (the seType to be parsed)
    • _devName (an informative name)
    • _devType (I recommend _devType = '{}_{:#06x}'.format(_devName, _dev) and
    • _defn (the list of field definitions)
  5. Run over the pcap file again (you may as well set ParseDevice(data, explorer=False) once a draft subclass exists), save the json output, convert to csv, and start to look for values which are recognisable. Obvious hints include:
    • Interval Power values tend to be larger than Energy ones!
    • Total lifetime values are even larger!
  6. Try sending the information to graphite, and look at the behaviour over time. Obvious hints include :
    • PV production only happens during the day
    • Consumption happens day and night.
    • Batteries charge (usually in the morning) before they discharge (usually in the evening, or when it becomes cloudy)
    • System production is less than PV production when a battery is charging, and greater than PV production when the battery is discharging.
    • Import starts when system production falls below consumption, export is the reverse
    • ...
  7. Update the subclass definition (make sure to update the comment part of the field definitions to record deductions, evidence, conjectures etc as you proceed), and repeat steps 5 and 6.
  8. Try, try and try again.
  9. When you feel you are getting close, try running tcpdump | | tee "ajsonfile" | se2graphite (with appropriate runtime parameters) for a few days, to validate the interpretations.

The early steps (2. and 3.) could be replaced or supplemented by using Wireshark to explore the pcap file as well.

Good luck!